Chapt. 1
407 POV
Some of my boyfriends and I were playing GTA 5. We were in different rooms and had a Skype call open. We were having a fun time just blowing each other up and doing glitches. To be exact there was Basically, Wildcat, Vanoss, Delirious, Mini and me playing the game. We had played for about an hour and a half before I started getting tired. But the others just kept doing stuff, like they had an unlimited amount of energy. They just kept doing different stuff and had a great time. Finally I was getting way too tired for this.
"Hey Guys I think I'm going to call it a night," I said and heard groans coming from the call.
"Why do you have to be such a party pooper Scotty," Mini said mockingly.
"Well Sorry But we've been playing for almost two hours and I'm getting tired."
"Fine but if do something totally awesome while you're gone don't come crying to us," Wildcat said Mockingly. I just eye rolled at his stupidity.
"Bye guys," I said and they said theirs. I then got out of the call and turned off my equipment. I got up and walked to the bedroom where our other boyfriends were sleeping already. I was so tired that I didn't even bother getting changed just climbing into one of the beds and fell asleep.
I was woken the next morning by banging coming from my door. I sluggishly got up and looked around. I wasn't in our room and I could tell this wasn't our house. It was a small apartment in some big city. The banging got louder so I got up to go answer it.
I opened the door and a man that looked familiar was standing there. He wore a paper bag over his head and was pretty tall. He had a black hair from what I could tell and wore a green shirt. His underwear was way too high and he wore baggy jeans over them.
"May I help you?" I asked politely.
"The BBS want their money. I'm here to collect it," the man said in a thick Irish accent.
"What money?"
"The money you owe them."
"Why do I owe them and who are they?"
"Are you stupid or something?"
"No I just haven't had the greatest morning so far and I don't really know how I got here," I admitted and he gave me a confused look.
"I'm going to call for help since you sound absolutely insane." The man then grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed in a number. He walked farther into the hallway and I couldn't here what he was saying.
I turned around and looked back into the apartment. The door was actually in The living room which was super small and The kitchen was attached, which was also pretty small. Then there was the hallway that led to the bedroom and there was a bathroom there too. That was the whole apartment it was so small. I looked over at the window and got a glimpse of my appearance. I looked like myself but tired and beat up.
I was suddenly brought out all this thinking as I was slammed into the ground by a larger body. I looked up and saw men in masks standing above me. They all looked familiar. They wore a pig, owl, hockey, and monkey mask and the man from the hall had tackled me.
"What are you doing?" I asked trying to sit up only to be shoved down harder.
"We're here to check you out because some people think you're insane," hockey masked man said.
"So What's your deal?" Monkey mask asked kneeling by my face.
"I don't know, I was gaming with some of my lovers just last night and told them I was getting tired. They called me a party pooper but I was so tired so I just said goodbye. I then went to bed and I woke up here. And then some man knocks on my door saying I have to give money to BBS yet I don't even know if I have money," I said starting to rant.
"You do sound pretty crazy but I think we can work with you," owl mask said. I was then pulled to my feet and the men started walking out of my apartment. I saw that on the door was the numbers 407, as Pig mask put his hand on my back and directed me to follow them. We walked down the hall of the building and outside. We got into a black SUV and started down the road.
"I'm sorry for what's going to happen," Monkey mask said.
"What do you mean? What is going to happen to me?" I asked getting worried.
"It's just you didn't pay up so we have to hurt you," the man that knocked on my door said.
"Why do you have to?"
"Because if we let you off we'll have to let off others," pig mask said angrily. "Now shut up."
I closed my mouth not wanting to annoy them anymore then I had. The car pulled up to an abandoned warehouse and I was pulled out by pig mask. I was pushed into the warehouse and more men were in there.
"Why do you have him?" A man with a Mohawk asked looking at me.
"He didn't pay and sounds insane," hockey mask said. "We're going to teach him a lesson."
"Fine but I'm not helping in this."
"Okay," pig mask said and shoved me to the ground. Suddenly I was being kicked and punched. It hurt a ton but all I could do was pull myself into a ball. The kicks kept coming but I just stayed closed in my ball.
"That's enough!" Someone shouted and the attack stopped. "Next time remember to pay." Owl mask said the last part directly to me. I nodded my head and slowly uncurled myself. Everyone was looking at me in different emotions. Hockey mask grabbed me harshly and I whimpered at his touch. He pulled me to my feet and pushed me outside.
"Next time we won't be so easy on you," he said and left me. I walked in the direction that I thought we came from. It took a while but I finally found the city. After waking around for a while I realized I was completely lost in this huge city trying to find an apartment that I never saw from the outside. I walked the streets until it got dark and I still couldn't figure out where I was.
"Ya look lost," a thick accented voice said behind me. I turned around and saw a man in a purple jacket and sneaker standing there.
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