forty seven.
***Kayla's POV***
"He's looking at you again," Alex whispers into my ear. I turn and meet eyes with Soda briefly before he turns back to whoever he was talking to.
It's been like this all night. It sucks because of course I still love him. And him not wanting anything to do with me just makes it so much worse.
We got home late last night and everyone crashed at the Curtis house, and from the looks of it, that would be happening again tonight. Alex, Victoria, and Johnny are spending a few nights in the hospital, so there's plenty of room for everyone.
I hear a giggle and look over at Ponyboy and Jessica. They've been dating for less than 24 hours and they're already the cutest thing in the world. Even though she isn't allowed to spend the night here, she'll stay as late as she can, and when it's time to go home, he'll walk her home. Then he'll crash on the floor of Darry's room.
Soda slept on a couch, leaving room for Bailey and Two-Bit in the guest room. Alex and I bunked on cots laid out in the kitchen, but she is the worst person to sleep next to. I don't know how Dally did it. She talks in her sleep all night long, especially when she has nightmares, which seems to be every night.
Everyone begins to ready themselves for bed, but I remain seated for a while. Soda announces he needs some air and steps outside. In all of the commotion of everyone moving, I don't even notice him drop a ripped sheet of paper into my lap.
it's impossible for me to sit here and pretend I don't love you.
I look outside and see him sit down on the steps. He places his head into his hands and lets out a big sigh.
Was that his way of telling me he wanted me to join him?
I twiddle my fingers as I try and decide what to do. I'm kicked off the couch eventually and I go into the bathroom. I throw my hair into a messy braid and pull on one of Dally's t shirts Alex gave me to wear to sleep.
When I return to the living room, everything is quiet. The lights are off, but no one seems to be sleeping in the living room. I assume Soda went to sleep somewhere else, but something contradicts me.
A shadow appears from the light of the moon outside.
I soon find myself with my hand on the door handle. I take a deep breath and push the door open.
"Darry, I'll be inside in a second, I just need a few more minutes," he says without turning around.
I stay quiet, not really knowing what to say.
He turns and his face freezes with what looks like terror.
"Kayla..." he says slowly.
"I got your note, and I didn't know if you wanted me to come outside with you, but I can go back inside if you want," I start.
He stands up and I see tears streaming down his sad face.
"Soda, you can't give me that look and expect me not to want to make you feel better. It's just not fair to me, you're the one who hasn't said a word to me in months," I say to him.
He breathes in a shaky breath and I inhale harshly to stop myself from crying too.
"Please," he begs through the tears. His voice shakes as he begins to cry harder. "I don't deserve it but I really need it. I know I've been a complete ass and I've been a horrible boyfriend - hell, I don't even think we're together anymore. I just can't take it anymore, Kayla. I'm done moping around and not talking. It breaks my heart knowing what I'm doing is hurting you, hell I miss you so much sometimes it's hard to breathe. I can't do it anymore, sweet girl. I can't sit here and watch you hurt."
I feel a tear roll off my chin and I wipe under my nose with the sleeve of my shirt. He steps towards me and grabs my right hand.
"Please sweet girl, just one last hug," he pleads. I then realize how much I need one too, and slowly nod.
He immediately pulls me into the safety of his arms. I sling my arms around his neck and bury myself into his warm chest. He lets out a deep breath and holds me tighter against him.
"I love you more than anything in the whole world, and I always will, Kayla Jackson," he says against me.
"I love you too," I choke out between sobs.
We just stand in the moonlight tangled in each other's arms. I don't think his heart rate goes down once, which reassures me that his feelings for me returned for real. He pulls away slightly after a while, but only to kiss me softly. He kisses me over and over until I'm so in love I can barely stand.
"Be my girl again, Kayla Jackson, and I'll treat you like the princess you are," he promises me once he pulls away.
"I'd love to be your girl, Sodapop Curtis," I reply happily.
Soda smiles a smile that says "I am the happiest man alive right now." I giggle and he kisses my forehead.
After a little while longer, we go back inside to find a place to sleep. A couch is open, so Soda creates us a bed while I sit and watch.
He climbs onto the couch and I practically leap to lay down next to him. He pulls me on top of him and begins to kiss me - hard. His hands work on removing Dally's shirt and leaving me only in some small spandex as my hands venture up and down his newly exposed chest.
"Are you Dally's girl?" he asks me as he throws the shirt across the room. I shake my head and he smiles.
His hands massage my butt as the makeout session becomes heated. I grind my hips against him as he works on taking my bra off.
By the time his hands reach my - yep, I knew I was in for a long night.
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