・・・☆・Fifty Nine ・・・☆・
Today was thankfully Saturday and Yingyue had never been happier to wake up knowing she didn't have to go to university. For it felt as if every time she stepped foot into that building that something went wrong and she couldn't be dealing with that. Whether it was the other boys arguing, Shancai being herself or just the general female population she couldn't be happier to just not have to do anything. It was also her first Saturday off since starting to work at the family business considering her father had felt guilty that she gave up every Saturday to work when none of his other employees did so.
Therefore when she awoke at 9am knowing she didn't have to move for a little while longer Yingyue felt this swell of positive emotion. Normally her alarm which would have gone off about an hour ago would have woken them both up, yet as she reached out across the bed she didn't meet emptiness for her hand landed on a chest and was met with a little groan, perhaps she shouldn't have just thrown it out with as much energy as she had. So she rolled slightly so she was now facing him and not just staring at the ceiling. Taking in as much as she could see in the dim light if she knew no better she would have assumed he was still asleep, for Ximen's eyes remained closed, his chest rose shallowly and he was as still as a plank.
Having moved much closer it was easier for her to reach over and trace her fingers along his jawline. She could feel the stubble that had started to grow there and could easily tell he was awake as he reacted to her, though made no other movement other than a small shudder. Deciding he wasn't going to make much of any movement she took this opportunity to admire the man she got to call her husband. She lent forward slightly so she could press a kiss to the tip of his nose all whilst repeating a singular question in her head.
"Why are you so perfect?" The sheer number of times she had repeated it mentally resulted in her speaking it aloud.
"Because I was made to be a fraction worthy of being by your side." Yingyue knew that Ximen was faking being asleep but that still hadn't prepared her for him to actually answer her question. Nor for his answer to be so gosh darn cute, stupid hormones. All she could do was let out a tiny little squeak and attempt to move away. However, her attempts were futile. An arm clamped its way around her and pulled her even closer in to the point where she no longer lay by his side but she was now on top of him.
"Good morning beautiful, sleep well?" His morning voice was one of her favourite sounds and she would be bold enough to say she preferred it more to the Take Me home album which was defiantly one directions finest work.
"Of course I did I had you by my side." Yingyue knew she sounded ridiculously love struck this particular morning but it wasn't like this was a rare occurrence or anything.
"What's the plan for the day?" As Ximen spoke he let out a yawn and Yingyue was certain he could quite easily go back to sleep at any moment in time even as it creeped towards 9:30am.
"It's Saturday."
"That doesn't help Yingyue come on."
"Remember the boys are coming over for dinner tonight."
"Oh my god I almost forgot."
The rest of F4 were supposed to be turning up at 6pm that evening but Yingyue knew to expect them anywhere between 5:30 and 6:30. Meizuo often treated the house like it was his own so it would be expected that he would get there early so he could 'make himself at home' like he didn't constantly leave something here much like a girlfriend would when she was hinting about moving in together. Si was never on time not even when you were supposed to be meeting him at his own house, as he generally came down after the staff had let everyone in and you'd been waiting 15 minutes for him. And Lei was punctual if he drove himself, but he normally came with someone so he was a bit of a wild card.
Yingyue was currently in the kitchen taking on the role of the housewife incredible well if she had to determine for herself. She was dressed in a simple baby pink dress and a pair of skin coloured tights humming along to the radio. At 12 weeks she did not show yet but that didn't stop her standing there resting her hand gently on where her bump would form during the next few weeks trying to create a physical connection between her and her baby. She had six months to go in which anything could happen but all she wanted was to hold her baby already.
Following the normal pattern at 5:25pm Meizuo walked through the door not even stopping to think about knocking due to the possibility the front door might just be locked. Wait wasn't it locked? He took his shoes off at the entrance and slinked his way into the kitchen and straight over to where Yingyue stood.
"Smells amazing Yingyue, can't believe Ximen has been keeping you all to himself." With his words Meizuo pressed a chaste and completely innocent kiss to her cheek before perching himself up against the counter.
The two friends continued to talk amongst themselves for a few minutes, though the sound of another male voice in the house seemed to be enough to draw Ximen away from his wine collection where he had been picking out which bottle he wanted to have with dinner that evening. The two boys did their weird little bro hug greeting thing before falling into their own easy conversation.
"Wait Ye, did you unlock the door earlier?" Ximen suddenly questioned.
"No I didn't, did you?" She responded having thought that she hadn't been by the front door all day but it had to have been unlocked for Meizuo to get in.
"No, Meizuo just how did you get in, I didn't even hear you knock." Both house owners turned towards their friend suddenly much more suspicious of the man.
"Yeah it was unlocked." Meizuo's words didn't hold their normal confidence
"You still had the key we leant you for the honeymoon. I can't believe we didn't ask for it back." Yingyue pieced together the information the quickest and she honestly wondered why they hadn't asked for the key back. They had only two cut when they first moved in, hadn't she recently gone to get another one cut for herself. That's where her key had gone.
"You guys gave it to me, it's mine now. You can have it back when I die." Meizuo had crossed his arms and given a little pout to encourage either of the other two adults to challenge his words.
"Don't fear the party is here!" Before Yingyue could even rebuttal Meizuo's words Si had barged in through the front door of the house slamming the door against the wall hard enough to leave a mark. His coat was chucked somewhere in the living room and his shoes just kicked to a random space on the floor he could see. This was the Si that the school didn't see, messy and loud who was came in and took any place as if it was his own. Actually that last bit they probably did see.
Lei trailed in behind Mr Pineapple head, though he hadn't come empty handed for some reason. In his hands was a bouquet of flowers which he had brought over and handed to Yingyue before actually saying a word to anyone else in the house.
"For our wonderful hostess."
"Oh how charming Lei, you're welcome to come again." Yingyue's words were kind but teasing at the same time for this was not the boys first time around the new house just the first time he had brought a gift with him. Was it due to the idea of having a proper dinner? What a well raised son.
She let the four boys make their way to the table whilst she finished the food enough, Ximen playing the good host and getting them their first drink of probably many in the evening. The guest room had been set up in preparation for the fact that one of them would be staying over after having a little bit too much to drink. She took the first few side dishes into the dining room and placed them in the middle of the table leaving the centre empty for the main dish.
"Take a seat I'll bring the rest in." Ximen leaned in to press a kiss to the side of her head before he disappeared in the direction of the kitchen and Yingyue felt that it was pointless to follow him considering there was only the final dish left to bring in. The meal itself was filled with quiet chatter amongst the group of five the group enjoying the meal that would, fingers crossed, not give any of them food poisoning.
"Wow Yingyue I would have thought that a professional chef made this not Mingde's It girl." Meizuo complimented which was a bit unusual he had done nothing but complement her this evening, what was he doing.
"I agree with Meizuo you've really surprised us all." Lei backed up.
"You will have to cook for us all again, I'll be waiting in anticipation." Meizuo was still on a string of complements and now it felt a little fishy.
"You haven't stopped complementing me this evening, are you up to something Meizuo?" Yingyue suddenly questioned she couldn't stand the looks she was getting from the man.
"You two must have something to tell us, you were very adamant we come here instead of going to our normal meeting places." Detective Meizuo it would seem had entered the building.
"Can't we just want our friends over to have a nice home cooked meal instead of going out for one all the time?" Ximen fired back
"You could, but there is something else. You're being more protective than normal and thats saying something." Lei had now involved himself in the interrogation.
"You couldn't have waited until dessert boys really?" Yingyue was the next of the couple to speak up.
"So there is something."
"Yeah the somethings announcement you two are ruining." Ximen seemed to be getting frustrated with his friends. This evening was not going as he had planned nowhere near and he was not happy. Yingyue reached over to take one of his hands to provide some form of comfort for him before he blew his gasket and told them in a way that would ruin the moment entirely.
"You've caught us, we do have something to announce. And no it's not that we're running away to America don't even try to say it Si." Yingyue tried to describe but this was as far as she had even imagined in her head. What was she supposed to say now?
"We're having a baby." Were the words she settled on.
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