"Chenle" the God called out and a loud squeak was heard in the background. The mentioned angel flew towards God who didn't seem too pleased with his actions. It was obvious that he wasn't paying attention to what the other was saying.
"Yes lord,"
"You'll be assigned the duty of Jisung. Park Jisung" Chenle was a guardian angel. And throughout his job as one he had met multiple people who turned into an angel once they were dead. Jisung was a newborn baby. He had the duty to look after the other. chenle knew it wouldn't be hard to. He loved babies. and Jisung was a baby.
Chenle bowed before flying away. Once he reached his quarters he came running to Kun who seemed to be waiting for his arrival.
"Who is it?"
"Park Jisung. Somewhere in Seoul, South Korea"
Kun nodded. He was assigned to look after someone named Jaemin. He was two years old. But Kun had to say the other was quite a handful. He badly wanted to resign his job as a guardian angel.
"What about jaemin? How is he doing?" Chenle asked giggling as Kun rubbed his temple. Gesturing the other to sit he took a seat as well.
"That kid is quite a handful. he seems to attract trouble wherever he goes. Somehow. His mother's attitude isn't helping any either. The woman is careless."
"You really have a tough time, don't you?" chenle asked giggling as Kun nodded. It was a hard job indeed but they couldn't say no to the lord. They were, after all, assigned to look after people, be their guardian angels.
"I hope Jisung wouldn't turn out to be like that" Chenle said smiling at the sight of the baby he had a peak of. To say that he was cute would be an understatement. He was beyond cute and Chenle couldn't believe that he was whipped for him already.
"That's what I thought when I saw jaemin for the first time" Kun commented making chenle shy. He couldn't believe that he had said his thoughts out loud.
"Let's hope Jisung won't bring you trouble" Chenle nodded. He was really excited to take care of the younger, be with him always.
And ever since that day Chenle always looked at Jisung from above having the urge to go to earth and pinch his cheeks. He knew it was such a childish wish but the baby seemed too cute to be ignored. It was really sad to know that his parents were expecting a baby. They weren't ready for one. at some point chenle was tensed, thinking that the parents would return him to god. thankfully they didn't and they lived happily with him. The three of them despite having financial problems led a happy life.
He still remembers the day when he saw the younger boy mumbling something in his sleep. He seemed to be trembling. He knew he had to be near jisung to calm him down. That's exactly what he did. He flew down to Jisung's house. He wasn't really surprised to see his mother and father sleeping beside him.
Chenle placed his hands on Jisung's forehead in an attempt to calm him down. And seems like it did the trick as Jisung fell back to sleep. Chenle stayed there smiling though he knew he should fly back to heaven as the world will be awake anytime soon.
There had been times when he really felt the urge to fly to earth and stay beside Jisung the whole time. He knew he couldn't do that since it went against god's wishes. They were expected to look upon the humans from heaven. Be there for them if they need help. He even knew that his feelings towards the younger boy were changing as time passed. He knew it was bad. He knew he shouldn't be feeling such things.
One particular moment broke his heart. It was the death of park Jaejoon. The male was hit by a car when was crossing the road. He knew Jisung's family would be confronted by the bad news soon enough. He couldn't stand seeing the other cry. The boy had been through a lot. His mom had been through a lot as well. They wouldn't be able to accept reality.
But to his surprise, the two were able to get past it and overcome their difficulties and lead a stable life. Chenle had assisted Jisung at times, providing him mental courage though he probably knew the younger would mistake him for his conscience.
"Seems like Jaemin wasn't that bad after all" Kun commented looking at chenle who hummed in response. sure enough, they knew what was happening. Jaemin took good care of Jisung. sure enough. But chenle couldn't help but have that uneasy feeling he had always had when Jaemin was near Jisung. What was it? he didn't know. But he for sure knew that it wasn't something good. He was practically glaring at the male who seemed to be hovering over Jisung now.
"You aren't good at hiding your emotions you know," Kun said chuckling as chenle looked at the other. What was he trying to say?
"You're jealous. It's really evident from the way you look at him" Kun said as chenle scoffed. jealous? him? Why would he be jealous?
"I'm not jealous." he defended himself as Kun smirked knowing very well that the guardian angel in front of him was lying. He could fool anyone but him. His eyes burning with jealousy didn't go unnoticed by Kun.
"Sure honey. Keep saying that to yourself."
Chenle poked his tongue out at the other before looking down. Even though he denied it deep down he knew he was jealous. He knew Kun was right. He indeed was burning with jealousy. The fact that the male was leaning even more closer, practically clinging onto him wasn't helping chenle. Kun stifled a laugh from beside making chenle glare at him.
"It's really funny how you're jealous when in fact they're destined to be together."
Again he knew Kun was true. gradually Jaemin will fall in love with Jisung and they'll spend their life together. There was no use in him getting jealous. He wasn't anyone significant in the younger's life nor was he a human. He was an angel. Jisung's guardian angel. nothing more nothing else. and according to God, he wasn't supposed to fall in love with Jisung. but where did his calculations went wrong?
"Is there any way to change destiny?" Chenle mumbled to himself earning a look from Kun.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing" Chenle mumbled. Though Kun was sure that the other mumbled something he didn't push chenle further. Sighing he went back to his seat.
"You have to be prepared tho..." he said as chenle looked back at the male.
"Yea. Aren't you Jisung's guardian angel? The coming months won't be the best for him. You have to make sure that he's safe."
Chenle nodded though he didn't know what the other was referring to. But soon enough he mumbled an 'oh no' when he saw the vision of the future. There, not too far, was a beaten up jisung. He was groaning. It looked like he was in an empty street beaten up by a group of boys.
"What's this? How did this happen?" He asked as Kun said.
"It didn't happen but it soon will. Jaemin's group of friends, Hyunjin and his gang, will do this to Jisung."
"Can't you try to convince that idiot that they are a threat to Jisung?"
"Like I said lele I can't control human being's mind. They're fascinating creatures and sure enough complicated. I have tried to remind him in the form of his conscience that they are not the people he assumes them to be. Sadly enough I can't do any further. It's up to him if he wants to pay attention or not"
Chenle had his eyebrows furrowed.
"Don't you remember the time I said he attracts nothing but trouble? This trait will only change once he settles with Jisung. Till then he will bring troubles not just to Jisung but to his other friends." Kun stood up as chenle tilted his head.
"I have to meet Renjun. seems like he's the one assigned with Jeno. after all, we should work together as a team for the betterment of them."
Chenle nodded as he watched Kun fly away. he knew who Renjun was. He had met him once.
"I'll save you Jisung," he said as he turned his attention back to the human who seemed to be laughing with his friends.
That's for this chapter 💚
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