Chapter 11
The next day Flameheart and her friends gathered in the Guarders library. "Okay, so what's a good revenge that we can do?" Flameheart asked her friends. The six of them were planning their revenge on Snowrush for the soaking that he gave Flameheart a couple of days earlier.
"Well, we could prank him with something he hates?" Kenna suggested, glancing at Oceanfrost. "Is there anything that he absolutely despises?"
Oceanfrost looked thoughtful. "Spiders. He is terrified of spiders."
Flameheart shuddered. "Well, so am I. Trust me, if you try and do anything with me and a spider, I will make sure you are dead."
"Right, so we can't do that then." Reddust said. "What about blocking his powers? That would definitely confuse him."
That sounds like something a Night Rider would do. Flameheart thought. Her eyes flickered to Willowheart and she could tell that the other Apprentice was thinking the same thing.
Flameheart hadn't forgotten the sinister warning that Willowheart had given her. In fact, she thought about it every night, trying to figure out what to believe.
"That would be a good idea, except one, I doubt the Guardian would be too happy about it, and two, it would take all of us together to block his magic for a long amount of time. He is quite powerful, you know." Breezestorm pointed out.
"How 'bout we all break off and browse through the books here? I mean, the Library's massive. Surely there would be something in here that would tell us a good Guarder prank." Flameheart said.
Kennaspark glanced around the mini circle. "Sounds like a plan to me." She said, and they all darted in different directions to start searching.
15 minutes later, Flameheart was reading a thick book about tricks and how to use them. The entire book was in some ancient language, but Flameheart found it easy to translate. But of course, her peace couldn't last forever.
"Stars, are you so much of a nerd that you study on your free days?" a sarcastic voice came from behind her. Snowrush.
"I'm busy. Can I ignore you another time?" Flameheart replied, not glancing up from the book.
There was a surprised huff. Obviously, Snowrush did not expect her to have any comebacks, let alone a good one.
"You can't ignore me if you're talking to me." He pointed out. Stars, is that the best he can do? He really needs to spend more time with Breezestorm - perhaps her sassyness will rub off on him.
Flameheart rolled her eyes, but didn't reply. There was no point in proving what Snowrush just said, after all.
"Whatcha reading?" Snowrush peered over Flameheart's shoulder, trying to get a glimpse of the book, but the Fire Apprentice slammed the book shut and and stalked off to find the others. The book hadn't given her a wicked cool prank, but it had given her an idea. She just needed to figure out how to do it.
"So. You all know the plan, right?" Flameheart clarified. Everyone nodded. "Kennaspark, you're absolutely certain that you can pull this off?"
"Sure. It's a simple Aviot Charm." She replied, rubbing her hands together. Snowrush was less than ten metres away sharpening his sword with Dustleaf, Sungaze, Stormpool and Fleetwind, but thanks to Breezestorm's Illusion Talent, the other Apprentices looked like a large clump of bushes.
"You have done this before, right?" Oceanfrost checked.
"No, but there's a first time for everthing." Kenna said happily, clapping her hands together. A worried look passed over Oceanfrost's face, and she started to say something but Kennaspark had already started the spell.
She closed her eyes and started muttering the spell.
A moment later she opened her eyes and turned to the others. "I'm done, should we test it out?"
Flameheart smirked. "Definitely." She walked out from the illusion and over to Snowrush and his friends.
Snowrush saw her and smirked. "You look beautiful." His eyes widened in shock at what he had said and threw a hand over his mouth.
Flameheart, the girls and Snowrush's friends burst out laughing.
"You should watch what you say, if Reddust heard that I would not want to be anywhere near him." Fleetwind joked, wagging his finger in the air.
"What did you do." Snowrush said accusingly to Flameheart.
"Nothing." She replied innocently. "It's not my fault that you can't control your love for me." She smirked at him and blew him a kiss.
Snowrush's expression was priceless, and Flameheart struggled not to burst out laughing and give the game away. The spell that Kennaspark had cast on him cause Snowrush to say the exact opposite of what he meant to say.
Snowrush opened his mouth to say something, but rethought. After a moment, he turned on his heel and stalked away.
Flameheart let a small giggle escape and flounced off back to her friends.
All of them were laughing, except Reddust who was frowning in deep thought. Leaving her friends, Flameheart walked over to where he was standing.
"It worked well, didn't it." She smiled brightly, trying to cheer him up, but his frown deepened.
"You didn't tell me he was going to do that." He huffed.
Reddust must be more upset with Snowrush's comment than I thought. Flameheart thought.
"He didn't mean anything, it was just the spell." She said, trying to comfort her lovemate.
"Whatever." He said before storming off.
Confused, Flameheart walked back over to her friends and would have forgotten about Reddust while they chattered happily about Snowrush's slip up, except for the knowing look in Willowhearts eye.
Two days had past since Flameheart had spoken to Cayley in the dream message, and she had yet to make up her mind about whether or not she would meet her best friend at the park.
:|I think you should|:
Flame said, startling his Chosen.
:|Really? Why?|:
:|Because she deserves it. You vanished from her 5 months ago and then you contact her in a dream and say that you're a Guarder? Sparky, please. You really can't expect her to believe that straight off can you?|:
:|I guess not.|:
Flameheart replied sullenly.
:|But how am I supposed to even get back to the mortal world?|:
:|I can help you with that. Meet me in the glade tomorrow morning.|:
:|Will do. Thanks Flame, you're the best.|:
:|I know I am.|:
He replied smugly, and Flameheart just laughed.
:|Yeah yeah yeah peacock.|:
:|Peacock? What are you calling me that for?|:
:|Peacocks are vain, just like you!|:
Flameheart teased him, still laughing.
:|You're one to talk! Always primping in front of your mirror every morning before you go to breakfast.|:
:|Excuse me? I hate makeup and all that girly stuff and you very well know it! Although, I could always turn into one if you really wanted me to...|:
:|Stars no! Stay as you are! I definitely would not be able to bear it if I have to hear you whining after every training session that you broke a nail or your makeup is a mess!|:
Flameheart laughed at his dismay, then farewelled her Companion and went off to her riding lesson.
Fifteen minutes later, Flameheart was standing outside the natural formed arena with Snowrush and their Companions. The other Apprentice Guarders had different lessons on, so it was just her and Snowrush for the lesson. She was interested to see if the Aviot Charm that Kennaspark had cast on him the day before still worked. If it did, then it was going to be a rather eventful lesson.
The Earth Guarder that taught them was called Pinefall. She was rather strict, but always made the lessons fun, making the exercises she gave into small competitons between the Apprentices.
"Right." Pinefall strode up and down in front of her Companion, and Flameheart had to bite her tongue to stop from laughing because Pinefall's Companion was swinging her head back and forth, following her Chosen with her eyes. "Since it's only you two today, I've organised something different. You are going to learn how to duel while riding."
"Wait, so Flameheart and I are going to be fighting eachother?" Snowrush checked, a not-too-happy look on his face.
"Well, you're not going to learn much by versing me because I doubt that it would work. So yes, Snowrush, you are. Is there a problem with that?" Pinefall replied calmly.
"No, there is no problem. I just wouldn't want to hurt a novice Apprentice like Flameheart." Snowrush sent her a small smirk.
I guess the spell must have worn off. Oh well. We'll see who's the novice Apprentice after this. Flameheart thought.
"Actually, I have seen Flameheart fight. She is just as experienced as you and the other Apprentices here. You wouuld do well to keep in mind that she had the Battle Talent, Snowrush. Never underestimate your enemy." Pinefall repremanded him.
Snowrush rolled his eyes but didn't respond.
"Now that Snowrush has finished complaining, we can start the lesson. Dueling on horseback is somewhat different than it is on the ground - mainly because you can't maneuver as well. You have to trust your Companion - they can swiftly dodge return attacks and missiles while you shoot or throw or fight with whatever weapon you use. At the end of this lesson, there will be no fighting move that you can do on the ground that you can replicate on horseback." Pinefall lectured the two Apprentices.
"What about reinless riding? What if we can't fight and hold onto the reins at the same time? How will we steer?" Snowrush asked.
"You steer with your legs and seat, numnah. Even mortal horse riders know that. And the Companions are somewhat smarter than mortal horses. I think they would be capable of fighting without reins. Unless, of course, you're too scared to try riding without reins." Flameheart rolled her eyes.
"That's enough Flameheart." Pinefall said. Flameheart subsided but flashed a smug look at Snowrush, pleased that she had gotten the last word with him for once. "But you are correct. Snowrush, if you do find yourself in the situation when you have to ride without reins, then you use your seat and legs to steer Rainfall where you want to go. Plus, you can Mindspeak, remember?" Pinefall continued.
"Yeah yeah. Flameheart's being her normal show-off know-it-all self. Got that. I wasn't asking you, I was asking Pinefall." Snowrush shot at the other Apprentice.
"Okay. I have no idea what in the Four Royal Stars is up with you two, but it stops right now. We can't afford fighting among ourselves, especially with the Night Riders pressing against our borders. Got it?" Pinefall snapped.
"Yes Pinefall." Flameheart and Snowrush mumbled, but still sent each other glares when the older Guarder wasn't watching.
"Good. Now, mount up, and go to opposite ends of the arena. Wait there." And with that, Pinefall strode to the middle of the arena, and waited.
The rest of the lesson passed quickly. Flameheart was buzzing from scoring hits on Snowrush, which happened more often than him marking her. By now, Flameheart had resalised that even though Snowrush had been training for far longer than she had, she already outranked him when it came to close quarter combat. Let's just say that the Water Guarder was not too happy about that.
The Fire Guarder was in her room, gathering various pieces of equipment for her meeting with Cayley. To say that she was nervous was an understatement - Flameheart was nearly shaking. She still had to wait through the night, and then sneak away before dawn to see Fireflame. She had no idea how she was going to survive dinner.
"Hey, Sparky. You alright?" Breezestorm asked her at dinner. Flameheart had barely eaten, all she had done was push her food around her plate.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine." Flameheart jerked her head up. She glanced sideways at Willowheart. The Earth Guarder had been avoiding her ever since Flameheart blew her off about the vision, and it was making Flameheart uneasy. She had the feeling that something very bad was going to happen to her friend, and she was starting to get worried.
"You don't seem alright." Kennaspark said, concerned. "You've barelt eaten and normally you're half way through your second helping before the rest of us have finished our first. What's wrong?"
"Wrong? Nothing's wrong. I'm just tired, that's all. Snowrush was digging at me all day, and we were doing horseback fighting." Flameheart Replied. It was partly true.
"What did my idiot twin do this time?" Oceanfrost asked, resignation coloring her voice.
Flameheart shrugged. "Oh, just the usual. Saying that I can't fight and that I'm a mortal and all that."
"Just ignore him." Breezestorm advised. "You've only been here for 5 months and you're already a better firghter than all of us put together. He's just being a numnah."
"Yeah. I know." Flameheart stood up abruptly. "Guys, I'm going to go to bed. It's been a long day and I just want to sleep. See you tomorrow."
That night, Flameheart couldn't sleep. She lay on her bed, staring up at the ceiling, her mind moving to fast for sleep.
What's going to happen tomorrow? She wondered. Will I get caught? Will the Night Riders find us? What will happen to me if the Guardian finds out?
Eventually, dawn came, and with it, Flameheart slipped out of her bed and ran to the clearing, where Flame was waiting.
This is it. She told herself. No going back now.
Hello!! This is a bit of a filler chapter, but drama is definitely happening in the next one! I know I'm not updating often, my teachers have suddenly decided that I need even more homework than I have - I'm spending 3 hours a night doing it. Anyways, I stayed up till 11:30 at night writing this for you guys, so be thankful. I'll update Chapter 12 when I get 5 votes and 1 comment on this one.
Instagram: @flamestar2
Twitter: @Flamestar_
Kik me and we can chat :-) : flamestar2
Now I'm gonna sleep.
Luv ya guys
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