twenty seven.
***Bailey's POV***
I sit up and there's no TV. It's also dark in my room.
Then it hits me. I actually woke up.
I woke up!
I yell for someone and immediately doctors rush in. There's talk about how it's a miracle and how I'm healing much better than I was expected to. I'm updated on the date - December 6th - and how people have been visiting me. I can't wait to see the gang!
Then I'm made aware I can't have any visitors for a few days so they can confirm that my health is steady. It hurts, but I understand.
During all of this, it doesn't even cross my mind that I threw myself out a window. All I could think about is Two-Bit kissing me and telling me those things that lit my insides up. I just want to see him and tell him I want all of that too.
***Victoria's POV***
Neither Johnny or I could sleep, so we decided to go to the lot so we weren't in everyone's way.
When we get there, we find Two-Bit. He's not sleeping, but his eyes are closed. He jumps up when he sees us and we all maintain a small conversation.
Until we hear a car engine and immediately know somethings up.
I look at Johnny, but he's pale as a ghost. I heard something from Bailey that he and Ponyboy had a bad run in with some Socs, and that's why they were up at that church a little while ago. Johnny is known all over the Soc side of town for getting off with self-defense, and I'm guessing these Socs didn't like that.
Two-Bit forces us behind him and flips out a large blade. There are 5 Socs, each with a blade of their own.
The front Soc points at Johnny. "You're the one who killed our friend."
Johnny nods slowly.
"Well, if you can get off with self-defense, so can we," he says and they advance on us. My heart beats rapidly.
That's when the Socs spot me.
"Ah, who's this? Does little greaser have a girlfriend?" one from the back asks.
"Don't you dare hurt her," Johnny growls.
"Or what, trash? What will you do about it?" another from the back asks.
Johnny swallows hard. "I'll get off for self-defense again."
I shiver and clutch the back of Two-Bit's shirt.
"Look, we don't want any trouble," Two-Bit says.
"We do," the front Soc says. And with that, they begin to jump us.
Two-Bit takes on three of the five, immediately knocking one out completely. Johnny takes the other two, getting many cuts and bruises, but ends up knocking out another.
One Soc comes at me, and I'm knocked to the ground and slapped multiple times. That earns an angry yell from Johnny, and just as a knife is pressed against my cheek, Johnny tackles him and begins to beat the living shit out of him. Once the Soc looks unconscious, Johnny kicks him in the head. I lay breathless against the pavement, dabbing my bleeding cheek.
I sit up and see the remaining Socs cussing and grabbing their passed out friends so they can leave. I pant as my heart slows down a bit. Two-Bit is breathing heavily too, and his face and arms are sliced up.
Johnny runs over to me and scoops me up. He has tons of bruises but didn't show many signs of blood.
"Oh, Victoria, you're bleeding! Are you okay?!" he asks. I nod against him as I hug him tighter. "I'm so sorry I let them touch you babygirl. I should have protected you better. It's my fault you're like this."
"No, Johnny that wasn't your fault. There's no way I would have made it out of there untouched. And if you couldn't have kept me completely safe baby, no one could have," I assure him. I feel him nod against me. I grab his cheek and kiss him softly.
"Yo, lovebirds, can we get out of here? I don't like the idea of them coming back with backup," Two-Bit suggests. Johnny grabs my hand and we head for the Curtis's.
***Steve's POV***
Ellie and I are laid out on the couch watching movies when someone knocks on my door.
I pause the movie and stand to open the door, which I immediately regret.
"Steve," my father says flatly
"Dad? What the hell are you doing here?!" I ask.
"This is my house," he states. I swallow and decide whether or not to punch him.
"You're never around, it's my house now," I say.
"Get out," my dad says calmly.
"What?" I ask, sort of taken back.
"I said get out! Did you not hear me?! Take your tramp and get the hell out! Don't come back!" he suddenly fumes. Ellie jumps off the couch and we race upstairs to grab what we can. Within 10 minutes, we have 12 bags and I'm helping Ellie out of my bedroom window.
We race to the car and head for the Curtis house.
***Ponyboy's POV***
I wake up in the middle of the night on the couch, and immediately I feel grossness coming from my stomach. I groan as my stomach twists and turns until I have to make a dead run to the bathroom.
I turn and see Bryce waking up. He's sitting and holding his stomach too.
"Ponyboy, I don't feel good-" he throws up all over his bed before he can finish the sentence. I groan at the sound because it makes my stomach turn even more.
I take Bryce's hands and race him to the bathroom. Then I walk back out and clean up the messes we made. I feel a little better now, but I can tell Bryce doesn't.
I'm about to throw the towels away when the front door bursts open and the rest of the gang - minus Dallas and Bailey - come marching into my home at 2:00 am.
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