Setting out
This update was suppose to be out this morning but I was rushed on time and I didn't want it to end up like last update so I just waited until I got home from school. Also I couldn't think of 'good' name for this chapter so I settled for that one. If you have any ideas let me know. Anyway, I hope you enjoy today's update and I'll see you at the end!
"We should just leave."
It was currently the middle of the night, but only Roman and Patton were sleeping.
"Or~ we could knock them out then throw them in the river."
Nobody bothered to give Remus a second glance as they continued brainstorming on ways to get rid of the two others.
"Perhaps we should just let them come with us."
Logan shook his head at Virgil's suggestion.
"No the King was very clear that Roman was not to find out."
"Then we won't tell him"
Logan inhaled deeply thinking on how to make that work.
"It could work..."
Janus said from where he leaned against a tree.
"And if he starts to suspect anything I'll use my hypnosis."
Logan nodded his head, that could work. Though he was hoping they wouldn't have to hypnotize Roman.
"Hypnosis?" Virgil questioned.
Remus looked up to where Virgil sat perched on a branch in the tree Janus leaned on.
"Basically he can make people do whatever he wants them to"
Virgil ohed. That sounded really cool to Virgil, did they have anything like that in Nefeli?
"I still think we should just leave them."
They all shook their heads at Remus.
"We might go without them for a little but they know where we're going."
Remus huffed in annoyance. How had Roman even gotten the map? And why'd Logan have to draw out the route in red!? Remus was extremely aggravated about the whole map thing if you couldn't tell.
"What about me? Roman's most definitely going to talk to his father about all this."
Logan nodded his head in agreement. They were going to get in a lot of trouble if the King found out that Roman knew. Even though he didn't know the truth he still knew they were going out under the King's orders.
"We'll just have to get there before him"
The remainder of that night they stayed up planning what to do. By the time the sun was rising they had everything planned out and everyone in agreement.
Having stayed up all night Janus skipped breakfast in favor of sleeping. As the rest of the group ate Roman brought up something rather important.
"You only have two horses, where are the others?"
Logan's eyes widened as he remembered there dilemma from yesterday. Not only had they lost a horse but they had no horse for Virgil, how were they going to explain the last one!? Suddenly Virgil came around the corner, two horses on leads. Virgil looked right at Logan then winked. Logan was too relieved to really care where he had gotten the extra horse, he'd ask later.
"Ah, there they are. For a moment I thought you didn't have the other two horses!"
Roman laughed at his foolish idea. Logan also joined in laughing the best he could, which wasn't the best. Virgil raised an eyebrow at the two's laughter. Logan shrugged his shoulders, not sure how else he was supposed to respond.
As they rode Roman couldn't help but notice Virgil's discomfort. Virgil kept shifting and grimacing at nothing. Virgil had never ridden a horse before and he didn't like it at all. It was so uncomfortable! Janus also noticed Virgil's discomfort. Janus couldn't help but smile. Now Virgil knows how it feels, Janus though triumphantly. Janus rode closer to Virgil before speaking.
"Is your little bottom sore?"
Virgil didn't even look at Janus as he spoke, shifting uncomfortable.
"Yes, It's not as fat as yours"
(If you know what that's from, I love you)
Janus's mouth fell agape as Roman burst out laughing. Patton was giggling and Logan was trying to hide his smile. Virgil's face was contorted in discomfort, I don't think he really realized what he had just said.
"Excuse me?"
Virgil turned to Janus, his head tilted to the side. Virgil inhaled making a soft oh sound as he straightened up.
"That was mean wasn't it"
Janus nodded his head while Remus shook his head.
"Don't listen to him, that was funny!"
Virgil's eyebrows knitted together as he looked away thoughtfully. Virgil looked to Logan.
"You said I wasn't supposed to listen to Remus but Remus is telling me not to listen to Janus."
Even though there was no spoken question Logan knew what Virgil was talking about.
"We don't listen to Remus when he gives us crazy ideas."
Virgil nodded his head slowly.
"But the rest of the time we listen to Remus?"
Logan opened his mouth, but closed it.
"We'll work on it."
Virgil still looked confused. He was about to speak, but Janus spoke over it.
"He'll explain later."
Virgil looked at Janus then nodded his head, before going back to his shifting. Roman slowed down so he could ride next to Logan. Once he was next to Logan he began to speak in a whisper.
"He seems a little dense."
Logan didn't bother looking at Roman as he spoke.
"He's been isolated from other people for so long he lacks the basic communication skills we possess."
Roman nodded his head as he looked forward. If he's been so detached from society how did his father find him? Roman looked over to Virgil to find him talking with Patton. It seemed Patton was giving Virgil tips on how to ride the horse properly. Roman had noticed a few things Virgil had been doing wrong but hadn't bothered to help him out.
"Where'd he grow up?" Roman asked absentmindedly.
"Near the outskirts of Terrasen is a small village of Brexton, that's where he grew up."
Roman nodded his head as he made a mental note to look into 'Brexton' once he was home. Speaking of home, had they discovered he's gone yet? Roman wondered what would await him once he got home. It was clear his father hadn't wanted him to know about this mission. Perhaps his father would be impressed with Roman for figuring it all out.
Nefile was finally coming into view. It looked dark and sinister in the faint glow of the setting sun. Though Roman thought it probably looked dark and sinister all day long.
"We should rest here, and in the morning we'll go in."
Everyone nodded in agreement at Logan's proposal. After they settled down Roman couldn't help but think if this would actually work. I mean it isn't like Janus possessed any real magic, well that's what Roman thought, everything magical about him came from a curse. Roman wasn't exactly sure what this curse was but he knew it was a curse. After all Janus hadn't always looked the way he did know.
It was truly unfortunate Janus's curse. Because of his curse he was forced out the main capital of Terrasen. He now lived right outside the capital by one of the only rivers in Terrasens land. It really was tragic. Janus was living proof of the harsh way of magic users, or so Roman thought.
1157 words not including these
I have multiple things to say so I'm going to list them out in like a checklist.
1. The word count is not completely accurate but is around that number
2. I don't proof read so there are probably lots of mistakes
3. Yesterday I didn't have enough time to finish the update on my chromebook at home so I typed the ending on my phone. I was really weird and I barley finished before school started. This is why last update came out a little weird originally, I went back and fixed it.
4. I wasn't able to finish the update at home, but I didn't want to go through all the stress that I went through last time. So I finished this update when I got home. That is why this update was out later.
5. I think I'm going to keep posting in the afternoon instead of the morning just because it's a lot easier for me.
I hope you have a wonderful day, afternoon, night and until next time you beautiful beans!
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