Yan Ximen was not dumb, nor was he ignorant. He knew that YingYue was hung up over the fact that they were engaged but he had not directly asked her. He could see it from her point of the situation but he could also see it form another point. He knew why it hadn't happened but also knew why it would upset her. To be frank he was just rather happy he was going to marry the girl he had been in love with since he must have been eight or nine. How they got there did not matter to him. He just wanted to call her his wife already.
But he supposed the way to a happy life was a happy wife. And Jiang YingYue would never forgive him if he didn't propose properly and get her an actual ring. The only problem was finding one he thought would be good enough for her. She deserved the best of everything and what if he could never find one deserving of being hers.
He had never been happier to have a free at a time when she did not. This one free period also happened to be at a time when Jing was free. And he really felt like having a second opinion would make all of a difference. Therefore, when he managed to sneak out with the only other girl he had ever gotten remotely close to and kept around he felt a ball of nerves build. He was aware that the other girl knew he hadn't properly proposed after all the two girls told each other everything.
"So what was the emergency you needed me for?" Came the voice of the older girl. He turned to her once parked at the shopping centre, a sheepish grin on his face. He ended up scratching his neck with one hand as he looked at her trying to work out how he was going to describe the situation.
"Well um... you know the situation between me and Yeye? I um want to do it proper. Yeah proper." He tried to explain as he started to walk in the direction of the shop he best thought he could get the ring from.
"So am I helping you plan it or helping you rehearse it?"
"Neither, you're here as a second opinion" Was all he stated walking into the jewellery shop.
Two hours later Ximen had finally settled on a ring. It wasn't that he was picky, it was more of that he was a perfectionist. He was struggling to find a ring of which was good enough for her. Some were pricey but seemed wrong, like he could never imagine her wearing something like that. After all she was going to be wearing it for the rest of her life and it had to be perfect.
He ended up settling for a silver band with a moderately sized diamond in the middle. It was a beautiful ring, not as beautiful as the girl it was intended for, but he was happy to be able to propose to her properly with this ring. This meant the first part of the proposal was done.
The other one he had only to pick up. He had never been happier to have planned to get her something earlier on. This meant that he had the perfect idea combining his gift with the gift she was giving to him. After all the best gift he had received so far in his life was the news they were going to be married.
"You know you better get this on record. I bet it's going to be beautiful. Get someone to record it for the future." Came the voice of Jing who had been nothing but supportive of the whole adventure. The pair had felt as though they were being incredibly secretive and needed a way to cover up what they were doing so the younger girl would not catch on. Therefore, came up with the idea that for Jing's birthday in a fortnight they had gone shopping to get Ximen a matching tie considering Jing had picked out the dress for YingYue and had yet to show the girl and would not until the night.
Girl friendships were weird.
Almost a week had passed since he had gone out to buy the ring. It was the day, he had determined. A Friday afternoon meant he could spend the weekend with her afterwards. And as the pair were alternating between spending it at his and then at hers, it just so happened to work out that this weekend would be spent at her house. An even better situation considering the first part of the proposal.
He had dropped her off that afternoon after lessons stating to have simply 'forgotten' his overnight bag that morning and would only nip back to his house to pick it up. He claimed it would only take him 5 or so minutes to do as he pried off a very clingy YingYue who thought he no longer wanted to spend time with her. How wrong she was.
Racing into the house that evening he almost collided with his mother. She had been instrumental to the plan having looked after the first part for the majority of the day. He quickly gave her a hug before taking the bag she held and slinging it over his shoulder.
"Good luck my son, I've packed the clothes of which she likes you best in. He's in the kitchen still." His mother explained giving her son a kiss and leading him into the kitchen. He could only shake his head in humour, how could she know what YingYue liked him best in? Alas he listened to the crazy rumbling of his mother as he ventured into the kitchen. Sat there in a cage was a small little husky puppy the brilliant blue eyes reflecting the lights of the room.
Chanting a Madre of 'I can do it' "don't be a pussy' and 'you're already engaged, go give her the goddamn ring', Ximen approached the door the cage placed down gently on the door step. He very quickly opened it up and brought out the puppy. Securing the ring box to the puppies collar using a ribbon he quickly knocked on the door.
To his surprise, the heavens were on his side, and the woman who opened the door was none other than his fiancé.
"You came back"
"Of course I would. Now close your eyes." He placed in her hands the puppy and waited for her to open them back up again. When she hesitated in doing so he let out a small laugh. "You can open them."
"Can you get any more perfect?"
"I dunno can you?"
YingYue ushered him into the house her grip remaining tight on the puppy as he continued to fuss around in the new ladies arm. The puppy was enjoying himself liking the person he was being held by her scent almost familiar from the man who had spent the last two days around.
It would only appear that once they had moved to the living room, and he had secretly mentioned to one of the staff members to start recording, that she took notice of the box on the collar of the puppy.
"Xi, what this?"
"Open it up baby." He spoke watching as she took her time to take the box from the ribbon before opening it up. As her eyes widened he got down onto one knee.
"I know you really don't have much of a choice, but I have been in love with you since we were ten. I cried when my mother told me that I was going to be marrying you. Never did I think I'd ever get to spend the rest of my life with the woman of my dreams. You consume my every thought and I wouldn't have it any other way. If given more time I could have taken you abroad and proposed on some exotic beach, but I realised I don't need all of that. I just need you."
"Marry me Jiang YingYue."
"I'd never say no to you."
Yes it has happened
Now to move on with the actual plot. When I get around to it. To be honest I'm enjoying writing this over some of my other books so expect a couple more chapters on this with a higher update ratio to the other books.
Legally Blonde or Mean Girls?
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