'Come with us, please!!'
Hello beautiful beans! I think this will be the last update until Monday so I hope you enjoy!
Remus was the first to get up that morning. The first thing he saw was Virgil hunched over a fire as he cooked fish. Remus was beyond confused, the only river was miles away from here, so how had Virgil gotten the fish? Remus dragged himself over to Virgil, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"Where'd the fish come from?"
Virgil pulled a stick of cooked fish away from the fire, and held it out to Remus.
"The ocean. That's where humans get them from too, right?"
Remus smiled as he nodded his head and took the fish, biting into it immediately. Virgil tried to warn him that it was hot, but Remus had already bitten into it. Remus pulled the fish away from him and yowled in pain. Both Logan and Janus were woken by the loud cry. Remus grabbed the nearest cup and downed it in an attempt to stop the burning. Remus spit out the salty water. He dropped the cup and gagged in an attempt to get rid of the sea water taste.
Janus and Logan hurried over to Remus. Remus looked like he had been poisoned and Janus and Logan were freaking out. Virgil wiped at the sea water Remus had spit at him away from his eyes. Next thing Remus knew he was slapped across the face with something scaly. Both Janus and Logan were taken aback by the slap even though they weren't the one receiving it.
Virgil handed Remus a cup of purified water. Remus downed the water, but the sea water taste still lingered.
"What the hell was that!?" Janus questioned.
"Remus tried to eat the fish right after it came off the fire. Then he downed sea water, spitting it in my face when he realized it wasn't drinkable water."
Janus looked over to Remus who was now devouring the fish. Janus sighed as he sat down.
"Where did you get the fish?" Logan questioned.
Janus realized that to get this fish Virgil would have had to travel miles to get this.
"The ocean, that is where fish live after all."
Janus chuckled. He rubbed his face as he waited for Logan to pry what he wanted out of Virgil. It was honestly amusing how clueless Virgil was.
"Yes, but how did you get to the ocean?" Logan asked patiently.
Virgil handed Janus a stick of fish then pointed to the center of the temple. There was a raised platform with words carved into the circular shape. There were thin lines separating each line of words from muddling with the others on top of it.
"I used that, do you humans also not have those?"
Virgil dropped his hand and looked at Logan and Janus. Janus shook his head, and took a bite of his food. Logan went over to the platform, looking closely at the carvings.
"What does it do?" Logan questioned from his crouched position.
"It allows the user to teleport to different locations that have the same platform."
That was amazing. Janus silently wished magic would be unbanned so they could have this techknowledgey. Janus looked over to Virgil to ask some questions to find him devouring a fish, bones and all. Janus gagged. He handed the remains of his half eating fish to Remus, having lost his appetite. Remus greedly took the food, eating it in his animalistic way.
"Look who's the dog know." Janus said quietly.
Remus stuck his tongue out, bits of chewed fish visible, then began eating once more. Janus decided he never wanted to eat near Remus or Virgil again. Janus stood and walked over to Logan who was sitting by the raised platform. Janus crouched beside Logan to see he was sketching the craved shapes into his notebook. Logan stopped and examined his work.
"That looks good."
Both Logan and Janus jumped at the new voice. They turned to find a short creature, only three feet by the looks, with a long white beard and a blue sleeping cap dressed in peasant clothes. The little creature was holding a pair of gardening sears. He rubbed his nose, "Well best be back to work."
With that he hobbled off. Janus and Logan noticed that the temple was crawling with three foot men. All of them had long beards and long sleeping caps along with some kind of gardening tool or polisher.
"They're the ones tending to the shrubs..." Logan said absently.
Janus nodded his head as he watched the little men work. Janus noticed they were humming a song as they worked, some whistling. Janus sat quietly as he listened to the wordless song. He looked over to Logan to find his scribbling in his notebook. Janus looked back to the short men. Eventually Janus closed his eyes, basking in the rays of sun.
"Why can't you just come with use!?"
Remus had been whining the entirety of there departure. Remus wanted Virgil to go back to the castle with them, but magic was a no no. Plus Virgil had to stay and guard the Prygelos.
"He can't. He has to guard the Prygelos, remember? He is the guardian after all."
Virgil looked curiously at Janus.
"What are you talking about?"
Janus looked over to where Virgil had perched himself.
"You're the guardian of the Prygelos?"
Virgil still looked confused. He jumped down from his perch on the mountain side.
"No I'm not"
At this point all three men were looking at Virgil. They were all silent for a moment trying to piece everything together in there minds. When nothing happened Remus spoke up.
"So you can come with us?"
There was a sly smile on Remus's face. Janus rolled his eyes, but he kept his mind focused on the guardian confusion. What exactly was Virgil doing in this revene if he wasn't the guardian?
"Then why are you here?"
"I came to get you out. My face is much friendlier than the Hesiod's, so they asked me to come."
"So you're not the guardian?" Janus was still confused, but it was starting to make a little more sense.
"Not of the Prygelos, no."
Logan piped in. Having been silent for too long.
"But you are a guardian of some kind?"
Virgil hummed a yes. He rolled his shoulders then stretched his wings out to full capacity as he yawned. His wings settled down as his body relaxed from its outstretched position. The three men were marveled by who big Virgil's wings actually were. They looked so beautiful.
"I'm the guardian of Nefili"
Janus stared, gobsmacked, at Virgil. They hadn't been talking to just any citizen of Nefeli but the guardian. Janus assumed that a guardian was basically royalty to the people of Nefeli. Logan felt just as surprised as Janus, though he hid it better than Janus did. Remus didn't seem fazed at all nor did he feel fazed. Guardian or not guardian Virgil was still Virgil.
"So, are you coming with us or..?"
1138 words not including these
I don't really have anything other than what I've already said at the top of the chapter. If you saw my started scedual than you know that on the weekends I'm not going to post. Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Until Monday you beautiful beans!
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