Chapter Twelve
Loki's POV
I am sitting at Olivia's bedside.
At first, the bright whiteness of this room had blinded me, but I'd grown used to it since I've been here for so long.
Why must Midgardian's make their infirmary's so bright? Maybe they wish to blind more humans so they can take their money.
I am scared that Olivia won't recognize me when she awakens.
I was forced to disguise myself, so I could register her into this Midgardian hospital. The humans are alright at taking care of her, but I know they can do better on Asgard.
I just didn't have a choice.
Thanos had known where she was residing, and I couldn't keep her there if I wanted to ensure her safety. So, after begging my father, he'd given me permission to take her to Midgard.
I'd chosen this place because it is her home, and it is the one place where the only men to defeat me are located.
The Avengers. The bloody, putrid Avengers.
I knew I was screwed when they were the only ones I could turn to. It'll take a lot of convincing to have them guard Olivia, but I'd do anything to know she's safe. I'd even sit in their foolish cell again.
"W-what..?" Olivia mumbles in her sleep. Her side is bandaged, and the blood doesn't seep all the way through as quickly any longer.
Suddenly, she sits bolt upright with her eyes wide, gasping.
"Help!" She screams, clutching her blanket, before taking in her surroundings. She seems utterly surprised, especially when her eyes land on me.
"Who are you?" She questions.
Olivia's POV
"Who are you?" I ask the strange old man who sits uncharacteristically straight in the plastic hospital chair. He grins a weirdly familiar grin, before wiping his hands and standing.
"Now, darling, if it's alright with you, I'd prefer that you didn't faint on me again." He stops beside me and takes my hand. His body shimmers a bit before Loki reveals himself. My heart soars.
"I was afraid it was all a dream." I admit, acknowledging the room around us. He takes a small glance around.
"Ah, yes, the change in setting." He nods his head.
"Why're we back on Earth?"
"To protect you from Thanos." His smile vanishes, and worry pools into his eyes.
"Where exactly are you going to keep me? This hospital? The flower shop? Where?" I'm so curious. How did he get me back here in time to be treated, and how did he convince Odin to let him go?
"Well, actually.... you'll be staying with a rather important group in your world, a particular sentiment-"
"Who, the cast of The Hunger Games?" Now, I am very sentimental over the cast of my favorite book/movie.
"The Hunger- oh, never mind. I was thinking more along the lines of Earth's Mightiest Heroes-"
"The Avengers?" I interrupt again, excitedly.
"Wait a second, you know who the Avenger's are, but you had no idea who my brother was when you met him?" He furrows his eyebrows and puckers his lips, which makes me want to coo and pinch his cheek like a little old lady.
"I was off that day, alright?" I excuse myself, waving my hand in dismissal. He mutters an unbelieving alright, and then looks away. His eyes land on the TV in the corner of the room, and they suddenly widen.
He looks to me again, about to ask a million questions, and I just shake my head.
A few hours later, Loki has disguised himself and I was excused from the hospital.
"Now, I believe they're residing in Stark Tower-"
"You mean, we get to go not as prisoners this time?" I ask excitedly. He rolls his eyes.
"Of course." I wrap my fingers in his, feeling him raise my hand and kiss it lightly.
Believe what you want about Loki, but I've never met a better gentleman... well, at least when it comes to me.
"How're we going to get there?" I start thinking of taking the city bus, and shudder.
"Simple." He states. Then, in a flash, were in a whole new setting.
Stark Tower, to be exact.
"Did we just teleport?" I seem to be asking a lot of obvious questions today, yet I think they're necessary.
"If that's what you'd like to call it." He steps forward once, and an alarm blares through the room.
"Loki, stand down." A voice orders over the intercom. Loki calmly rolls his eyes and raises his hands above his head.
Several guards, the same as the ones who took me from my home that morning a long time ago, emerge from the hallways with their guns aimed on Loki's heart and head. He simply grins.
"May I speak to the Avengers?" He asks, uncharacteristically kind. The men look at each other and shrug. One in the middle whispers something into his walkie talkie, and then it's silent for another several minutes.
Finally, one by one, the Avengers themselves slowly make their ways into the room.
"This better be important." Natasha Romanoff mutters, before her eyes land on Loki and she freezes. The others do similar things. Everyone is here but Thor, of course.
"I have a favor to ask of you." Loki starts, only to be interrupted.
"A favor? After what you did to all of us?" Bruce Banner hisses. Cap calmly places his hand on his shoulder, and Bruce annoyedly shrugs it off.
"I don't believe you'll find it difficult." Loki continues.
"Then why aren't you doing it?" Tony Stark questions, crossing his arms.
"Because she isn't safe with me." He meets my eyes across the room, his voice much quieter when he says this, and anyone can sense the vulnerability laced in his words.
"I could've told you that." Clint scoffs, making the others laugh.
"Enough!" Loki yells angrily, and everyone raises their fists and weapons, ready for a fight.
"I only wish that my dear Olivia may stay with you. She wouldn't be a burden. I've gotten her into more trouble than she'll ever deserve." His gaze locks into mine again, and he clears his throat.
"I'll do anything." He whispers, staring down at his feet. The heroes are very obviously appalled by his words, their mouths dropped. They've never seen this side of him. Without me, they probably never would have.
"Anything?" Tony clarifies.
"Anything." Loki repeats, looking up. Not a single word of this is a lie.
Tony finally looks at me, and so does everyone else. Tony separates from the group, and walks around me in a circle, a quick once over.
And then, he grins deviously.
I'm taking sooooo long, and I really shouldn't because I'm on summer break...
Yesterday was my birthday(:
Oh well, the next one will come much faster!
Qotc: what's your favorite book/book series?
Aotc: the mortal instruments(:
-k xxx
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