YingYue did not know what time she went to bed that night. But she could clearly remember the phone call she had with Jing and the squealing mess the two girls had become over the news. Jing had begged her to show the ring. But there was one problem. There was no ring.
She was not sure what Ximen had planned or what they were going to do over the whole engagement ring situation but she was sure it would be difficult telling others without one. So for now she knew that only her closest friends could know. She would defiantly prefer the whole school not to know. And when she awoke the next morning she groaned knowing it was another day back at school. The only highlight was the fact that she knew she now had the man of her dreams.
Rolling rather unceremoniously out of bed she slinked her way over to the wardrobe. It was a hunt for something which caught her eye or interested her slightly. But it was hard as once again it seemed to be one of those indecisive mornings, where she just couldn't work out for the life of her what she thought would look good. And as she spent her time debating she also became more and more indecisive for the little things. Did she want to wear trousers or a skirt? White or black? Will she drive today? Will she walk? Does she have enough time to do her makeup?
As these questions continued to build in her brain she found herself almost unconsciously picking an outfit. Something she felt worked together as she debated so many other questions. She almost blindly pulled the outfit on as well. It was as if her brain just knew something which she did not. And when she pulled on a cardigan which must have been at least two sizes too big for her she was able to ground herself. The smell of the aftershave on the cardigan seemed to calm her brain as she began to focus on the smell, and the person it belonged to.
With a slightly clearer mind she went to make herself look a little more presentable. Her makeup was done and her hair was styled in its normal large wave style. This was when she looked at her options of jewellery. She automatically put on the necklace she had been gifted the night before, and the gold bracelet the group had given her. And as she stared at the array of other jewellery sat on her vanity she knew there was one thing missing. But she couldn't get too caught up on one item. She was sure it would come soon.
So as a way of ensuring that she did not focus more on it she left her room and headed down to the kitchen. And despite the amount of time she had wasted earlier she still seemed to be running early. Maybe the events from the night before had made it so she woke with more pep and earlier? Nah it was probably the excitement of telling Jing everything in person. Or maybe it was the excitement of seeing her fiancé.
The word was still strange to her. And though he technically had not proposed to her, everything had still been set into place. And a god was her fiancé. As she sat at the dining table in the middle of the house, she found herself unable to stop the smile which made its way onto her face.
All she was doing was going through her photos. But every time she saw a photo of him, which was many more than she had remembered taking, the smile just made her way onto her face. She would probably call herself whipped. Actually, there was no probably about it.
YingYue was too absorbed in her phone to notice the sound of footsteps. The footsteps of her mother who had come to sit next to her daughter. It had been a while since the two had been together in the morning. But as her mother waited for her to notice her presence, she was able to look over the young girls shoulder and at her phone. She had come across a photo of the young couple to which the woman smiled. She had finally done something right by her daughter, something positive for the young girl who had so much thrown at her at such a young age. The gleeful look on her daughters face the night before had told her as much. And for once she truly felt like a mother. A mother who had the most beautiful and amazing daughter in the world. A daughter who deserved so much. And the place it all started was with allowing her daughter to not be in a loveless marriage. She had managed to do that by listening and watching, playing her cards right.
"You two make such a lovely couple, I hope you are truly happy about the future now." Her mother spoke to which cause YingYue to let out a little squeal and almost drop her phone onto the counter. She turned to look at the older woman and gave her a smile.
"I am, I don't think I've ever been happier." She gushed in response her eyes flicking back to her phone when a familiar sound rang out.
It's cold out here
Her eyes widened at the text as her brain quickly worked out what the text meant. Standing up quickly and leaving the rest of her belongings behind she rushed to the front door. Almost throwing it open her suspicions were correct. There he stood in his morning glory and there she almost melted. Especially when their lips connected and her knees began to feel weak. When they pulled apart, he was able to rest his head on her forehead.
"Morning baby, you look beautiful." He complimented as she moved to pull him inside. The cold breeze from outside could already be felt as she let the door shut behind them and dragged the young man into the kitchen.
Reaching the chair she had been sat at earlier YingYue quickly reached down and picked up her bag ready for the day. Turning to look at her mother once more before leaving the smile on her face seemed to cause the older woman to smile back. She lent forwards to kiss her mother on the cheek before pulling the young man back out in the direction they came in.
The drive to school hadn't been awkward, not much had seemed to change between the two despite the previous nights events. YingYue hadn't known what to expect really, she had thought that maybe something dramatic would happen, like him suddenly professing their love and declaring their relationship to the entire school but it seemed to not be that way. Rather they continued to discuss the homework they had both failed to complete over the duration of the holiday. The pair were planning somehow to sit down and complete it before their last lesson of the day and when it was due in.
They didn't spend much time alone after parking. It would appear that Jing had been waiting for the car to turn up and whisked the young and unsuspecting YingYue away as she sent a small wave to her fiancé.
"So lemme see it." Jing had exclaimed as soon as the two girls were walking alone
"I don't have one."
"Come on YeYe no need to joke about it show me your hand." YingYue let out a sigh before showing the older girl her left hand which was, as she had stated, bare missing the fatal ring.
"What the actual flying... he legit didn't get you a ring?"
"Not yet no, I mean we were only told about it last night so like maybe he wasn't aware of it either or something. I kinda want him to propose properly though. Not just the whole our parents made us do it here's a ring."
"Hmm, he better do it soon though. Otherwise he'll still be fighting off guys." Jing stated as both girls walked down the hallway towards their lecture theatre. However, they managed to past said male and the rest of their friendship group on the way. YingYue had to fight her eyes from staring purely at Ximen just to give her other friends the recognition they deserved.
Her eyes cast towards the floor coming into view of the atrocity of what Ah Si was calling his feet. For some reason the shoes he was wearing seemed to be about four sizes too small as the majority of the front half of his feet stuck out the end of them. Her eyes widened at the sight of his feet before looking away almost immediately after.
"I don't know what you are planning, nor do I think I want to know but did you really have to show off those ghastly sights?" She questioned her eyes looking anywhere but in the direction of the feet.
"My feet are beautiful and this is the best prank I've ever done." Came the males response. She could only roll her eyes in response. His idea of a prank had always been a bit strange and this was no different to what it had been beforehand. Rather she gave her friends one last smile and a wave. Not forgetting to send an air kiss in the direction of her fiancé before walking off in the direction of her lecture room.
"I will never understand that kid."
"You and me both Yeye, you and me both."
Authors Note:
Hey this is currently almost halfway through a massive editing move for this book. Some chapters haven't had a massive edit and other ones have but it might not be so obvious for everyone else. Just let me know whenever you spot something, no matter how big or small.
Question of the Chapter:
What's your favourite musical number?
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