"I've got it! I've got it!"
Two women were laughing and giggling as they played tennis.
The younger lady lifted up the ends of her dress to back up and hit the ball. Unfortunately, she hit it too high and the older women stumbled, trying to hit it.
"Oh dear, I do hope you are alright. It was not my intention to hit it that far."
"I'm alright, but the same cannot be said about your aim." The women chuckled again.
"I suppose that I shall go retrieve the ball, seeing as it was my fault. Wait here, Gretchen, I will be right back!"
"Do hurry, Mary! It's not becoming to leave an old lady like myself to get into trouble, you know."
They laughed, and the young maiden, Mary, made her way into the shadier part of the garden, with tall trees blocking the sun.
"Oh! Silly me, I must have been staring at it this whole time!" She reached for the tennis ball. She picked it up, and nearly dropped it in surprise.
"P-please... P-please don't... Don't hurt me, m-miss..." The tiny boy pleaded, shaking in the presence of the giantess.
"Oh, don't be frightened, little one. I wouldn't dare hurt you." Mary consoled the small child.
She eyed him curiously as he scurried to grab some berries from the bush near her hand. He turned to run away, but the giantess stopped him.
"Wait! Don't run off so quickly, now. Won't you be so kind as to join me for tea?" She invited.
"Mary! What is taking so—" the old women came up behind Mary, who shushed her.
"Don't frighten the little one!" She warned, gesturing to the tiny boy.
"Oh, well isn't he just absolutely precious!" Gretchen cooed, crouching down like Mary was.
The little boy was glancing to the side, and Gretchen followed his gaze. There were four more human children, their eyes widened in fear.
"Mary," Gretchen whispered with a smile, "don't look now, but I do believe we are surrounded!"
Mary smiled and turned around.
"Don't be afraid! We won't hurt you. Come on out, won't you?"
The human children whispered to each other.
"Mommy told me that the maiden was super duper nice!"
"Well, she seems honest. Besides, I'm hungry. Maybe they have food!"
"Don't be rude! It's rude to ask for food!"
The tiny kids ran to the giantesses, joining the boy.
"Human children are just absolutely adorable, are they not?" Gretchen commented. Mary laughed and nodded her agreement.
"So what brings you here to the royal garden?" Mary asked, smiling warmly at the children.
"We were looking for food... We thought that since you are so big, you wouldn't notice..."
"Oh, you poor souls! Gretchen, do be so kind as to grab these darlings some food to take home with them."
"Of course!" The old women pushed herself up, and hurried away to prepare a bit of food for the humans.
The smallest human walked up to Mary, looking pitiful compared to the rest of the group.
"Why, hello there." She laughed softly, and offered her hand to the girl. She gasped softly as the human climbed into her hand.
"Mommy says that you have a human boyfriend." She said obnoxiously. Her siblings groaned and looked at the ground.
Mary, however, giggled, before answering.
"I did, but that was a long time ago."
"Do you miss him?"
"Very much."
"Did you guys kiss?"
Mary blushed.
"I... We... No. No, we didn't kiss."
Gretchen came back and interrupted the awkward conversation.
"Here you go, dearies. This should last you a couple of nights."
The oldest took the bag of food with two hands.
"T -thank you..."
Mary set the girl in her hand on the ground, and the humans scurried back into the darkness.
"I do hope they visit again."
"I hope that as well. Shall we finish the tennis match?"
The two women stood up and walked back to the tennis court, still thinking about the adorable children that had brightened their day.
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