・・・☆・Thirty Eight・・・☆・
Yingyue had spent most of her day sat in her father's office listening to the board meeting. She was surrounded by 10 or so other 'important' members of the company, most of which were men in their mid forties to early sixties and were incredibly sweaty. She was not enjoying herself but this was supposed to be the easing of her into her new role as of such in the company. Therefore, she had to attend these meetings sat in the most bleak of attire and pretend to listen.
Sure she understood most of what was being said during the meeting for they were topics they had gone over during her degree, yet the people sharing them were just not very interesting at all. They all seemed over eager to show the newest member of the Jiang Family to become part of the team just how amazing they were at their jobs. A subtle plan in order for them to try and get something out of the soon to be CEO.
Well apparently CEO was being pushed away a little bit and YingYue didn't mind. Her father and mother coming to some agreement that she needed to spend a little bit of time working properly for the company to understand what they were all about before going ahead with the take over. But she was more sure that both parents had different ideas as to why a five year take over plan was a good idea. Her father, Yingyue was almost 100% convinced was not willing to let go of his position of CEO or the company in general and she didn't blame him for he did create it from the ground and turn it into what it was today. Her mother though, Yingyue had overheard on the phone with her grandmother about how exciting the wedding was and how great the next few years would be in terms of luck in the whole baby making department. Therefore, Yingyue was convinced her mother was only agreeing to this take over plan because she was desperate for Yingyue to solidify the arranged marriage through the birth of a child.
At first Yingye was horrified at this thought, the idea of being a mother so young scared her to no end. Until, she got broody and now she wanted nothing more than to be married to the love of her life and start a family. It also did not help that she had a rather keen fiancé too wh had to comment on every cute baby or child they passed in the street with just how much cuter their own would be. Yeah Ximen wasn't helping in the slightest with this whole 'I want a baby mood' she was in even going as far to preemptively pick out which room he thought would be best for a nursery. It wouldn't surprise her if he was working with her mother to encourage it.
Talking of said fiancé she was finally on her way to meet him after the painful meeting she managed to sit through. Honestly, she had given up on trying to listen to what they were saying about half an hour ago and spent most of her time trying to subtly text. Hence her travelling to the shopping centre where her bumbling band of baboons she called friends were at present. Something about trying to ensure that Shancai sold enough so she could pay to come on the next holiday with them. Yingyue had no clue what the boys were supposed to be doing but she wasn't going to argue with them she was more impressed they were out doing something that didn't involve them sitting in a coffee shop.
Perhaps it should have dawned on Yingyue just what Shancai did for her job. For as she walked her way around the shopping centre looking for the group of boys did she realise that it was in fact a tea shop. So technically the group had not gone out and avoided a coffee shop. Typical.
By the time Yingyue entered the shop she stood to the side to allow a woman dressed in a white trench coat out of the door before she could gather with the group that had formed. The group consisted of three of the F4 members, Si was off somewhere sulking most likely, Shancai and the friend of her's whose name Yingyue could not quite recall. Her smile felt as wide as the golden coast as she watched Ximen scramble from his seat to allow her to sit down in his place.
"Hey beautiful, how was your day?" Ximen's voice seemed to be loaded with energy something of which made Yingyue perk up from her dreary attitude she had taken on since the morning at the office had begun.
"Much better now I'm back with you." Yingyue replied her tone laced with her flirtatious tone and she let out a little giggle when Meizuo hit her rather strongly on the shoulder.
"There's more than just you two here, try being cute in your own house." The drama queen groaned out but Yingyue knew he meant no malice through those words but it would appear that Shancai's friend wasn't so sure on the matter, therefore all the older girl could so was send what she hoped was a reassuring smile to the younger girl.
"Looks like you guys had a rather interesting day." Yingyue tried to move the conversation on from her day at work not wanting to bore everyone with things not many of them were overly bothered with. She wanted to be appear as nice to the girl who she didn't really know at all, but her brain screamed out at her to go home and straight to bed.
"Oh yes we had bumper sales today..." As she watched the two girls jump into explanation of how their day at work went, Yingyue tried to stifle a yawn behind her hand to not appear rude. But she was absolutely shattered and wanted no more than to be in bed. She felt as though the presence that was Ximen stood behind her shift, he suddenly moved so he was closer to her placing the polythene cup of warm tea he had been drinking down in front of her, and moving her hands so that she would finish the drink off. His hands then went to her black blazer clad shoulders as he slowly massaged them trying to force her into more of a relaxed state.
"Not long now baby, we'll head home soon." Yingyue turned to where she heard his voice to be met with Ximen's cute little smile as he stared at her. He pressed a small kiss to her cheek before moving so he was once again looking at the conversation of the rest of their little huddle though his hands did not move from their place on her shoulders.
"Does this mean you can both join us on the next trip now?" Meizuo was the one to ask this question which drew Yingyue's full attention back to the conversation they were having.
"I think so, do you think everyone would be okay if both Xiaoyou and I come along?" Shancai posed the question back her attention on Yingyue as though the girl was the one with the power to determine who could and could not attend.
"The more the merrier, don't worry about Si and what he has to say, he still owes me one for being a little-" Yingyue began to agree before she was interrupted.
"We'd be happy for you both to join, Chang-Xiou is always complaining that she doesn't have enough friends that are girls." Meizuo gave Yingyue a look as to tell her to stop talking and she quickly did as he suggested.
Another 15 minutes later the group finally went their separate ways and Yingyue could not be more happy to be heading back. Her black suit and white shirt she wore was itchy, an outfit she would definitely not be wearing again. The blazer was the worst and now she was on the way to her car she was more than eager to take it off the crisp air outside hitting her full force. She was able to see the red marks of irritation from where the material and her skin had not got on well.
"Lets get you home and in the bath, then we can watch a film maybe order a take away." Ximen suggested as he took her bag and her hand before leading them out the shopping centre and to the car park.
"Is this way of you apologising for the sheer amount of flirting you did during the plan to get customers to the shop?" Yingyue turned on him and she watched as his face dropped as he prepared for her to fully have a go at her.
"I promise I would never, it meant nothing it was just a marketing scheme. I have you, you are already miles too good for me." Ximen rushed out and Yingyue couldn't help but to laugh at his response.
"I'm not angry at you Xi, Lei has been sending me evidence of your 'best lines' all day. Honestly how were you even considered a ladies man?" Yingyue laughed out and she watched as he immediately relaxed before he took on an offended look.
"I can so flirt, I got you didn't I?" Ximen's offended look also passed through to his voice as he took on a tone that matched the pout which now graced his face.
"You got me because you are a dork and I love that about you." Yingyue's words were met with a deepening pout if anything and she could only shake her head as she let out another bout of laughter.
"Don't look at me like that. If you can give me one good line then we can do whatever you want." Yingyue challenged.
"Whatever I want."
"Whatever you want."
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