An awkward moment
Once they got out to the crowded streets of Knowhere,the stench of the air hit Ruby as she walked around,holding hands with her sister Amber. She had her headphones on,listening to "Senorita" by Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes,which she got from the future with her powers. Eventually,they were told they had to wait for the Collector,as told by his assistant Carina. "There is no respectable establishment! What are we supposed to do?" Drax said. Great question Drax. And then everyone except Quill and Gamora were at a bar,and Drax and Rocket were already severely drunk. "My orloni has won! Now let's put more of this liquid into our bodies!" Drax announced,drinking even more. "That's the first thing you said that wasn't bat-shit crazy!"Rocket replied,also drinking,if not more than Drax. Ruby and Amber were not drinking anything,feeling awkward. After a few seconds,Amber nudged Ruby,which caused Ruby to pause her music as Amber said,"I'm going to the market here to look for some valueable items." Ruby nodded,deciding to go and get fresh least the freshest in this stinky-ass dump.
Ruby continued listening to her music when she paused to stare at rhe stars in the sky,she started to miss her home as the memories of her past flooded her mind. She continued to observe in silence until a familiar voice piped up.
"Rubes,what ya doin out here?"
Ruby turned to see Rocket,"Rocket,you almost scared me half to death."She said,moving back. So much for alone time. "You know,you are very pretty."Rocket slurred. Due to her sense of enhanced hearing and sense of smell,she could smell alcohol. Yup,he was definitely drunk. "Rocket,you are drunk,this is all false." Ruby replied.
"No,its not false,its a fact." Rocket slurred as he started to lean into Ruby's face as they were inches away from kissing. Ruby tried to back away,but almost fell off teh platform she was standing on. She could have landed due to her training but Rocket caught her and she said,"You didn't have to do that. I can manage myself." However,no reply came. Instead,he pressed his lips against Ruby's as they kissed. She returned it,but it felt a little awkward. Eventually,they parted,as Rocket goes back to the bar while Ruby stands there,thinking about what happened,as she watched Quill flirting with Gamora from above.
Does this kiss mean anything? Does that mean Rocket loved me? No,it can't be,after all drunk words are sober thoughts,right? Ruby thought.
Before she could think about anything else,she heard a loud noise coming from the bar as she rushed to find out what happened. She found Quill standing in between Rocket and Drax,as Gamora helf back Drax,and Rocket was holding a gun.
"This vermin speaks of affairs he knows nothing about!" Drax yelled.
"That is true!" Rocket yelled back.
"He has no respect!"
"That us also true!"
When Quill told Rocket to put down the gun,Rocket yelled,"Keep calling me vermin,tough guy!You just wanna laugh at me like everyone else!"
Quill replied,"Rocket,you're drunk,no one is laughing at you."
"He thinks I'm some stupid thing! He does! Well, I didn't ask to get made! I didn't ask to be torn apart, and put back together, over and over and turned into some...some little monster!"Rocket yelled,his voice starting to crack. Ruby's heart broke. She knew the torture High Evouloutionary put him through,as well as her,her sister,and their friends,was cruel,but she never knew Rocket saw himself this way.
"Rocket,no one is calling you a monster."Quill continued.
"He called me vermin! She called me rodent!,pinting to Gamora. Let's see if you can laugh after five or six good shots to your frickin' face!"Rocket yelled while aiming the gun at Gamora and Drax.
"No, no, no, no! Four billion units! Rocket! Come on, man. Hey! Suck it up for one more lousy night and you're rich."Quill said. Thankfully,it worked.
"Fine. But I can't promise when all this is over I'm not gonna kill every last one of you jerks."Rocket muttered. Did that include me or..Ruby thought. Then,Quill said,
"See? That's exactly why none of you have any friends! Five seconds after you meet somebody, you're already trying to kill them!" Wait,i don't have friends? Does this mean,Rocket's not my friend? Ruby thought as she flinched at Quill's words.They were finally asked to go visit the collector.
Drax stomped off. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. Ruby thought.
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