The group of five had moved from where they had located themselves a while ago heading to the lunchroom, due to Meizuo's constant whining over the lack of food he had consumed and over exaggeration of his stomach rumbling. Therefore, they were making their way back towards the bridge club when YingYue spotted the three silhouettes stood outside the door to the bridge room. She tried to work out who it was stood outside the bridge room though from a distance she could only work out that there was two young girls and a man stood with them.
It was not until they were much, much closer towards the group of three that YingYue was able to make out what they were saying. Well it wasn't until Shancai was basically squared up to the slightly older and slightly taller girl, that she was able to hear what was being said. But the others did not like the approach of the younger girl. Especially for Ximen, who did not like the confrontational look on the newcomers face. He took her left arm in his right hand and moved her so that she was mainly covered by his body. His posture becoming more tense at the thought something could go wrong.
She slipped her left arm up slightly so that her hand held onto his own. It wasn't until he intertwined their fingers that she felt him physically relax. This was when the confrontational Shancai decided to speak.
"Hey, green shoes guy" She demanded watching as all the boys looked down at their own feet. YingYue knew it had not been her with the green shoes, because green simply did not match her outfit. And as Ximen lent down to check his own shoes she lent forwards so that her face was as close to his ear as possible, which was a struggle due to the height differences, and whispered into his ear. "That's not you love"
The group had soon worked out that the person who had the green shoes was in fact Ah Si who upon realising it was he who the girl had turned her attention towards, very quickly turned stubborn. He had an overly confident smile etched onto his face, intrigued in the younger girl. YingYue watched on a look of pure interest in the situation as she awaited the next move between the two obviously very stubborn individuals. She watched as Shancai brought out her damaged phone from before. YingYue could remember the accident earlier on in the day when she had attempted to help said girl up from the floor who had a broken phone.
Constructing a solid time line, YingYue had worked out that Shancai had her phone broken by Ah Si when she had fallen over earlier on in the day. Obviously the pineapple haired friend of hers had stood on the phone during the scuffle and it had been broken. She watched on as the pair continued to argue over the broken phone and as Shancai attempted to blame Ah Si for the damage and as he tried to put it down to not being his fault.
It was like a game of cat and mouse watching them argue. She thought about trying to interfere and reach a conclusion where Si would pay for the phone and it would be repaired which would end the argument. But it was as if her thoughts had been intercepted by Ximen who's grip on her hand increased slightly. As if to say not to move and allow the pair to work it out on their own. Though instead of them reaching a civil result to the argument, she watched as he moved past bumping into the shoulder of the younger girl and as the remainder of the friendship group moved forwards and past the girl.
Despite her hand still being intwined with Ximen's she broke apart slightly so she did not just pass the younger girl. He looked back at her suddenly a small frown on his face at the lack of contact. Though with one look he took a couple more steps forwards before stopping and waiting for her to catch back up. She turned towards the younger girl making eye contact a small smile on her face.
"I'm really sorry about them, they're not use to a girl standing up to them at all. Is your phone in desperate repair? I'll give you the money you require with no need for you to pay me back." She offered watching as the younger girls face scrunched up at the offer.
"Unless its coming from the green shoed guy who broke my phone. I don't want any of your rich child money." Came the slightly agitated response.
"Daoming Si" Replied YingYue taking no notice of the other girls attitude.
"If you're going to demand money off him you might as well know his name first. You can't call him green shoe guy forever." Was all YingYue spoke before she moved off sending a small smile towards the other two younger students still stood outside the doors to the bridge room.
She very quickly met back up with Ximen who then opened the door for her as they walked down into the bridge room.
The next morning she had awoken earlier than she had the day before. She did not know why but for some reason that morning she had more energy than she normally did. This meant that she had a pep in her step as she moved her way to her wardrobe trying to pick an outfit for that days activities. Settling her eyes on a red jumpsuit she quickly dressed into it pairing it with a black blazer and chunky black belt around her waist. She pulled on her black boots before working on her makeup having enough time to go a bit more dramatic that morning.
She calmly walked her way down the stairs this morning slinging her bag on her back as she wandered in and had enough time to calmly eat her breakfast. It also shocked her to see her mother sat at the breakfast bar with a cup of tea in her hands and the newspaper out in front of her.
"Ahh YingYue lovely for you to be running early this morning." Greeted her mother watching her daughters surprised face. The two women after all weren't as close as everyone assumed when looking in. At formal events and outings they seemed as thick as thieves the mother often praising her daughter above everything and showing off her young, beautiful and smart heir. Though around the house it was very different. They lived in different wings of the house with her mother living in the west wing with her father and YingYue living alone in the east wing of the house.
"Good morning mother" Was the only thing as YingYue proceeded to eat her breakfast quietly whilst checking her messages on her phone. Whilst quickly typing out a response to Jing she did not make an effort to talk to her mother. She was about to move forwards to grab the keys to her car before hearing a honking sound from out the front of the house. She then watched as her phone dinged to signal the text.
Come outside
After reading his message she quickly stood taking her bag with her and bidding her mother a quick goodbye before heading out the front door. The sight she got to witness that morning made her heart skip a beat. She quickly changed her phone onto the camera mode and took a photo of the scene in front of her. Just as a permanent reminder and a new contact photo.
There he stood reclined against the door of the car his hands in his pockets as he looked towards the sky. Though as he heard her footsteps approach he moved to greet her.
"I thought I would give you a lift today. You look wonderful." He spoke as he moved to open the passenger side door for her to step in. Closing the door behind her he moved his way back to the drivers side before starting the engine and pulling off from her driveway.
The pair arrived at the university and had a relatively calm morning. No problems with Shancai and her phone had happened yet, as the group of five walked their way around the school calmly. They were heading to the bridge room once again. Yes a good portion of their time in the room was spent practising the game, though quite often they spent it just relaxing away from the eyes of the majority of the student body. Considering the status the group of four boys had as F4 it was difficult for them to get much privacy or time as a group away from prying eyes of the many girls who thought they were going to bag themselves a very popular and very rich boyfriend.
YingYue and Meizuo were currently discussing the tactics of bridge as they were walking. She too played the game, though did not compete much allowing the boys to take the spotlight. Though this didn't mean she didn't practice with them, though she often spent her time officiating the games between the boys who could get easily into the 'he's cheating' debate.
This conversation had meant she was not paying much attention to her surroundings as they walked up the last step of stairs to get them to the level where the room was located. She followed Ah Si very close being only a step behind him at most. She didn't pay much attention, that was until he was slammed in the face by a flying cake from a couple of steps above. And in the situation the best response was not to burst out laughing at the predicament. Though this was not the response she took. Rather YingYue spent her time laughing at the ridiculous appearance of him now that there was cake absolutely everywhere.
She was laughing so hard she had missed the majority of the second argument between Daoming Si and Shancai as she remained glued to her spot. Her laughter came out in the form of tears as she leant up against the railing for support. Three of the members of F4 had moved on as Lei stopped. He picked up the damaged birthday card passing it to Shancai before going back to receive the eldest girl.
He placed a hand on YingYue's shoulder alerting her to his presence. She very quickly stood up aware of the image she was currently showing knowing this was not how she was raised. And very quickly followed him out of the stairway and to where the others were located. She sent another smile to the two girls before making sure she would see them later on in the day to check they had been okay. Once someone had broken down what she had missed when she was in a fit of laughter.
The two latecomers quickly met up with the other members of F4 and went to head back into the bridge room so that Ah Si could complain about the last situation and change out of his dirty clothes into clean ones. She was stopped on the way in though.
"You've got a little cake here and here." Explained Ximen as he pointed to her blazer and poked her cheek next to the deposit. She quickly tried to move her hand to wipe away at the cake on her face though was surprised when her hand was caught in one of his own and his other thumb came up to wipe it off for her. She looked down at her shoes as a blush appeared on her face, which made him smile to himself. She frowned slightly as her eyes caught sight of the rather large amount of cake on her blazer as she went to take it off.
"Guess this is going to need a clean now." She sighed holding onto it and exposing the complete jumpsuit the short sleeves exposing the majority of her slim arms. Though the new wave of cool air hit her very quickly as she shivered slightly. She went to wrap her arms around herself, though before she was able to a blue coat was perched on her shoulders.
"I know it doesn't really match as well as the black one did, but you can't be getting cold." Spoke the voice of Ximen as she looked up to meet his eyes. He quickly took the black blazer off her as she pulled her arms into his jacket. It was defiantly a couple of sizes too big on her as the material threatened to swallow her whole. However, he thought it was the cutest thing he had ever witnessed and made a note to make sure he saw it happen more often. He took her by the hand and pulled her down into the bridge room to where it was warmer.
Their group of friends looked onto the scene of the two, as she stood there in his coat a residual blush still evident on both of their faces. Meizuo lent towards Lei as he watched the pair sit close together.
"If they don't get married by the time we're 24 I'll make sure it happens myself" He commented watching as the more silent of the two gave a bright smile.
"If he doesn't propose to her own his own, I'll help you to do it on his behalf." Confirmed Lei as the pair watched on and pretended to listen to Daoming Si's complaining.
Author's note:
Hi if you a returning reader to this chapter and the couple previous or upcoming, I would just like to say this book is just currently getting that sweet edit. Just because I was reading it back to myself to see just what kind of progress I had made on the characters. To realise that there were many tense changes and other parts that just required a little bit of sprucing. So if anyone can point any any changes no matter how subtle or how big lemme know. I'm interested.
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