Chapt. 3
I made it home in one piece and it was only noon. I decided to try and find food in my pantry. There were cans of soup but that was about it. I shrugged and made myself a bowl of it and walked to the living room.
I sat on the couch and turned the television. I put the news on and started eating my soup. It was pretty good but the news didn't make any sense. The politics absolutely made zero sense and when it got to sports I didn't understand what they were talking about.
Even the weather confused me but I didn't change the channel. I was trying to see if they would say anything about the BBS. So far they hadn't but there was fifteen minutes left of the show. My soup was long done as they finally got to the BBS.
"The BBS are making rules on late paying and if you miss it you'll be executed. It will not be public but a private one. Right now the rule is on three chances but they're trying to make it less then that," the news reporter said. "That is the end of this news next will be los Santos Police?"
I turned off the television and got up. I took a long shower and when I was finished I left to go find a job.
I started down the road looking for any job at this point but there seemed to be none. I was giving up hope on finding a job until I came across a help wanted sign in the window of a coffee shop.
I walked inside and to the counter. "How May I help you?" The cashier girl asked me.
"I'm looking to apply for a job," I answered and she nodded her head. She handed me an application and pen.
"Please fill these out and bring them back." I nodded and walked off to one of the empty tables. I filled out the paper pretty fast and brought it back to the counter. I was told to wait for my name to be called.
I sat and waited for what felt like forever until my name was finally called. I walked over to the counter and the girl gestures to a room to the side. I nodded and walked in. It was an office type room with a man sitting behind a desk.
"I'm Mr. Dep," The man said shaking my hand.
"Scotty," I answered.
"Please sit down. Okay so you want a job?"
"Yeah That would be Why I filled out the application sheet."
"Well tell me a bit about yourself."
"Okay I'm 22 and live by myself but my lovers are waiting for me back home," I said starting to get sad.
"Yeah I have nine boyfriends waiting back where I used to live."
"Well there's no discrimination here you're allowed to date whoever you'd like," he assured me.
"That's good."
"Now I'm just going to ask you a series of questions I ask everyone."
"I'm glad you came. You got the job, you'll start tomorrow morning," Mr. Dep said giving me a handshake. I walked out of the office and the girl behind the counter smiled at me. I smiled back and walked home.
It was pretty late when I got home but I still made dinner and ate it. While eating I watched the news but nothing really important came on. After finishing eating I put my dishes in the sink and went to bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.
I woke up the next morning to my alarm going off. My first day of work was today and I couldn't be late. I got up and made myself a bowl of cereal. I ate the cereal while watching the news but it still didn't make sense. Why do I keep watching this? I asked myself.
After I finished eating I got up and got dressed for work. I then left for the coffee shop. When I got there I saw the girl from yesterday was there as well.
"I'm glad to see you got the job," she said as I walked up.
"I am too," I replied. "I'm Scotty by the way."
"Just call me Cherry, and I'll get you started." She then showed me the employee room and the uniform. The uniform was just an apron and name tag that went over whatever you were wearing. We then walked back to the counter. "Give me a holler if you need anything." She then stepped back to make the drinks.
Sry this came out late I'm still sick and slept through all of yesterday 'Till next time Scott out.
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