"ARE YOU OUT OF your mind?" mackenzie let out a laugh as she looked over at her brother. "that girl was definitely way out of your league."
leo rolled his eyes as he opened the fridge. "you say everyone is out of my league."
the front door closed, "because everyone is." mack looked over to see her best friend walk into the room. "good afternoon, my favorite blondies." she dropped a paper bag on the counter. "i brought bagels."
leo leaned against the counter with a smirk on his face. "you're not out of my league, lucy."
"she is definitely out of your league." mackenzie spoke before lucy could even open her mouth.
"one hundred percent." lucy chuckled. "got any coffee? i like yours better than the cafe near my house and i need at least one more cup to last me through the day."
"how many cups have you had already?" leo asked as he reached up into the cabinet to get her a mug. he started the coffee as lucy reached into the bagel bag.
"only three." she shrugged her shoulders and the blond boy shook his head.
"do you even sleep at night?"
mack shook her head, "leave her alone. she had a long day yesterday dealing with her obnoxious t.o. it's better than her resulting in alcohol at one o'clock in the afternoon."
leo huffed, "it's 5 o'clock somewhere."
"good point." lucy smiled. "and speaking of my t.o..."
"did he get promoted yet so you don't have to deal with his ass anymore?" the blonde girl asked as she reached for bagels.
"not yet." she gave mackenzie her puppy dog eyes. "i actually need a favor."
"the answer is no."
leo smiled, "don't turn down the favor before you even know what it is."
"thank you." lucy smiled at the boy. "but i'm still not going out with you."
leo shrugged his shoulders. "and i'll keep trying until the day i die."
mackenzie rolled her eyes. "what is it?"
"i need you to go on a date with tim and win him over."
"please, mack!" she whined.
"why do you keep trying to set me up on dates?" mack asked, biting into her bagel before she spoke with her mouthful, "especially with the man you complain about all day everyday."
"we made a bet." lucy started. "if i can get him a date with someone and he has a good time, i finally get to wear my short sleeves. if he doesn't have a good time i have to do pushups after every arrest for only god knows how long." mack shook her head. "please, mack, all i need is for you to make him have an amazing evening with you so that he lets me wear my short sleeves and then you can get back to your life. i promise you don't have to sleep with him."
"sounds interesting." leo chimed in. "make him take you somewhere expensive."
"i'm paying for it." lucy pointed out. "don't push it."
"what's in it for me?" mack huffed, swallowing another bite of her food.
"you won't have to hear me complain about the long sleeves and you get a free meal." she threw her puppy dog eyes back on again and mack sighed.
"fine, but i want to meet him first before it becomes an official deal. does he know how old i am? he's like forty, right? would he even say yes to a date with me?"
"he's thirty-nine." the brunette corrected. "besides, he doesn't have a choice. i'm making the decision." lucy smiled. "and like i said, it's one date and you're going to make him practically throw my short sleeves at me."
there was a silence between the three of them as they munched on their bagels. leo's eyes darted between lucy and mack and he sighed loudly. "i need to make more friends here. this is brutal." he grabbed his keys and made his way towards the door with the rest of his bagel in hand, "thanks for the bagel, lucy. good luck with officer douchebag, sis!" he slammed the door shut behind him and the two girls moved to the living room with their food and drinks to watch a movie.
the two sat around bullshitting for most of the afternoon before lucy got a call that she had to go into work to fill out some paperwork. "come in with me."
"what?" mack laughed.
"i can introduce you to tim and see what happens. i won't be there long, so ill bring you back home and we'll binge watch our show for the rest of the night."
"are you sure?" mack questioned.
"yeah." lucy nodded before eyeing the girl up and down. "i'd get out of your pajamas though." she chuckled and the blonde rolled her eyes before heading in the direction of her bedroom to change into a cute shirt and some jeans.
the two of them headed out to lucy's car and made their way in the direction of the station. mack didn't live too far away from it and it was an easy drive. upon arrival, lucy received a call and stepped aside to answer it once they'd entered the building. mack walked further into the building, looking around at all the cops working calls or talking to different people.
"can i help you?" a tall man approached the girl and she looked at the last name on his badge before offering him a smile.
"hey, you're mason, right?"
the man furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but nodded. "yeah...do i know you?"
"oh no, sorry." mack laughed. "lucy's talked about a mason king that works here before, but i'd never seen what you looked like so i wasn't sure." she smiled. "my name's mackenzie. my best friend, lucy, works here."
"oh, you're the famous mack she's always talking about." he smiled.
"oh god, she talks about me here?" mack's eyes widened.
mason smiled, "nothing bad, i promise."
"likewise." mack replied.
"i've got a lot to do before i head out today, but hopefully i'll see you around." he offered her one last smile before walking off, leaving the blonde girl alone again.
"are you lost, kid?"
a scoff fell from mack's lips as she turned to the man. ""kid"?"
stop it i can't wait for
this i've already started
ch 2,,also reminder:
short chapters && it'll
be unedited
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