*Mischievous smirk* 😈
I'm so excited about this chapter! After this point I have some things planned and I'm really really excited! I hope you enjoy today's update and I'll see you at the end!
Roman was brimming with excitement as the lower town came into view. Both Logan and Virgil noticed this and shared a look as Roman sped up. Logan and Virgil stayed at there original pace and rode side by side, conversation soon coming up.
"I didn't think Princey would be this excited to come back." Virgil stated, clearly amused by Romans eagerness.
Logan nodded his head, "I agree, though it is starting to make more sense."
Virgil smirked as he turned to Logan, trusting his horse not to run into anything.
"You noticed it too?"
Logan nodded his head, Virgil looking away afterwards.
"It's hard to believe I've been blind to it this whole time." Logan stated, confining his feelings to Virgil.
Over the time Logan had gotten to know Virgil he had found that he was a very reliable person. Logan knew he could trust Virgil with these feelings he usually kept to himself. Virgil would listen and give Logan advice that he himself would never have thought of. It was kind of strange for an emotionally stunted person to confide in someone who doesn't understand most human emotion. But, as long everything worked out Logan could care less about the strangeness of it.
"Well, don't beat yourself up too hard, I didn't think you would ever figure it out so kudos to you."
Logan looked to Virgil, the smallest of smiles on his face.
"Was that supposed to be a complement or an insult?"
Virgil turned back to Logan, a smirk on his face.
"It's whatever you want it to be," He then winked at Logan before looking back at the road.
A light blush covered Logan's cheeks but didn't stay for long. A small chuckle made its way out of Logan's mouth. "You've been spending too much time with Remsu," Logan mused.
Virgil let out a chuckle as he nodded his head, "I suppose I have."
Virgil turned to face Logan. There eyes locked together and for a moment it was like the world around them had slowed to a stop. In that moment it was like they were the only two in the world. Logan suddenly realised just how beautiful Virgil was. How his unruly hair seemed to frame his hair perfectly. How his dark brown eyes were so dark and mysterious that you could get lost trying to find what was hidden in them.
A dark blush spread across Logan's face and he quickly looked away, his heart pounding. Virgil tilted his head in curiosity and concern, but before he could say anything his horse came to an abrupt stop. Virgil almost went tumbling over the head of his horse into the line of crossing children. Virgil straightened himself out and heard a few giggles as children stared at him. Virgil looked away from the children, embarrassed, and only looked back up when the children were gone.
By now the moment with Logan was forgotten to Virgil as he rode towards the citadel. As Virgil thought of other things Logan's mind was stuck on the moment he and Virgil had just shared. It had been so intimate, and it scared Logan. Intense emotions always scared Logan. They scared him because he didn't know how to react to them. So he pushed those feelings down, but recently with Virgil around he was able to get those feelings out. Should he tell Virgil about this feeling?
Logan decided to think about it later and focus on catching up with Roman. Virgil and Logan rode in silence the rest of the way, but neither one minded. When they reached the citadel they found that Roman had already gone in, not waiting for them. Neither Logan or Virgil really expected Roman to have waited for them so they weren't all that surprised. They quickly unmounted there mares and handed them off to the servants before rushing to the physician chambers where Roman was bound to be.
Virgil and Logan were traveling up the winding staircase that led to the physician chambers in no time. Just as they reached there destination the door flew open, nearly hitting Virgil. They watched as Roman stormed away, his face covered in shadows. Virgil could have swore he saw a tear but pushed it off as the lighting.
Virgil and Logan cautiously enter, ready to ask what had happened. Then they saw it. The single body that lay lifeless on the patient cot. There lay Patton. His eyes closed and his skin pasty white and dry. He looked so peaceful that it was disturbing. Virgil had seen lots of corpses where he was from but none of them made his heart hurt as much as seeing this one. He actually knew this person, he had saved this person, or, at least he thought he had.
Logan looked about ready to collapse and it was understandable as to why. Logan had known Patton for a very long time, longer than Roman. Patton at one point had been Logan's whole world and had still been a big chunk of it, but now he was gone. He was taken by an illness he thought he cured, Patton shouldn't have died. They knew how long they had until Patton croaked and that time had yet to pass. Patton should still be alive, but he wasn't...
All other victims had been cured almost immediately and Patton had for a while, but then he got sick again. There was no fog that night, only clear skies and bright stars, no sign of mystical illness. It was a strange phenomenon that no one was happy about, who would be?
Virgil had examined the body over and over again, but found nothing that he could see at first glance. If he wanted to know more he'd have to wait, and waiting wasn't something Virgil was feeling up to, but did anyway. That night Virgil stayed with Logan, cradling him in his arms as Logan was trapped in his thoughts. Was it really a phenomenon or did they do something wrong? Could they have prevented this? Thoughts along the lines of that filled Logan and Romans thoughts through Roman was feeling a little more vengeful.
Roman was almost positive that a force outside of the fog had killed Patton, something else had played a role in Patton's death. If only he knew who or what it was. He was sure it was another sorcerer but he knew nothing of any sorcerer in the land so there was really nothing to go off of. He knew he couldn't bring this up with his father, he wasn't supposed to be friends with Patton. So Roman was determined to figure things out for himself, he was going to find Patton's killer.
So Roman layed in bed that night and thought until sleep took over. He thought about where he would start. Where he should start looking for Pattons murder.
But was he really murdered? Or had the fog worked faster than normal? Perhaps Patton had gotten another illness, a much deadlyer one. There was no telling which of these were true. This fact was killing Roman. He shouldn't have left. He knew Patton was sick he shouldn't have left, Logan and Virgil could have handled it without him. Roman beat himself about this but tried to keep his thoughts on planning what he was going to do first.
As Roman formulated a plan Logan lay in Virgil lap, his face empty as were his thoughts. He couldn't disgust such a strong emotion. Just trying made his heart feel ready to burst, so he pushed it down, but it was hard to do that with Virgil there. Virgil kept cradling Logan and running his fingers through his hair in comforting motions. These things made Logan want to break his walls down and tell Virgil everything but he just couldn't make himself actually do it, so he just lay there and suppressed his emotions.
Virgil understood a little of what Logan was feeling. He knew Logan was having trouble coming to terms with the death, but had no idea as to the extent of it. Patton would have known what to do, he would have been able to comfort Logan so much better than Virgil could. But Patton wasn't here so Virgil tried his best. He held Logan in his arms and tried multiple soothing motions but none of them seemed to get through to Logan.
Virgil let out a sigh as he let his body relax and his hand gently brushed through Logan's hair. Virgl knew this was going to take a lot longer than one night to get through. This was something that would take Logan a long time to get through not to mention Roman. Virgil had recently realized Romans feelings for Patton so he understood more than he had before. As Virgil thought about things he was going to do to try and help both Logan and Roman the doors burst open.
Remus burst in with Janus trailing behind him. Remus opened his mouth to say something but stopped as he saw Virgil and Logan. Janus spotted them next and a light blush spread across his face. Remus' mouth lifted up into a smile. He once again opened his mouth to say something but stopped when Virgil shook his head, a solemn look on his face. It was then that Remus noticed Logan, who looked completely out of it.
"What happened?"
Janus was surprised by the seriousness in Remus' voice but soon caught on as he looked closer at VIrgil and Logan.
"It's Patton, he's dead..."
1600 words not including these
Bet you weren't expecting that were you. I hope you're not to mad about me killing of Patton but don't worry this won't be the last we see of Patton, so no need to worry! Like I said at the beginning I'm really excited about the upcoming chapters but the weekends coming up which means a longer wait for you guys. Along with the weekend testing is coming up and I'm not sure how it will affect my schedule, we'll have to wait and see.
Anyway I hope you have a wonderful day, afternoon, or night! Until next time you beautiful beans!
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