It had been a little over a week since Ximen had spent the night at YingYue's house and if it was possible the two were even closer then they had been the morning after. She had awoken that morning very excited and she was no fool as to why. She had received a text the night before from Jing telling her of said girls return to the university the next morning. And she was ecstatic.
Because no matter how much she loved the guys, some more than others, there was nothing like her closest and best friend. There was nothing in comparison to the quality girl time you get with that one person you have known since forever. It was just something unique and she knew she had to get up nice and early to make the morning worth it and important.
She had got up first thing that morning putting on a black button up jumpsuit and pairing it with a pair of chunky black heels. She was excited that morning as she did her hair and makeup putting in slightly more effort than she had done recently making sure she used the techniques her best friend had taught her.
She had walked down the stairs that morning with a pep in her step walking quickly into the kitchen and grabbing both breakfast and finishing her packing of her bag before checking her phone. The pair had decided she was going to drive in today considering she claimed her car wasn't getting enough love. She picked up the keys watching her staff's faces change into those of surprise and shock. She hadn't driven herself in to university for over a week now and she sent them a weak smile in response.
"We agreed, it was my turn to drive today"
"Just be careful Little Yue" Came the voice of her head of staff, the lady who acted more like her mother than her actual mother did.
"Aren't I always? Actually don't answer that." She called before heading out of the door and straight over to the car. She placed her bag on the passenger seat for now as she pulled out and headed towards the Yan household. Pulling into the driveway she didn't even have time to get out her phone and send the message before there was a small knock on the passenger side window.
"I saw you coming up the drive from the cameras" He explained as she lowered the windows before he then stopped her from getting out. "It's just too cold out here" He tried to reason watching as she just shook her head and took the keys out the ignition so he could open the doors. He took one look at her outfit.
"You don't have a jacket?" He questioned watching her shake her head in response. "I'll only be a minute" He claimed before getting out the car and basically sprinting to the front door. He did in fact return only a moment or so later and she recognised the red checked jacket as one of his own. He got back into the car.
"You know I can't drive in a jacket" She mentioned as he placed the jacket on the floor next to his bag and her own. He watched as she drove and sung along to the radio at the same time. Her fingers tapping out the tune on the steering wheel. He tried to not think too much of it. But alas like every thing she did, he found it mesmerising and honestly the best thing he's seen all day. It boosted his mood.
And his ego was boosted when she got out of the car and he helped her put on his jacket. Why? Because she looked insanely good in it and everyone at the school would recognise it as his. It was after all one of his favourite jackets to wear therefore, others would be able to notice it. And it made it feel really good inside. He walked her to her locker that morning as she greeted many of the students as they passed. He stood next to her holding onto any books she got out of the locker for the remainder of the day watching as she stopped and a smile broke out onto her face after receiving a text message. His mind went to the gutter thinking it was another boy she was messaging.
But when she turned to him and the smile got even bigger, he pushed those thoughts aside. He knew that if it was another boy he would be quite happy to fight him over her and would easily win. But when she grabbed his hand and pulled him to meet the others, all these thoughts disappeared completely. She wouldn't have acted that way if not. She wouldn't have accepted his jacket that morning with the beaming smile that was permanently etched in his memory, if not. As she led the F4 members down the corridor her gait was very excitable, she practically charged her way towards the main corridor with the rest following like sheep.
Though they had worked out where she was leading them upon seeing the only other female they had ever gotten close to and remained friends with. When Jing walked her way down the corridor she spotted her best friend and the two girls started a slight jog in order to reach the other faster. They collided with a small amount of force and one of them, not that it was obviously identifiable who, let out the guttural sound of 'oof' as they held onto each other as if their lives depended on it and a desperate attempt to remain standing. They rocked slightly and both Lei and Ximen stepped forwards prepping themselves to save their respective girl if the pair were to fall.
But surprisingly this did not happen as the two remained upright laughing at the fact that they nearly fell over. Eventually, YingYue pulled away from the slightly older girls embrace and went to stand next to the girl as they linked their arms together. It was at that moment that Jing smiled towards the four boys. Yingyue watched as the four boys took it in turns to welcome the girl back hugging her in the process. She unlinked their arms when it came to Lei's turn.
She turned towards Meizuo as the pair caught up and whispered lowly. "Meant to be" Towards her friend.
"Says you, missus. It's painful watching from the sidelines when nobody gets together despite the obvious sexual tension" He retorted as they continued to watch the pair get their time together again.
That night they had decided to get together to celebrate Jing's return. They were suppose to be drinking and enjoying themselves. But YingYue did not like the wine of which had been poured into the glass so as she watched her friends drink she sat there nursing a glass of water instead. The group of six spent their time recollecting on memories of the past. It turned into a game of teasing Si for his very obvious crush on Shancai.
She watched on from the sidelines as Jing and Lei had another moment. Though it had started out with his distaste for the slightly racy photos she had leaked it had turned into a moment of sweetness, well kinda. Yingyue watched on as they locked eyes and let out an internal squeal. She would have squealed aloud had the others around her not gone quiet. She watched as her friend lent forwards and kissed the boy on the cheek.
And it got her wondering when she'd ever be that confident to do it herself. She instead just ended up staring at the boy in glasses wondering if she would ever have the courage to be able to pull the same kind of stunt which she had just witnessed her best friend doing. Not reaching a conclusion she decided it would probably be best if she just admired from afar from now and see where the future lead them.
She watched as Jing turned her way and sent the girl a wink. Her face turned into one of confusion as she gave the slightly older girl a strange look. That was until she looked down to notice what her friend had seen. During the period of the last who knows how long, she had become completely unaware that said crush of hers had moved his hand onto her thigh and just left it there. She looked up deciding to ignore it and rather enjoy the little bit of heat his warm hand provided. That was until he got a little cocky at her acceptance of its placement and rubbed his thumb into her thigh. She continued to allow him to do this as he maintained a very normal conversation with the guys surrounding them. She too continued the conversation though hers was mainly with Jing.
"Yu-Yu, I'm desperate for the toilet do you mind coming with me." Spoke Jing watching as the younger girl quickly agreed knowing she had probably had a little too much to drink. And as the responsible friend couldn't allow the girl to go to the toilet alone and none of the boys could go with her. She quickly put her hand on top of Ximen's on her thigh and she went to stand though he tried to stop her from getting up.
"Hey I'm just taking Jing to the toilet to make sure she doesn't fall down the loo or gets something on her skirt. I'll only be a couple of minutes. You can watch the door for when we come out if you like" She reasoned watching as he whined and she moved off.
The two girls made it to the toilet and she watched as Jing went into one of the cubicles. She listened as the girl started to talk to her through the stall.
"So any progress with you and Ximen?" came Jing's teasing voice.
"Nothing more than the last time you asked" Was the curt response
"So you're both helplessly in love with each other but still frightened to say anything about it-"
"I'm sure he's not in love with me"
"After that show out there, anyone would think you're married already. Don't think I haven't noticed how you keep letting him drink your wine. I know you're in full control of everything going on out there." Came the elder girls voice
"I know. I'm just scared Jing. You know as much as I do that I have an arranged marriage. What if I finally admit these feelings and then have to go marry another. It's just not fair on him." YingYue tried to reason
"And it's fair on you?"
"I've come to accept that this is part of being me. Part of being the heir to the company." YingYue sighed as Jing washed her hands
"I have a funny feeling your mother has something to do with your engagement and she's sneaky enough to have planned something." Spoke Jing
"Yeah but whether thats a good or bad thing is another day's worth of questions and another days worth of worrying." YingYue commented as they left the bathroom and made it back towards their friends. But before she could sit back on her own seat she was pulled onto the lap of Ximen.
"You were gone too long." He stated burying his head in the crook of her neck. She could feel his breath on her neck and knew that no matter how much she was enjoying it that the group should really think about heading home. She quickly called for either taxi's or drivers to come and take the majority of the group home. Watching them each get into said car she turned to Ximen who had refused to go home on his own stating he wanted her to make sure he got into his house. Well he was just trying to spend more time with her honestly. And she wouldn't argue against spending time with him, even if he was definitely past the tipsy stage.
When his driver turned up he pulled her into the back seats with him as he almost flopped onto the seat. She had to sit him up and plug his seatbelt in before doing the same to her own. Signalling they could move she kept a very close eye on him as they moved. However, he seemed determined to sleep on the way back going to lean his head on her shoulder and close his eyes. She removed his glasses from his face and pushed his hair backwards, styling it in a way she found very very attractive.
She then had the struggle of convincing him to get not just in his house but into bed. She had just about got him into bed, though he wore the majority of the clothes he wore earlier, minus the jumper and shoes. She had turned off the light and shut the door behind her before turning around and coming face to face with his mother.
"Oh hello Mrs Yan, I'm sorry I didn't hear you approach" She spoke formally watching as the older woman smiled at her.
"Oh don't worry about me dear, thank you for getting my son home. Please stay in the guest room opposite his for the night. I'll let your mother know you're here. It's way too late for you to be heading back to yours. Plus I bet it will be a nice sight for Ximen in the morning to see you." Explained the matriarch of the Yan Family watching as the younger girl agreed and she directed her to a spare room she had set out for the younger girl. Giving the girl a pair of pyjamas of which she had miraculously 'found' in the room. And YingYue had expected had been there before the pair had come into the house.
She slept soundly that night despite the bed not being her usual one. And when she awoke in the morning despite it taking some time for her to work out where she was, she didn't feel too awkward about her surroundings. She pulled on her clothes from the night before and headed towards where she hoped would be a bathroom. She was in desperate need of the toilet but after searching every inch of the room up and down the corridor she was stumped. Until she turned around and came face to face with a slightly hungover Ximen.
His eyes widened at the look of her that early in the morning, it had been a while since he'd seen her completely bare faced and it took him a moment to take in her beauty.
"I hope you don't mind, your mother let me stay in the guest room last night" She spoke not sure how to approach the situation.
"I don't mind in the slightest" he responded a smile making his way onto his face. He was freshly showered and shaved and his hair obviously not brushed as it refused to lay flat little tuffs sitting up at odd angles. She still thought he looked divine as they both stood looking at each other for a short period of time.
"Oh she's put you in the one room without a bathroom, there's not just a bathroom down this corridor, you can use mine." He stated before pulling her into his bedroom. He pointed to the bathroom.
"You can have a shower as well, there's fresh towels in the cupboard and I'll get you something of mine to change into so you don't have to wear the clothes from yesterday. Because I'm sure theyre going to smell like alcohol. He spoke as she walked into the bathroom.
15 minutes later she came out the bathroom to find a shirt of his on his bed and as she pulled on the majority of her clothes from yesterday and his new shirt she once again noticed the size difference between the pair as she tried to tuck in his shirt.
She wandered down the stairs to find him sat on the sofa. When he looked up to see her figure she was able to see as his mouth opened slightly and hear the low whistle he let out. He motioned her over and when she sat down he almost pulled her onto his lap.
"Spend the weekend with me, I'll get someone to bring you some clothes for tomorrow, but spend the weekend with me." He proposed letting out a small sound of excitement when she agreed.
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