In the Ravagers' ship, the Ravagers were throwing off the people who were still loyal to Yondu.
The others rejoiced while those loyal to Yondu were in excruciating pain.
Yondu could only sit and watch in shame with his body tied up with a rope to a chair.
As Taserface declared the new era of Ravagers, he heard a hearty laugh coming from none other than Rocket himself.
"Wait, your name, its Taserface?"
When Taserface confirmed that his name was Taserface, Rocket asked whether he shot tasers from his face.
"It's metaphorical!" Taserface declared as more cheering can be heard from the Ravagers.
"I'm so sorry, i can just imagine you sir, waking up in the morning, looking at the mirror and be like 'You know what would be a really kick-ass name? Taserface!"Rocket finished,deepening his voice to imitate Taserface,finishing off his mocking with a hearty laugh that got a laugh out if the Ravagers.
"New plan! We're killing you first!" Taserface bellowed in rage, holding Rocket at knifepoint.
"Well, dying is certainly better than having to live an entire live as a moronic shipbag who thinks Taserface is a cool name." Rocket retorted with enough sass and mockery. (Author:U go Rocket!)
( Ruby:Author ur not) (supposed to be here. )
(Author:Hush u! Go back inside) (the story!)
(Ruby:ok fine 😒)
As Taserface was about to kill Rocket, Nebula stepped in and said that that was enough killing for one day. Taserface responded by saying that he thought she was the biggest sadist in the galaxy.
(Author:Nah, the High Evoloutionary is the biggest sadist
Ruby:Even tho u shouldn't be wasting time here, your right
Author:Yesh i know, now back to story)
Nebula claimed that she was the biggest sadist when her "dad" was paying her bills, saying that the
Priestess wants to kill Rocket herself and that Yondu has bounties on his head in at least 12 kree provinces.
Aside from that,she also claimed that she wanted 10% of the take and a couple more things.
Author:I finally did it
Rocket:Took u long enough 😒
Author:Oh god...
Ruby:Why did u take so long tho? Just curious.
Author:I lack the motivation.
Amber:Than why continue doing it?
Author:Becuz i wanna write the exciting stories in the later books.
Ruby:K :3
Author:Oh and spoiler alert, there's a twist at the end that separates this story from other confession stories. Some may not like it. ;l
Amber:Yea, Ruby r-
Author:Shush, don't spoil it!
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