・・・☆・Twenty Eight ・・・☆・
Yingyue was rushing around her room that morning, she was looking desperately for her purse, but could she find it no. The girl had plans to meet with Chang-xiou that morning to just catch up. The two girls wanting to go for brunch and just enjoy themselves with no boys around. But for some reason, Yingyue had no clue where she had left her purse, she'd checked all her pockets and bags she'd used in the last couple of days but with no luck.
"Xi have you seen my purse" She called out not really sure what part of the east wing he was currently in but also knowing, if anyone, he'd know where it was.
"On your desk, under the workbook for economics 4." His voice called back and upon moving the book he was right. It was her biggest problem with the whole organisation thing, she often didn't tidy until she had completed a task and considering she had yet to finish the reading for that week she had left it on the desk and over her purse.
Walking through the living area of the east wing Yingyue came across Ximen who was laid out upon the 3 seater sofa a book in his hands. The atmosphere was peaceful and it was obvious it was just a time for him to relax. Though her footsteps seemed to snap him out of his concentration on the current page as he looked up to see her.
"Find it?" His tone of voice was that of someone who knew they were right and she waved it at him to signal that yes she had found it exactly where he said it was.
"Is that the same book from last night? Must be good." Yingyue had approached him now and knelt down so she was at more of an even height and did not tower over him.
"Yes it is rather good, you would know that if you actually tried to read." Ximen's voice held no malice as he raised an eyebrow, he wasn't wrong though Yingyue hated reading anything from textbook to books that were for relaxation or her own pleasure. She wasn't sure when she last read a book that wasn't compulsory for her class and even then she wasn't a big fan of doing so.
"I rather like the sound of you being the well read, educated one. I'm happy to be the pretty one hanging off your arm."
"You could really do with reading some more though." It would appear Ximen wouldn't let her comment just slip, he'd been trying to get her to read for years now.
"I could, I should but I probably won't"
"Just get a wiggle on before Chang-xiou starts to complain that you're running severely behind again." Ximen beckoned as he tried to turn his attention away from her and back to his book.
"Are you trying to get rid of me?" Yingyue questioned knowing he would never properly want rid of her
"Yes, now dash before she starts bugging me as to why you haven't left the house yet."Yingyue lent forward pecking his lips briefly before heading out of the door and towards the restaurant where they were supposed to be meeting for brunch.
Entering the restaurant she found that once again Chang-xiou sat at the table waiting for her her eyes on her phone but nevertheless still waiting on the girl.
"Hi sorry I'm late Chang, I lost my purse." Yingyue tried to explain before she got a cheeky smile in response from the other girl.
"I knew you'd be late anyways I only got here 5 minutes ago." Now some people would have taken offence to that statement but Yingyue had to admit it was true. For some reason, she always seemed to turn up late to the meet ups between the two girls, her current WAGS formation, whether it was because like in this case she had lost her purse or because her fiancé was being whiney and wouldn't let her leave.
The two had ordered their food and passed the time with just idle chitchatter. It wasn't until the food arrived that they started to delve into the bigger topics. And of course they had to talk about the situation between their partners friendship group and the young girl which was Dong Shancai. Nursing her cup of tea in her hand Yingyue looked up to make eye contact with Chang-xiou.
"So we are meant to believe that this young girl, who's known the boys for a couple of months and therefore went through the entire Lei and Jing situation, was present at her birthday party, saw them on holiday and how Lei rushed to follow her to Paris, is not aware that the boy doesn't have any real feelings for her?" Chang-xiou started obviously having been kept in the loop by Meizuo who she had happily informed Yingyue was officially her boyfriend.
"Apparently so." Yingyue's answer was blunt she too felt the exact same way as the girl sat opposite her.
"I don't believe it in the slightest, I understand the girl having a crush on Lei, he's sweet. But she's also had Si pining after her for months. She's aware of his feelings yet still decided to get with one of his best friends."
"I know Chang, that's the bit I can't quite believe myself. Si made it very clear that he's interested in her sometimes it's not in the most traditional way but he's still actively trying and that has to be more than Lei's done for her." Yingyue agreed
"It's just infuriating can those two idiots not see their stupid feud over a girl who will probably end it with both of them when we graduate, is effecting every member of the group not just them. This is the first time I've ever seen Meizuo cry and it broke my heart because he's having to deal with the only true friendship group he's ever had fall apart over some silly girl." It was then that Yingyue could tell that the other woman must have been in a similar state to her own over the last few days. Having to console their partner with false promises and pretences even though there was nothing they could say or do to help the situation.
"I know, I know. Ximen's trying to understand everything and continue on as if nothing has changed but it's challenging." She could only shrug her shoulders and sigh before something else clicked in her head. "Have you heard from KiKi recently, I haven't since she confirmed to me that Lei had just messaged her saying it was over."
"No I haven't, do you think he told her it was because he wanted to be with Shancai instead?"
"Oh god, could you imagine, he was basically stolen from right under her nose. If Ximen ever tried something like that with me I don't know what I'd do." Yingyue contemplated her heart reaching out for the other girl. Sure she hadn't like Kiki at first but she had just started to warm up to her before this had all happened.
The two finished their food before deciding to pop into some of the shops around them. Chang-xiou stated she had a very important date coming up in the next couple of days with Meizuo and wanted some help to find the perfect dress to wear. Yingyue couldn't have said no, she hadn't been shopping with another girl for a while and missed doing it with a friend. It was a completely different atmosphere when you did it on your own.
Two and a Half hours later the two girls had gone through most of the shops and Chang-xiou had settled on two dresses. The girl in question had headed back into the dressing room to try the back on when her phone rung. Yingyue could only just work out her end of the conversation and decided it would be rude for her to overly ease drop. When the other senior came out of the dressing room with the blue dress in her hands they headed to look back through the accessories and shoes for the whole outfit.
"Find anything you like?" A voice spooked her from her concentration on a display of bracelets. She let out a squeal before she registered who the voice belonged to. She pun around to give said person a harsh whack on the shoulder.
"Yan Ximen, stop scaring me on purpose." Said man in question gave her a cheeky smile in response and she supposed she couldn't not forgive him for doing it, she probably would have done it had the roles been switched. Before she suddenly gave him a look of confusion. How did he know she was here? Didn't she leave him at hers reading a book? Had she made that whole ordeal up that very morning?
"I went out for coffee with the other lads and Meizuo called Chang just before we finished, she told us where you both were. When she's paid we're going for a drink the four of us." He explained.
"Right, awesome, how did the coffee go? Was it just the three of you?"
"Qinghe came, he's not that bad you know."
"He's not that bad" Yingyue mocked her voice going a pitch higher as she could clearly recall his dislike for the younger boy all those months ago.
"Come on they've paid."
The group of four found themselves sitting in a rather nice looking sky bar at a small round table. Either couple sat on each side of the table, nursing their drinks in front of them. Once again Yingyue took role of designated driver, however, it was normally her who suggested the idea considering she wasn't a fan of alcohol and no matter how many times she tried it this opinion didn't seem to want to change.
"So we've got some news." Ximen started, the engaged couple had decided to tell their friends about the house they had just purchased obviously settling on the pair which were currently the least dramatic.
"Oh my you're expecting a baby." Chang-xiou gushed
"How come every time we say that everyone always assumes I'm pregnant." Yingyue whined as she placed her head onto Ximen's shoulder with a loud sigh.
"No we're not expecting, not yet. We've actually brought a house together and hope to be moved in, in the next two or so months." Ximen replied on the couples behalf a light chuckle leaving his lips at first at another assumption of them having a baby.
"Oh, thats not as exciting." Meizuo commented
"Have a baby soon, I need to live vicariously though you." Chang-xiou added
Yingyue just loved her friends.
Author's note:
Hi, hello, long time no speak. I'm sorry this account went radio silent for around 7-9 months. I was severely ill and then had to catch up academically. Therefore, I have come back during this crisis to finish where I left off. I wanted to thank everyone for their support whilst I was gone and since I have come back. It's been really motivating to read everyones kind words and see that people are still returning even after months.
I hate to leave things unfinished and this has plagued my mind that it was just left with barely any plot being completed and it felt as though the character I had created in the form of Yingyue had just been abandoned. Therefore, I'm hoping to come to a point in her story where she is stable and I can leave it on a high point.
Thank you all for your continued support.
May 2020
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