・・・☆・ Sixty Two ・・・☆・
Daoming Si had had a couple of pretty harsh weeks if he was being honest to himself. It had gone past being pretty harsh and to completely unfairly irrational. He pondered whether this was some sort of karma kick for his actions in his short life. Had he really morally messed up this bad that karma was resorting to treating him this way?
This was the first time he had truly fell for someone. And Shancai seemed just so perfect to him, sure she was of a lower class. Sure she was socially uneducated, a little blunt and tended to jump to conclusions. Yet still Si couldn't help but find each and every single thing she did which wasn't entirely desirable something that drew him more into her. Just the pure thought of her, brought a racing to his heart a rush of adrenaline. Why did she continue to have such an effect on him?
He knew it was over between the pair of them. Shancai had made that clear. She had left him. But here he was still pining over her. He wanted her back. He wanted her back so desperately. For the thought of her not only made his heart race but it caused this deep pounding pain to resonate across his chest. It was crippling and all he could do was try to claw at it to remove whatever was causing this. The kind of pain where you doubled over and released the sobs that shook the ground like an emotional earthquake. Could he really level cities with his heartbreak?
But it was all over a girl. A girl he barely knew months ago. A girl who's path he may have never crossed was it not for that accident in the hallway on the very first day of school. Without her he would have continued on his year, meeting girl after girl as he tried to find someone who would meet his mothers high expectations. A girl with long voluminous hair that flowed in the breeze, who was well educated, polite and always charming. Yet he had met her. He had met Dong Shancai and now he didn't want anything of what he believed to be his ideal type before her. Had she truly shattered his whole conception of what he thought was attractive?
Shancai had left him though, without much of a second thought. She had turned her back on their blossoming relationship. The one he had put so much effort into, yet she had not. In retrospect she had barely put any level of effort in compared to himself. Si had tried to actively improve upon himself for her, he knew he had. Yet she seemed to only point out the areas he hadn't changed in. But he still cared for her so... so much. And she just didn't. Did she even care for him?
If this was the concept of love, he was happier alone. He was safer alone. Where he could not be hurt. Not by some common girl. Not by someone who was of no importance in the greater picture. Not by, not by Dong Shancai. Was love even real?
"Put me down Yan Ximen or I'm going to be sick. I'll be sick all down your favourite jacket." His internal breakdown was interrupted by the sound of voices and footfall. The sentence that jolted him out of his thoughts was spoken between bouts of laughter. And he went to look up in the direction of the sounds. For into the bridge room, which in evaluation wasn't the best place to pick to have a little breakdown over his ex, walked the rest of his friendship group. They were led by the only people he thought may just have answered his last question.
Ximen and Yingyue seemed to be the only people who were able to answer the question whether love was real. Whenever Si looked at them, the couple with the least straightforward relationship he had seen in a while, he was reminded as to what he could have. At the end of the day he too could experience a love so pure, so wholesome that it built you both into better people, stronger people. He was happy for his friends, of course he was but it did hurt to see them so happy all the time. He swore they never argued and he could only pray and wish that it was him in their places. It brought his mind to the meme 'that could be us but you playing'.
Si studied the couple the way Ximen had Yingyue held over his shoulder yet held onto her strong enough to not drop her but also not cause her any harm. The way her arms slowly tapped on his back but didn't hit with any power or intent to harm. They never caused each other any harm, not even by accident. What had him and Shancai done? The complete opposite.
"Oh Si, are you okay?" Si hadn't realised he had zoned out so hard after the group had initially entered for Yingyue's voice once again snapped himself out of his own thoughts. Yet this time it was aimed at him. "For goodness sake Ximen put me down." He watched on as Yingyue did hit Ximen this time though Si could still tell there was no real weight to the hit and probably felt like a pillow falling on top of you.
The second Yingyue was placed so her feet were securely on the floor the young woman was over by his side. Her arms had circled their way around him as if she just knew that he did not want to speak but just wanted the comfort. Si didn't make any effort to say anything to her only shifted himself so he could return the embrace. There was something purely comforting being in Yingyue's embrace much like he felt when his older sister held him. Yingyue was the second sister the universe knew he needed. The two of them weren't alone for long before the presence of three more joined them to make a little huddle.
"Group hug." Was shouted by Meizuo as he barrelled into the hug first of the other three. And soon enough the group of 5 who were a family in their own right were held in a tight embrace in the bridge room of Mingde University.
Maybe love did exist. For Si knew he loved every single person he was surround by.
Author's note:
I hope you had a happy holiday, if you celebrated it. And if not I hope you still remained safe on these few days and that you are all okay. Bit of a different approach in this update but as I've mentioned beforehand the point I'm at with the episodes is so boring so I'm giving more of an insight into some of the plot points which are just overlooked. Plus everyone loves a little torment really.
I was going to say something else but alas I can't remember. Oh I've got it. Thank you all for getting this book to 100k reads something I never thought to be possible. Honestly I didn't think finishing this was a possibility but like the end I can now see. Will I tell you what the end might be no. Well maybe if you pay me enough.
I accept payment in love and support.
Oh and cheese.
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