"Baby, mama is going to work. Don't worry your fever will vanish by evening. Got it, Silver-chan?"
I kissed his forehead then ruffled his messy bangs.
It's been two days since he's been feeling feverish. As his body temperature was just slightly high.
So I didn't take him to doctor and sorted out to home remedy which was actually working.
"Okay mama...Bye I will be alright. I'm a grown-up boy."
He tried to flash his toothy grin which he succeeded irrespective of his fever.
"Yes you are mama's grown-up boy. Love you sweetie. And mama will be back home soon.
If your fever still persists, later at evening, we will visit the doctor and get you checked up.
Bye baby, uncle Jeel will come to take care of you."
I caressed his cheeks and again kissed his forehead again to make him feel assured.
I closed the door and went downstairs, 'Hope Gajeel-kun, comes soon or else my baby will be scared to be alone.'
I would have taken leave today as well but due to an important appointment, I had to go hopefully, it gets over sooner.
As I stood in the bus stand waiting for the bus to arrive, my mobile begans to ring. And it's a call from Gajeel-kun.
"Hello Gajeel-kun"
"Hey Juvia, where are you?"
"Juvia's at the bus stand. When are you reaching her place? Silver-chan is waiting for you."
"Well Juvia, I'm really sorry. I couldn't possibly come over to take care of my buddy.
As the client suddenly arranged the meeting, so I'm extremely sorry. Please forgive me."
I frowned but can't force him if he's roped up with some work. Now who will take care of my baby in my absence.
I can't ask aunt Layla as she hasn't come back from her business trip. And I can't disturb uncle Silver as today only he started to go back to work after these many days of rest.
What am I going to do?
"Juvia, are you still there?"
Gajeel-kun's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah Juvia is listening. It's okay, Gajeel-kun. Juvia can understand. Don't feel sorry she knows how your committed to work you are. So it's okay.."
I sounded a bit chirpy so that he doesn't feel guilty.
"I'm really sorry, Juvia."
He sounded a bit low and guilty.
I assured him, "Gajeel-kun, Juvia knows how helpful you are when things involves us. It's just this time you are not available.
Juvia can understand and doesn't blame you. Juvia has just three appointments today and will reach home soon.
Don't worry, he can manage on his own for few hours."
Finally he agreed but still his voice harboured the guilty feeling.
I really can't blame this poor soul who has been helping me since the day I found out, I was pregnant.
After six months of me and Gray-sama getting to know each other, we began to date.
He was the one to confess his feelings firstly and I was glad that even he felt the same towards me.
At first, when we were still roommates, he had an icy layer on his personality and was kinda reserved.
But slowly, he showed me his beautiful personality where he cares for everyone.
He would always talk highly about his dad constantly because he's my Gray-sama's role-model.
Unfortunately, due to system error which led to deletion of all the photos, he was not able to show me his dad's and his friends photos.
He shared all the fond memories of his childhood days with his friends which made me eager to meet them for real.
Then during the valentine's day of that year, we decided to take our relationship further and had our first time together which was out of pure love displayed by us. After this our bond grew even stronger.
Then correctly after two months, the graduation ceremony was announced, that was the time I found out, I was pregnant with our baby. I didn't know what and how to feel about this.
I was scared as this was an unexpected situation but decided to disclose this matter to him hoping Gray-sama won't leave me after hearing it.
When I gathered my courage and decided to face him, he looked nervous and told me that he wanted to say something important after graduation ceremony. I also said him the same for which he agreed.
But unfortunately, things took a different turn, the next day he left us saying he would be back and till now I'm hoping he will keep up his words.
If it weren't for Gajeel-kun's help, I wouldn't have had Silver-chan with me, when I told him that I want to keep our baby.
He was supportive of my decision and shifted me to his apartment in Magnolia, where he moved a year back under exchange program, after two months of Gray's leaving.
I couldn't try calling him back as my phone number got blocked, all and all bad luck.
Once I had my baby, I swore to God that I will protect him with my flesh and blood.
But as Silver-chan grew to a point where he started to understand his surroundings, I made sure he was not afflicted with the word father as I didn't want him to be longing for his dad, as I was still not able to find anything about Gray-sama.
I don't know for how long I'm going to do that job.
Suddenly the honk sound of bus made me move out of my trance and got into the bus to reach my work place.
Man, it's boring to stay at home. I need to find a job soon but dad wants me to take over his company which is not a bad thought, at least.
And I'm still waiting for Jellal to find something about Juvia.
He and his friends are working as a private detectives which came handy for me.
During the get-together party, I told him the details and shared our photo as a copy so that he can find out about her soon.
As I got ready and waited for the little fellow to show up as it had been three days since I saw him. I heard from dad that he's been suffering from fever. Hope he gets well soon.
Just when I was about to watch TV, my mobile rang and it's a call from Jellal.
"Hey man, what's up?" I asked.
"Gray, a happy news for you. I found your Juvia. Man, I didn't know it would be this easy to find her."
He chuckled.
"What do you mean by easy? Where is she now? Tell me and don't beat around the bushes."
I raised my voice.
"Well you said she has a best friend, Gajeel-kun right. Man, he's none other than our Levy's fiance, Gajeel Redfox.
When I told him about this, he was shocked and finally told me everything about her.
Moreover, he wants to meet you and beat the crap out of you."
He added in serious tone.
"What? Really so he was the one. If he would have come that day for the party, I would have known that day itself. And why does he wants beat me? What did I do?"
I protested and demanded for an explanation.
Jellal chuckled hesitated,
"Looks like you made a huge mess which needs to be sort out.
Well she's lives in the 5th floor of Lance building, Scarlet Community.
Go and see and be prepared for a bigger surprise."
He hang the call.
When I heard the address, I realized it's the same place and building where I live now. And did he say 5th floor?
So soon dashed off to the 5th floor without thinking about anything else.
When reached the door, my hands were tumbling and sweating big beads of sweats.
As I knew who lived in this apartment, as I entered the room and was greeted by a big wall photo of my Juvia and in her arms the little guy, I'm fond of now.
I went near the photo and touched it,
My eyes began to tear up and the flashback of our particular conversation came in front of me.
"Gray-sama, Juvia has something to say to you."
"Okay, we will say together tomorrow at the same time. Okay.."
Her smiling face came in front of me.
"So this was the thing you were going to say to me. I'm sorry for being a jerk to you and my son. I'm sorry"
I fell on my knees and began to cry, feeling guilty for my worst mistake.
I know how much she and my son would have suffered in my absence, especially him.
The crying, heavy face of burden which he displayed to me in the park spoke all his longings feeling for a father.
"I'm sorry, Silver….I'm so sorry, Silver.."
Suddenly, I felt a pair of soft, chubby arms around my shoulder, when I turned to look at the only person, he flashed his toothy grin.
"Uncle, Good morning"
Turned around and hugged him tightly and cried,
"I'm sorry dear…..I'm really sorry for everything I had done without my knowledge. Please forgive me, dear."
I kept crying on his tiny shoulder while he patted my back and broke from the hug,
"Uncle, why sorry?"
My heart ached when I heard him calling me uncle,
"No stop calling me uncle. Kiddo, I'm your dad. I'm back. I'm sorry for everything."
His sapphire blue eyes began to water when I told him that I'm his dad, he hugged me tightly and cried,
"Daddy, you are back. Silver and mama missed you very much. Daddy, daddy……"
My boy is shedding happy tears and kissed my cheeks which I returned back zealous.
I got up and carried him in my arms and wiped his tears as he had fever which I didn't want to worsen while he wiped my tears.
"Okay kiddo, now no more crying. Now daddy is here, he will take care of everything especially you and your mama.
Now stop crying, you still have fever. Once you are alright, we will go and play in the park."
I said and kissed his forehead and went to the room which he showed.
"Yes daddy, I love you.. thank you for coming back."
He smiled brightly.
"No dear, I must thank you for accepting me as your daddy. And you know right, daddy loves you. Now did you brush your teeth?"
"Yes daddy, mama helped me."
I laid in on the bed and tugged the blanket and ruffled moved his messy bangs from his eyes.
"Okay, did you have breakfast?"
I asked with a soft smile for which he nodded his head. Then I made him to take a small nap so that he could recover soon.
As he slept, I saw the small smile on his small pink lips. As my dad said my son does resembles me except for few feature like eye colour, pale skin tone, messy hairs, button nose etc.
If only I had told my dad about Juvia, two years back itself, I would have found them by now.
I made her suffer all alone during those days which is unforgivable and unacceptable.
I got up and looked around the room and saw a photo album which had Silver's infant photos capturing every special moments.
Man, I really did miss those wonderful moments. What a horrible dad I am? Who knew about his son's existence just few minutes back.
I called my dad and told him about Silver and Juvia. He became happy that the little guy who was calling him grandpa was actually his own grandson.
He scolded me and told me to not expect an easy get away for my actions.
As he saw the suffering of Juvia and Silver for real for these two years. Hope Juvia forgives me and my actions.
Luckily, within three hours all my important appointments got over. Now I can go back home and look after my baby for the rest of the day.
After half an hour of bus travel, I reached my apartment building and when I passed through uncle Silver's apartment it was locked.
As I went to the 5th floor and door was opened which made me confused as who would be here at this hour?
Even Gajeel-kun and Uncle Silver won't be here due to their work.
As I enter the living room was filled with some fruity aroma and looks like someone is cooking in my kitchen.
I began to fidget and took the baseball bat which Gajeel-kun told to keep for safety purpose. Hopefully, the thieves doesn't hurt my baby.
As I enter the kitchen, I saw Silver-chan standing on the chair near a tall, muscular man who was making pan-cakes while my baby was giggling.
I shouted,
"Hey whoever you are stop what you are doing? Don't try to harm Juvia's baby."
I got into the fight position.
Hearing my voice, my baby turned and smiled and got down the chair and came running towards me to give a hug while the man still had his back towards me.
I crounched down to his height and checked whether he got any bruise and then checked his body heat which was normal and looks like his fever has gone which is a good thing.
"Baby, who is that man? Why are you with him? Did he hurt you?"
I asked worriedly and hugged him in a protective way.
Silver-chan giggled and kissed my cheeks,
"Mama, you said that one day daddy will come back to us right?"
I looked confused as why he is bringing that topic back as it was just a lie to convince him when he felt low.
I said in hesitation,
"Ye..yes..Now what's that for dear?"
Slowly the man turned to face us, my eyes widened due to shock and he tried to smile but he was wasn't able to do so because his eyes showed the guilt in them.
I got up from the ground and my eyes still widened and had my palms over my mouth, "No it can't be...No Juvia can't believe this." Now tears streaming down my eyes.
The said man moved towards me and hugged me tightly,
"Please believe. It's the reality. I'm back, Juvia. Your Gray-sama is back. I'm sorry dear. I know a simple sorry won't suffice but still please accept my apologies."
I could feel the water droplets in my shoulders. As I hug him, I could feel his toned body against mine which made me sure that I'm not dreaming and it's the damn reality.
Soon we felt our baby hugging our legs which made us break from the hug and looked at him who had a huge smile on his cute face.
"Mama and daddy are back together. We are a family now. Silver is happy."
Gray-sama crounched down to his height and ruffled his hairs, "Yeah buddy only if your mama allows daddy to be with you and her."
Then he looked at me while Silver-chan was confused.
"We need to speak. Baby, mama and daddy will speak now, why don't you go and eat those pancakes while watching Oswald?"
I smiled and gave him a plate with two pancakes with butter and maple syrup.
Soon he took the plate and went to the living room. Now it was me and Gray-sama alone in the kitchen.
"Juvia, how have you been all this while?"
He broke the silence.
"Good and terribly broken. How did Gray-sama know Juvia stayed here?" I asked him.
Then he told me how his friend helped to find me and how Gajeel-kun was the common point in finding me.
So that means Levy-San is one of the friend of Gray-sama which I didn't knew about till now.
Then he told me his reason for leaving us and the country. He felt really bad and guilty for his action and kept on asking forgiveness which made me feel bad.
It was not like he left me because he didn't love me, his situation forced him to do and take that extreme step.
"Juvia, I know how you would have felt and what all you would have undergone while raising Silver without my presence.
But all I can say is please forgive me and accept my extreme heart felt apologies.
If I had know that you were pregnant that time, I would have convinced my dad and wouldn't have left you. And…"
He kept on speaking but I stopped him by hugging him.
"Gray-sama, it's okay. You are safe and happy that's enough for Juvia. All this time Juvia was worried that something would have happened to you but you are alright.
And that's what is important. Gray-sama, Juvia believed that you will come back one day and you did come now. So enough with the apologies...I love you, Gray-sama. Thank you for coming back and we missed you."
I cried on his chest hardly while he hugged tightly and patted my back.
After sometime, we broke from the hug and he leaned forward to capture my waiting lips for the first time in three years which I responded back equally.
"Thank you for accepting me back into your life. I promise that I won't leave you and my son anymore and intend to make up for all the lost time together. I love you too, Juvia. And also my boy, Silver."
He smiled and caressed my cheeks.
I giggled and asked him a question, "So Gray-sama, how did you know he's your son? Didn't you feel Juvia would have strayed away with someone?"
He placed his index finger on my lips,
"Stop saying those nonsensical stuffs. I know my Juvia won't stray away for some else because she loves from every inch and fibre of her being.
Moreover, I trust you just like how you trusted and believed me that I will he back. Moreover, he looks like me in almost every way, doesn't it?" He smirked.
"Yeah, Juvia's baby resembles you in and out. That's no doubt about it. Thank you for believing Juvia and accepting Silver-chan as your son without doubting Juvia.
Juvia's really happy that now Silver-chan can lead a normal life like other children."
I sighed and looked at him.
He kissed my forehead, "Yes from now on, we are family dear. I won't let him feel lonely anymore. I fulfill my responsibility as his father and as your husband.."
He smiled genuinely.
Finally my Gray-sama came back to us and now my baby can live the life which he longed for.
A/N: If anyone has few suggestions how to end this plot, please feel free to share your valuable opinions.
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