・ ・・・☆ Eight ・ ・・・☆
The next morning YingYue awoke to a pair of arms around her waist and a head in the crook of her neck. She felt the arms around her waist tighten as obviously said person had worked out she was awake. She could tell who it was just from the faint smell of his aftershave. She could feel her body relax into his arms easily as his breath tickled her shoulder and she found herself involuntarily shiver at the motion.
"What time is it?" She questioned her voice small
"About 8am" Responded his raspy voice. And boy was this a sound she found a new love for. "We don't have to move for a while yet." He commented again his breath tickling her again as a smile broke out on her face.
They remained in the same position for another hour, talking lowly between themselves, before thinking it was time for them to get up. They both turned to look at each other to work out who would get ready first.
"You should go first, you'll get impatient waiting for me to get ready." YingYue offered watching as he nodded his head and went to pick up an outfit before heading into the bathroom to change. He came out about 10 minutes later to find her still sat on the bed but her eyes were instead focused on the phone in her hands. He could see her typing out a response to a message her concentration on the keyboard as she tried to put together the words she wanted to say. He approached her from behind sitting exactly behind her on the bed. His arms wrapped their way around her waist from behind as he peeked over her shoulder. He read Jing's name as the contact and decided not to read any of the messages. Let the girls be girls. He watched her as her head turned slightly to look at him.
"Why don't you look handsome this morning" She commented looking at what she could see of his outfit, the pushed up sleeves of the navy shirt being obvious from the arms around her waist.
"You about to get ready?" He questioned back trying to hide the rosy tint which had donned his face after her compliment.
"Yes I think so, Jing said we were going out on the yacht today and to wear beach clothes. So I think I've worked out what I'm going to wear, just time to put it on." She mumbled her eyes still reading the next incoming message. He only sent her a small smile in response.
"It's probably best if you go downstairs and find one of the guys to entertain you. I'm probably going to be a little while." She added on watching as he jut nodded before slowly removing his arms and walking around to come closer to her. He bent his knees so their heads were at the same height.
"Just don't do anything stupid whilst I'm gone. Remember I'm just one shout away." He commented watching as her face morphed into a large smile and a little laugh escaped.
"Honestly, how wrong could I go getting dressed?" She commented watching him raise an eyebrow in response. "You accidentally give yourself a black eye with a makeup bag once and no one ever lets you live it down." To which he continued to look at her in the same manner.
"You know what just go and make some tea". She stated sending him off with a flick of her hand.
"Whatever you say princess." He responded before slinking his way out of the room. As soon as he had left she sent Jing a cheeky little message which had lead the older girl into coming into her room only a minute or so later.
"So last night-" started Jing though she quickly had to dodge the pillow which was thrown at her head.
"Just shut up and help me pick an outfit. I've lied and said I've already done it." YingYue mentioned before getting up and helping the older girl go through her suitcase.
"So I've seen him in navy this morning. So that means you're going to match." Jing commented pulling out a bikini and looking for something which could cover her up. YingYue took this time to look at the girls outfit herself. She noted the white crop top and short set she had on. She could faintly see the outline of a white bikini underneath it.
Jing passed her the navy bikini and pointed in the direction of the bathroom. Taking the non-verbal direction YingYue moved her way into the bathroom where she took off her pyjamas and pulled the bikini on. The top of the bikini top was already tied as she took the piece of material underneath the cups and wrapped it around her waist. Pulling on the pair of matching navy bottoms she stood for a moment admiring how it looked in the mirror before smiling. She then heard a knock on the door.
Opening up the door she saw Jing stood there with a pair of white cotton shorts and a white cardigan. She pulled the shorts on with both girls used to see one another in just their underwear, well they were best friends this thing happened. Putting on the cardigan she pushed up the sleeves slightly before moving back into the bedroom and over to the vanity.
Picking up her makeup she started asking Jing for her opinion every so often on a colour, especially the colour for the eyes not wanting to go overboard and the colour of the lipstick. Another 25 minutes later she was done and the two girls left the room together. Not before they each used one of the perfumes she had brought with her.
Upon entering the kitchen the two girls found the other five of their party either stood or sat in there waiting for them. YingYue turned to Jing before whispering in her ear "Guess I was the last one to get ready again." She then waved slightly at the others a sheepish grin on her face. She was a little guilty about making them wait for her until she remembered where they were and where they had promised her they were going. All guilt flew out the window at that point.
She turned towards the other girl who's name she had worked out was Chang-xiou only earlier that morning. However, she did not know what to say or where to start with the other girl who looked like she wanted to be anywhere but in that kitchen. Letting out a little sigh she was surprised when a mug was placed in her face.
"I'm afraid it may be a little cold. You took longer than I expected."
Tea drunk, essentials gathered and soon the seven were off to the yacht to go out on the water. YingYue walked in a pair of white sandals along the beach a bag hanging down by her side which contained her phone, purse, the keys to the house and apparently everyone else stuff. Because why would anyone else think to carry their own stuff when she had a bag they could shove it all in?
Upon entering the yacht, she simply left the bag in the kitchen as everyone else took of their shoes. They headed up to the main deck where there was enough of a seating area for everyone. They broke off into their designated couples for the trip with Ah Si standing at the front putting on a show as per usual, as he was on the hunt for Shancai. She noted he looked rather similar to one of those female carvings depicted on the front of pirate ships. Jing and Lei were sat with one another there hands close to touching though not quite. The pair were talking lowly to one another. Meizuo and Chang-xiao were sat towards the back of the seating area getting very hands on and really should move it to somewhere else, like the bedroom. Especially with the wondering of their hands. Yingyue wanted to wash her eyes out after witnessing some of that.
With what she was seeing and hearing YingYue quickly turned her eyes away and decided to concentrate on the surroundings. She found it funny that the majority of the paired people on the boat wore matching outfits, them included after a sneaky influence from Jing. She had pushed her cardigan down so that it hung from around her elbows only exposing her shoulders. She sat between his legs as his hands rubbed shapes on her shoulders giving her a small massage as they travelled along.
It wasn't long until they came across two figures on a very small fishing boat. YingYue could not tell from where she sat who they were. And this only confirmed she should go to get her eyes tested as she could only make out the figures. She lent backwards so her chest was against Ximen's as she spoke "Can you work out who they are?"
"Yeah its Shancai and Farmer boy. Do you want my glasses?"
"How many times have I told you to start calling him by his first name. And go on then." She replied taking his glasses off his face and perching them on her own nose. At first they slid down her nose causing her to push them back up slightly. They fell down once again and she was forced to sit there dealing with them perched on the tip of her nose. She turned to look at him a questioning look on her face.
"You make them look so much better than I do." He complimented watching as she pushed them up the bridge of her nose and forced them to sit at the intended height. However, as soon as she released her finger they slid down her nose again.
"I think it's safe to say they don't fit me as well as they fit you."
"That's because they're mine baby and not yours."
"I mean-" She tried to respond but couldn't find something to counteract it considering it was the hard truth. It also didn't help that the pet name had shocked her slightly. She defiantly liked it though. The pair continued to chat between themselves as Si stared to signal over to Shancai and Qinghe and began to talk to them as if there wasn't a small body of water between therm all.
She watched as he soon departed from the yacht and ran his way over to the others in what she assumed was a way of rubbing it into their faces that they were on a better boat and also there. YingYue was not sure but she knew she had to follow them off the boat. She watched as Lei and Jing carefully got off the yacht and onto the shore, as Meizuo basically carried his female companion off her legs over his shoulders and straight in the direction of the house, taking the keys with them. YingYue did not want to know what they were going to do.
She turned to look at Ximen as they were the last ones to get off the yacht. He stepped off first offering her and hand to get off with. She reached out to take it before it was suddenly dropped. He had a better idea in mind and her confused face at his actions made it funny to him. Obviously she took this as he was mocking her and began to turn her head away. Though he soon reached out for her again. This time his hands going to her waist, which was definately his favourite place of her to hold onto, as he picked her up and spun her around so she was safely stood on the ground. When her arms worked their way around his neck and she pulled him in for a hug, he knew his actions paid off. Even more so when they separated and she allowed him to take her hand and bring her over to where the others are.
"You have to come to the party Shancai, we're celebrating." Came Jing's voice.
"Celebrating what?"
"Yeye's dad is going to make the announcement of when she'll take over the company. Isn't that right Yeye?" Jing argued turning towards her best friend and using the look. The look that meant that YingYue was to go along with it. It wasn't quite a lie but her father had planned to announce the information in the next couple of weeks once he had finished consulting with the legal team but she knew little more about it.
"Oh yes, you must be there Shancai. I mean if you come over to see us earlier, I'm sure Jing won't mind and we'll help you to get ready. " YingYue persuaded watching as the youngest girl eventually gave in to the two girls and accepted their offer.
"Oh Shancai that's great I'll give you my number and then you can message me when you're here. We can get ready together. It'll be nice to have someone other than Jing to get ready with." YingYue retorted laughing when Jing pushed her shoulder causing her to stumble before she was caught and put back onto her feet securely.
"Yeah it'll be nice for someone who doesn't spend forever looking at identical lipsticks thinking they're different." Jing commented back
"They are different-"
"Okay that was one time, but one was in Spanish and I wanted to know if they were different."
"You can read Spanish yet you still thought they would be different?"
"Stop bullying me." YingYue whined as she separated her hand from Ximens and began to charge after Jing who had sped off back in the direction of the house. The shouts of the girls could be heard from afar.
"Don't worry if it's not YingYue who lets you in. I'm sure she'll send her slave to do it instead." Commented Lei as he turned to look at Ximen
"I'm not her slave."
"But you'll do anything she asks you to do."
"That doesn't make me her slave"
"Kinda does" To which Ximen rolled his eyes and when Qinghe and Shancai walked off headed back in the direction of the house, his two friends following behind in some sort of awkward silence. The pair were still not talking to one another which made it hard to walk back with just the two of them. He let out a sigh hoping to just get back to the others who would make it less awkward. Back to her who would make it feel a 100 times better.
Only hours later did YingYue receive a message from Shancai to say she was outside. And true to form she was busy setting up the room and not wanting to walk down the stairs that she did send Ximen to open the door. He rolled his eyes at the other members of F4 as he passed but he knew he definitely could not say no to what she was asking. So as he opened the door to Shancai and her eyes widened in realising he had answered the door just like Lei had said. He just had to say something.
"I know, I know. But if I say no, she does this little face and like its adorable and then that makes me say yes. Or worse she gets upset and I can't stand to see her upset." He explained inviting the girl into the house and then taking her up the stairs. Shancai's eyes widened at the space inside the house. She had thought that Qinghe's house was big. But upon seeing this that was a massive understatement.
"I'm going to apologise in advance. Your probably going to spend way too long in there whilst they talk about something completely irrelevant and forget to actually do anything." Ximen spoke as he approached the door.
"Just because you're outside the door doesn't mean I can't hear you Xixi." Came the clear voice of YingYue
"Sorry baby." He called back, using the pet name for the second time that day
"Just bring the poor girl in." And to that he opened the door and brought Shancai inside the room, he approached YingYue and placed his forehead on her own.
"Forgive me?" He whispered to her, of which made her cheeks flush slightly as she looked him in the eye.
"For you anything." She replied as her eyes flicked down to his lips. He too found himself doing the same. He found it incredibly hard to pull himself the way, but he continued to repeat the phrase 'she's not yours yet' in his head which helped. He soon turned on his heel and walked out the door shutting it behind him.
"Are you two together?" Shancai questioned after watching the scene play out.
"She wishes." Commented Jing as a makeup brush was thrown her way
"Shut up Jing."
"Honestly why does everyone say you're such a nice person. All you ever do is throw things at me."
"Well since you refused my love..." Counted YingYue as the girls laughed and went through the closet trying to work out what they were going to get Shancai to wear, the two girls had already picked out their dresses as they lay on the bed. The pair had both gone for the colour white and decided to keep the theme going. Picking out a cute little dress from Jing's wardrobe they passed it to Shancai.
"You can change in the bathroom, and we'll change out here quickly." Commented Jing as Shancai went into the bathroom and the two girls quickly changed in the bedroom. It would appear that Shancai took her sweet time changing as they were both done before her and sat on chairs doing their makeup.
For some reason they had decided neutral colours were what they were going for. Therefore, YingYue was ready much faster than normal with Shancai only sitting waiting for ten or so minutes for her to start. This also gave Jing some time to work on Shancai's hair as YingYue got the makeup she required ready.
"You have such lovely clear skin." Commented YingYue as she started to create her masterpiece. Though this comment was ignored as Shancai spent her time instead focusing on Jing in the mirror.
"Jing you're so pretty"
"You're pretty too Shancai" Jing replied as she let out a little laugh and started to add the finishing touches to the hairdo
"Oh wow YingYue you're so pretty as well" YingYue commented sarcastically listening to the other girls laugh in response. She stepped back to admire her masterpiece as Shancai moved to speak once again.
"Have Lei and Si made up yet?" She questioned watching as both girls shook their heads. Shancai stood up allowing Jing to take the seat as YingYue moved to work on the eldest girls makeup. She got to work as Jing explained the situation.
"Si is kind of immature, he hasn't spoken to Lei yet. Ximen, Yeye and I had to convince him to come along." Jing explained
"Well it was more Jing than anyone else. She just bat her eyelashes and he suddenly agreed to come along. We'd been trying for days beforehand."
"Days, it was more like hours you nimwit." Counteracted Jing as she continued to explain "Don't worry too much about it, Si has a temper and Lei doesn't really let much anger him. They'll get over it very quickly. They've been friends for too long not to."
Jing and YingYue looked at each other before Jing moved over to the box she had picked up that afternoon. They smiled at each other before turning to Shancai and smiling at her. Jing passed the present along before talking.
"A little gift for you, to celebrate our new friendship. I'm having a birthday party next week and was hoping you'd come along. You can bring any friends you won't and I'll make sure to not invite the horrid girls at school" Jing stated watching as Shancai smiled and nodded along with the idea. The youngest girl wanted to so desperately fit in with the two other girls and live the same kind of lifestyle that they did.
Eventually, the three decided to make it down to join the rest of the party. Though it had only started around half an hour ago it was in full swing with the loud pumping music and people dancing in the middle of the floor. YingYue and Jing knew they would be going before their masterpiece for the night therefore, to take the bite, YingYue volunteered to go first. She walked down the steps and onto the beach waiting for the others to come down. As she watched both Jing and then Shancai she was not aware of the looks the three girls drew in.
It was not such a common sight to see three very attractive young ladies at such an event where they were not walked down by a man. However, though they all had their eyes on guys they spent their time looking at one another during their arrival and then making sure Shancai was comfortable. The members of F4 took this moment to approach the three girls. Meizuo somehow managed to hold drinks for all three in his hands as he passed one to each girl.
"You three look lovely tonight" He commented as he tried to desperately not spill any of the drink on their white dresses.
"Yes for once you don't look like Shrek." mentioned Si
"You still look like Donkey" YingYue snapped back watching as his smirk reappeared. And it was not long until she was whisked away by Jing and onto the dance floor. She had discarded her drink at a table on the way past still not fond of the taste of alcohol. Though the two quite happily moved to the beat of the music using a combination of fairly decent dance moves and some more questionable choices. They were laughing loudly and enjoying the feel of the party very much until they caught sight of the scene over near the bonfire.
Shancai stood there very awkwardly as the two feuding members of F4 stared at her. YingYue could feel the jealousy burning from the friend next to her as her arm was grabbed and she was pulled in that direction. Jing picked up a drink on the way hoping to use it as a valid excuse. When they approached the three Jing was able to pass it to Lei which took his eyes from Shancai and onto her. Therefore, the elder girls plan had worked.
They had not realised what the time had come to until the DJ had shouted out and stopped the music.
"Okay guys, you have a minute to find a partner, the music will stop for 10 seconds and it'll be time for the New Years kiss." He spoke before the music started up shortly afterwards.
YingYue had not much time to think before a hand had grabbed her own and pulled her over to them. She looked up to come face to face with Ximen who's eyes were trained on her. She took a second to take his appearance in finding herself insanely impressed with the way he looked and enjoying the fact that he had pulled her over himself.
"Can I just say how beautiful you look tonight red." He started as he leaned down more to get closer to her. "And I just can't miss this opportunity. So Yeye do you mind?" He asked watching as a smile made its way onto her features.
"I dare you" She replied just in time for the music to stop and her to close her eyes. He slowly got even closer and before she knew it their lips had touched. Her hands went around his neck to bring him closer as his hands went back to their favourite resting place, her waist. They broke apart shortly later. Though as she looked up and back into his eyes she found herself moving forwards again and reconnecting their lips.
"Let's never ever stop this." Ximen stated his breathing hard and his hands rubbing small patterns into her waist. The pair were completely in their own world. They hadn't noticed the commotion created by Si and Shancai. Rather they continued to stare at one another.
"Never" YingYue agreed.
Author's note:
Question of the chapter:
What would you do if you woke up one day and spoke another language that you can never remember reading?
Reference of the chapter:
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