・・・☆・Thirty Seven ・・・☆・
Today was the first round of the Chinese Cuisine Competition and Yingyue awoke not really wanting to attend. She wasn't sure where her opinions stood when it came to Shancai and sure had the pair been friends she would have really wanted to attend to support her. But they weren't friends they were in some awkward position of being more than acquaintances as they had holidayed together, yet they weren't friends. Yingyue wasn't ready to completely forgive the girl for the mess of a friendship group she had created, nor for the state she had caused with her fiancé. Many of Yingyue's nightmares rotated around the scenes where she had seen Ximen break down from pure anguish caused by Shancai. Her worst fear was seeing him in any pain physical or emotional. So she wasn't fast to forgive the person who had caused it.
But she was dragging herself to attend the live broadcast because Si hadn't asked her to come 'if she wanted to' no he had asked her to come because he wanted her there. And the pair had gotten over their little spiff, especially when she had embarrassed him in front of their professor during their lecture a few days prior. Plus she did love any excuse to dress up. Even if her outfit was on the more simple side like it had been this day. She wore a black long sleeved t-shirt tucked into a brown skirt. With a pair of tights and a pair of Chelsea boots she looked chic but also comfortable for sitting down for a long period of time. Using a black wool cardigan to keep her warm she very quickly found herself sat in front of the recording waiting as the competition was introduced.
She was sat between Meizuo and Ximen as they waited. The three chatting quietly between themselves. Yingyue pondered for a moment, Meizuo would make a pretty brilliant maid of honour and he would eat that position up. He had been at the dress shopping as she didn't want to go with just her mother and Chang Xiou. Fingers crossed it wouldn't be too late to ask him to take this role, and that he wasn't already the best man.
The groups conversation was interrupted when the competition was officially started. Each judge was introduced and then they went to the introducing of all contestants. Despite not having completely happy feelings towards the girl Yingyue found it hard not to smile when Shancai came on the screen. Obviously the youngest contestant and the most awkward the young girl tried to play off that she was confident but it wasn't working. She looked more like a slightly lost puppy more than anything else. Soon enough they had to go through the ad break.
"What the hell, there are so many commercials." Si whined obviously wanting to see more of Shancai then they had currently been shown.
"Si the official competition hasn't started yet. Just be patient." Ximen tried to calm the pineapple head down before he started a riot in the middle of the room.
"It's been forever." The leader of F4 continued to whine out "It's been like one hour." Si turned to Lei for confirmation. Yingyue found herself smiling at the boy for he was so impatient much like a small child.
"It's only been five minutes." Meizuo added to the conversation trying to ease the young man they thought might just have a tantrum in the middle of the room.
"He's in love. Day's feel like years to him." Ximen tried to explain and Yingyue had to turn and raise an eyebrow at him. She scoffed slightly for he was just as bad, if not worse.
"You can't say anything." Lei spoke back at the man sitting just behind him.
"Never said I was. Where do you think I got the concept from?" Ximen replied as he reached out to take Yingyue's hand a small pout on his face realising he had to hold her right hand and not her left with the way their chairs were sat. His little habit of playing with her engagement ring had turned from just a small habit to an obsession whenever they were in public.
"That Caina is even prettier in person." Meizuo whispered as he leant towards Yingyue.
"You're watching someone else? Si will kill you and what will Chang-Xiou say?" Yingyue replied
"We both agreed she was really pretty. Chang bet me I couldn't get her number. We've got a lot of money riding on that bet." Meizuo shrugged her comment off. They both knew he wouldn't actually stray from the current relationship they were in.
The next part was to sit through the judges as they evaluated each dish. Yingyue couldn't help but find herself squeezing the hand of Ximen she had linked with her own. She felt nervous for the younger girl knowing that many of the competitors around her were more qualified and had more experience. But none of them had Si's older sister to help them which was the only factor that soothed the mutual nerves the group felt. It took a while but luckily Shancai was deemed as able to move onto the next round. It was a very close call but she was happy the younger girl got through. She could put the sour feelings aside to praise the girl.
There was a small break as the contestants returned and got a chance to rest before the second round. Yingyue found herself slouching back in her chair having not noticed she had lent forward in anticipation of finding out Shancai's results. Though this seemed as to be the perfect time for F3 to bully their leader. After all he seemed more pleased than Shancai that she had gotten through the first round.
"Would you believe, little miss flying kick, who kicked you in the hallway before is now a very skilled cook?" Ximen started as he thumped Si on the shoulder, a lot rougher than he normally would. Obviously not over the little spit between Si and Yingyue the week prior.
"Do you have an eye for talent, or is this all due to your sister's strict training?" Meizuo added not letting the opportunity pass.
"Whatever it is, Shancai has unique determination." Si replied as Yingyue could see him shuffle on his chair and she wasn't sure why but she could only imagine what was going through his head.
Soon enough the next stage of the competition was finished and somehow despite struggling to describe her dish, Shancai had also made it through to the next round, which so happened to be the final round. Yingyue covered her face with her hand whilst the other boys had to drag an over excited Si back to his seat before he burst onto the stage.
The group of five decided to make a trip to go and see Shancai back stage as she took a moment before the next round started. Surprisingly Si was not leading the group it was actually led by Meizuo who wandered through the room a takeaway cup of coffee in his hand as he went to greet the young girl.
"Shancai, drink something warm and relax." He started as he took long strides to get to the girl and pass her the drink they had brought for her.
"Thankyou." Shancai mentioned before Yingyue caught sneaky little Meizuo move towards Caina, he seemed to be taking this bet very seriously.
"I'm so nervous, I'm not sure what the next challenge for the next round is." Shancai stated as she played around with the lid of the cup she had been passed.
"You can do it." Lei replied
"You've got all of our support Shancai, you've got this." Yingyue added as she sent a small smile to the younger girl. She could only switch this smile to a beam when the younger girl smiled back at her.
"Si you were so excited earlier why aren't you encouraging her now." Meizuo's voice rung out as he mentioned the only one of the group who had remained absolutely quiet during the entire ordeal, Yingyue giggled at the face the boy pulled in response as he crossed his arms much like a small child.
"Come on the competition is about to start again soon." Ximen swooped in to save the pouting man and Yingyue tapped him gently on the arm enjoying watching the other man struggle. Though she was really happy watching Si attempt to encourage Shancai. This was now her favourite moment of the entire day. His incapability to say even the most simple of words was just funny how he stuttered and stumbled. She ended up burying her head in Ximen's chest as she tried to contain her laughter, his chest shaking as he too laughed loudly at their friends predicament. Si eventually stormed off, embarrassed by his friends antics, with Lei and Meizuo following shortly after him.
"Come on baby, lets go." Ximen announced as he gave the grip he had upon Yingyue's waist a little squeeze. Yingyue pulled herself back from where she stood and held her left hand out. Pulling her fiancé out of the room she walked briskly and shouted over her shoulder.
"Good luck Shancai you got this!"
The last round was more interesting to say the least. Firstly it would appear that Shancai had a brain fart and was unable to come up with a proper idea. Then Si decided he was going to help and dash to where the kitchen was, Yingyue wanted to place a bet he would be kicked out. But was thankful she didn't, because he hadn't.
And now the girls were getting judged, and by the seem of things Shancai wasn't doing as well as the others because her dish was simplier. These judges seemed a little boring shouldn't a boring dish be just as good as a fancy one? If not she could only apologise to Ximen on the nights she cooked for she wasn't the most experimental or fancy cook. But Shancai was able to use some of her stubbornness to explain her dish and Yingyue wasn't sure she had ever seen Si this proud before.
"Do you think he's going to cry?" She had whispered to Meizuo trying to rile up the gossiper of the group.
"Like 110%." Came the whispered response.
"It's not my fault that Shancai couldn't contain her inspiration when she looked at me." Si spoke up to the group when the judges were deliberating.
"Of course nobody can beat true love." Ximen teased of which he got another sharp look. He really needed to stop these kinds of comments considering how much of a fool he acted whenever Yingyue was present. She knew as well as the others.
"The winner of today's competition is..." The commentator began as he held for a dramatic pause. Yingyue once again tightened her grip on Ximen's hand she had yet to let go of, and then reached her other hand out to take Meizuo's in her own in anticipation. She had absolutely no clue who would win this time around.
"Miss Zhou Caina." The judges announced. Though Shancai's hard work had not been at a loss for she was gifted a special award to encourage her to continue to develop her cooking abilities.
I'm so sorry there are so many of these in a row, but I just wanted to apologise if the rate of these chapters coming out is slower, considering this has taken me about two and half hours to write considering I watch the show back alongside writing and have to triple check some of the lines as I go along. But we're inching closer to the moment some of you have been waiting for.
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