It had been a week since Juvia and Gray returned from their little vacation, of course, not to forget the rest of the gang.
There was another week left before school started. Currently, Juvia was spending time at her brother's place helping her sister-in-law clear out the storage room.
"Finally, the last bag of waste has been cleared. Thanks Juvia, without you this wouldn't have been possible."
Erza smiled and patted Juvia's head fondly while the latter smiled back.
"Girls, I have brought some lunch. Come, let's dig in." Jellal called and began to arrange the plates.
After freshening up, the family were discussing what gift to get for their precious member for her birthday.
"Juvia doesn't want anything, onii-chan. Juvia's happy to spend sometime with both of you like this."
"But it's your birthday, dear. And this is the first time I'm going to spend it with you.
So, I wanna go all out on it. Let us know what you want for your birthday." Erza conveyed her thoughts.
"Yes Juvia, it's almost been a decade since we parted away. But now, we are together. As a brother, I want to make my sister happy by granting her a wish."
Jellal smiled while Juvia was emotionally overwhelmed to hear such sweet words from her family.
After wiping her tears, Juvia grinned and Jellal knew he dug his graves. Erza laughed out seeing her husband's reaction.
"That was very smart of you, Juvia. I support you, dear."
"Thank you onee-San. Onii-chan, Juvia's waiting for her birthday." Juvia giggled.
Soon, Juvia's birthday arrived. Meredy was the first one to wish her, followed by others.
As she waited for her beloved call, but instead of ringtone the door bell sounded.
Juvia attended the door and it was none other than her Gray-sama.
Seeing him with a backpack and cake, Juvia became so excited and hugged him tightly.
"Welcome Gray-sama"
"Happy Birthday, Juvia" Gray chuckled seeing her expression.
As they went inside Juvia's apartment, Gray caught hold of her and leaned to plant a kiss on her lips which Juvia reciprocated back.
"This is the 2nd best gift Juvia received for her birthday."
"Then, what's the first one then?"
Gray asked her wondering who could have given a better gift to his girlfriend before him.
Sensing Gray's confusion, Juvia tiptoed and planted a small kiss on his cheeks.
"Having you here is the best gift Juvia can get. Of course, Juvia got to thank onii-chan for permitting Gray-sama to spend a couple of days at Juvia's place." She giggled remembering her brother's blank.
Gray gently smiled hearing her reason. Of course, he didn't believe his sweet, innocent girlfriend would trick her brother for asking a gift like this.
But the truth was unfolded by none other than the man himself, Jellal, who promised he would allow Gray to spend a couple of days at his sister's place.
"That's easy for you to say. But your brother terrorised me how I should be behaving with you. So, don't expect much like the last time, baby." Gray sighed and hugged her.
Juvia remembered the events which occurred when her Gray-sama visited her and how her brother had put forth a condition.
It was because of this condition that Jellal didn't allow Juvia and Gray to go on a trip together.
Now that, Juvia cleverly tricked her brother for which she kinda feels guilt. But she didn't want to ruin the mood by thinking about it.
Juvia was glad that she could spend some quality time with her beloved for another two days, just the two of them in their own little world until school starts on the coming Monday.
"Fine, Birthday girl, let's cut the cake and officially celebrate your 18th birthday" Gray grinned and began to arrange the cake on the table.
"Happy Birthday, Juvia"
"Thank you, Gray-sama. Now Juvia's officially an adult."
She beamed with happiness and fed her beloved some cake before retreating to their sleep and eagerly looking forward to the next two days with her beloved.
It had been two since Valentine's day and the new school year started.
Everything was the same as before except for the fact that now Juvia was dating her knight, Gray-sama.
Except Meredy, none knew about them. Gray made sure to hide his relationship from his friends especially from the Fernandez couple.
He knew it's going to be tiring to hide for another one year before his girlfriend graduates.
In these two months, Gray knew Juvia was being serious about their relationship which made him fall for her every time she whispered those golden words into his ears.
Gray was lucky to get assigned as maths teacher to Juvia's class again so that he could see her almost every day.
During the class, Gray knew Juvia was stealing glances of him which made him conscious but luckily composed himself before the redness on his cheeks got evident.
'Cheeky siren'
Gray glared at her but all she did was winked at her beloved and gave a flying kiss.
Once the school hours got over, Juvia waited for Gray in his prep room without being found out by her brother or sister-in-law.
"Welcome back, Gray-sama"
"Hello Juvia. How was your day?"
As they talked about their day, Juvia told him about Meredy how her boyfriend paid a surprise visit and how they enjoyed their home date.
Gray's eyes twitched. He knew where this was going to lead.
"Gray-sama, Juvia was think how about even we plan this home date. It will be very exciting."
"Yes, it would be exciting. But I can't allow you inside my apartment. I don't want to take risk of getting us exposed."
Gray tried to convince her but seeing his girlfriend's sunken face made him change his mind.
"Fine, I agree to this. Now stop going into gloomy mode. I don't want to make you feel sad, Juvia. Now, let's do it during this weekend at your place. What do you say?"
Gray leaned and pressed his forehead against Juvia's which made her smile.
"Thank you, Gray-sama. You are so cute. Juvia loves you."
"I love you too, dear" They embraced each other getting familiarize with their lover's warmth.
Within a blink of an eye, Saturday came around. Juvia being excited is an understatement.
She made sure to hide this fact from her brother by sprouting some random excuses as she was supposed to visit them during the weekends.
'Sorry onii-chan, Juvia lied to you.'
Juvia had baked some cookies which she arranged on the plates along with a bowl of popcorn and a bottle of juice was set on the table.
Now all she did was wait for her Gray-sama to show up and watch the movie fo their choice and some lovey-dovey things at the end.
Her fantasies were interrupted by fake cough. It was Gray who was looking at Juvia with a smirk on his handsome face.
"What were you thinking,naughty girl?" Gray chuckled.
"No, Gray-sama nothing like that. Come in"
For the next two hour, the couple were engrossed in a romantic movie of Juvia's liking.
Gray doesn't prefer this genre much but who was he to go against his girlfriend's wishes. He was happy as long as she was happy and content.
Even though, Gray tried to hold back his advances but they were proved to be futile.
'This is why I was so against it' Gray cursed himself and tried to keep his hands off Juvia.
Sensing Gray's weird expression, Juvia questioned him, "Gray-sama, is there something bothering you?"
Gray smiled and patted her head, "Everything's fine. Let me use your restroom."
As Gray stood up, Juvia caught hold of his wrist and looked at him.
"What happened Juvia?"
"Gray-sama, don't treat Juvia as a kid."
Gray was confused and wondered what her reach this conclusion. Juvia turned off the TV and stood up.
"Don't make Juvia say it out loud."
"Seriously Juvia, what are trying to mean? What has gotten into you?" Slowly Gray's anger level raised. He had short fuse against such unreasonable tantrums.
"Gray-sama, how long are we dating? Do you really like Juvia?" Juvia's voice began to crack up and soon tears flowed down her eyes.
Hearing her questions and seeing her cry made Gray feel bad and guilty, even though, he couldn't deduce the reason behind sudden turn of event in this date.
Gray hugged and tried to console his crying girlfriend.
"Hey, What made you think that I don't love you? These two months were the happiest days of my life.
Being with you, brought so many good changes within me. Every day, I look forward to spend my time with you,Juvia. What did I do?"
Gray caressed her back and rested his chin on top of her head while Juvia whimpered.
He waited for her to calm down and hear out her reasons.
"Gray-sama, Juvia knows you love her as much she loves you. But why are you not being lovey-dovey with Juvia. Is it because Juvia's ugly?"
She almost whispered the last two sentences.
Gray's eyes grew wide and now he understood the reason behind her thoughts.
'Indeed, she was expecting something'
Gray broke from the embrace and caught hold of her chin and made sure she looked into his eyes.
"I'm trying my best in holding back. Not because you are ugly or I don't love you. I really love you Juvia.
I love you so much that I want to treasure for a long time before I get approval from your brother.
Believe me, you are most beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous girl, I have ever met.
This is my first time being in a serious relationship and I'm really glad it's with you."
Juvia for the first time her beloved confession which brought smile back on her face.
"Juvia believes you,Gray-sama." She tip-toed and kissed his lips which Gray returned with zeal.
As the kisses became deep and hot, Gray was still battling whether the things going to happen where good for them.
Both of them knew things were beginning to get hot. But none want to turn back and think as if nothing happened.
"Juvia, are you sure you want this?" Gray voice sounded husky which made goosebumps appear on Juvia.
"Yes, Gray-sama. Make love to Juvia." Her face was so flustered which made her look totally innocently hot.
Gray knew now he was goner.
Gray smiled and kissed her again. Soon they made towards her bedroom followed by clothes on the floor.
"You look so beautiful, Juvia. Don't worry, I will be gentle. I'm happy that my first time is going to be with you."
Gray leaned and dropped feathers kisses on her skin which made Juvia moan.
Around an hour later, when things finally settled down. Both of them were flushed. Juvia was totally embarrassed to look at her beloved.
Gray chuckled and hugged her from behind.
"How are you feeling, Juvia? Does it hurt?"
Juvia pulled the blanket tightly against her chest and turned around to face her Gray-sama and nodded in response.
"It does hurt, Gray-sama. But Juvia's fine. Juvia's heart is still beating faster." She chuckled.
Gray caught hold of her palm and placed it on his chest where his heart was beating.
"Even, my heart's beating faster. And…" Before Gray-sama could finish his sentence, the door bell rang.
Gray became anxious as who could it be. Juvia laughed and calmed him down by saying it must a delivery.
Juvia got up but her legs were too weak to stand steady. She glared at her boyfriend who had a smug look on his face.
"You just sit down. I will go and get it for you. It will take some time before your legs become steady."
Juvia hit his back playfully and accused it was because of his doing. After wearing the trousers, Gray went to attend the door.
To his surprise, instead of a delivery man, it none other than the Fernandez couple who wore the equally shocked expression as Gray seeing him half-naked in Juvia's apartment.
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