Author's Note : This one shot is dedicated to gruviaverxoxo. Hope you like it. Thank you for this amazing idea.
It is a peaceful morning in the notorious guild of Magnolia where most of the members have already left for their jobs/missions.
Team Natsu and Team Gajeel were the only ones to be present in the guild hall along with Mirajane.
'I'm not going on a job with you the next time, Natsu. It's because of you that we lost half of our reward money due to your destructive nature!!!.'
Lucy ranted her boyfriend while he gave her his signature tooth grin, 'Hey Lushi, that's Natsu for ya.' Happy giggled causing the blonde to fume up.
Just then team Gajeel enter the guild hall from the library, 'Gray-sama, look what Juvia has found out.'
The pretty blunette waved a sheet of paper towards her boyfriend who looked amused and let out a soft smile to her.
'Hey Sprinkler, calm down. I was the one to find that it belongs to me.' Gajeel growled and grabbed her free wrist.
Juvia didn't let Gajeel to get that paper from her grip. She raised in her tiptoed and stretched her arms,
'Nah!!! Gajeel-kun, please let Juvia try this one. You take the one which Levy-san has, please Gajeel-kun.'
Then Juvia showed her pleading puppy eyes which even made the mighty Gajeel go weak on his knees and she finally had her way with him.
'Thank you Gajeel-kun.' She smiled and went to sit next to her Gray-sama.
'Juvia, what's the paper all about?' Natsu asked her curiously while taking a look at the paper along with other members.
'It looks like some gibberish writing.' Lucy shared her piece of mind.
'Reminds me of the changeling incident which was caused by the Natsu's carelessness.'
Erza remembered the not so good incident of her life where she was forced to spend few hours in Happy's body while Gray nodded.
During this time, curiosity killed Juvia and she began to read the spell of gibberish language.
It took awhile for the team Natsu to notice this and before they can her stop, it was too late.
A black glow consumed Juvia completely which left everyone flabbergasted.
After sometime when the glow disappeared, Juvia became numb.
Gray began to fidget and shook her by holding her shoulders to make her snap out of her stupor.
'Juvia, are you alright?' Gray asked in concern and looked up and down to see any random change in her physique.
'Juvia is alright, Gray-sama. But she feels kind of cold.' Juvia shivered which was unusual for her.
Gray took his coat, luckily he had one for his stripping habit and wore it around her and pulled her towards his chest to provide heat.
'What's happening to her? Wendy take a look at Juvia.' Erza instructed the little healer of Fairytail.
'Erza-san, Juvia-san is alright. Nothing is wrong with her body.' Wendy was still not convinced by this and continued her healing spell.
Just then Levy entered the guild hall, 'Juvia, don't read the spell from the paper. It has a ..............' Before she could finish her sentence, she knew it was too late, 'bad effect.'
'Levy-chan, what's this paper all about?' Lucy asked her.
Juvia was still feeling cold so Gray continued to provide warmth by hugging her.
'This paper holds the spell which is used to communicate with the extraterrestrial or supernatural beings.
Whoever reads this spell will be able to see and talk to them.
This spell will only wear off after helping that being in achieving its goal or else the result may be dreadful.
PS : Risk at own cause.'
Levy finished explaining the details from the book. Now everyone looked at Juvia and were eagerly waiting for her speak, exclaiming the presence of some creature.
'Hey Sprinkler, are you seeing something or someone new in here?' Gajeel was concerned for his best friend and partly blamed himself for her situation.
'For now, Juvia is not seeing anything or anyone unusual. But Juvia thinks she is seeing someone now.' Juvia began to tremble and pointed towards the door and passed out.
After sometime, Juvia woke up and saw herself in the guild's infirmary.
She turned to her right side and saw her raven haired boyfriend sleeping.
She took a look at the wall clock, it was 4 p.m. She wondered how she was able to sleep for 7 hours continuously.
Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She began to tremble and remembered what she saw before passing out.
She slowly turned to her left side and became frightened to see a silver-haired little boy floating in air giving her goofy smile.
'Hi Onee-chan!!! I guess, you are the only who can see me now. Please don't fret, I mean no harm to you. Just help me out.'
Juvia's pupil dilated as wide as a full moon and before she could shout, the little boy stopped her by covering her mouth with his tiny hands.
'Please Onee-chan, don't shout. Don't you remember what that small onee-chan told you about the spell.
If you are not fulfilling my demands, you will face the worst consequences.' The small boy threatened her.
Juvia removed his hands from her mouth and spoke, 'Okay Juvia will not shout. Please don't make her scared. What's your demand little boy?' She asked him as there was no other way to escape from this mess.
'First let me introduce myself. My name was Toby McLean. I was 7 years old when I died under unknown circumstances after I came running away from my hometown.
My only wish is to see my family once again. They used to live in Oak Town. Will you take me there and help me out?'
The little boy began to cry. That's when Juvia realized that boy was the ghost. She gathered her courage and asked him,
'Toby-chan!! How long it has been since your death?'
'It's been 10 years, onee-chan. That's why I'm not able to find my parents. Please help me out. I want to see them for one last time then only I can rest in peace.' Toby began to cry.
Juvia felt sorry for that little boy and opened her arms indicating the boy to come for a hug.
She wiped his tears and wondered how she was able to feel and touch him.
'Come Toby-chan, let's make your wish come true.'
She extended her hands and he wrapped his tiny hands around her fingers and made way outside the guild without getting noticed by others and even her Gray-sama.
Soon Gray woke up from his sleep only to meet an empty bed. He stormed out of the room.
'Lucy, Erza where is Juvia? Did she come this way?'
They exchanged looks and said, 'No Gray, we didn't see her. Don't tell us she not there in her bed.' Lucy exclaimed.
Gray nodded his head and they went in search of her.
Meanwhile, Juvia and her little friend Toby-chan where on their way to Oak Town where Juvia and Gajeel's previous guild Phantom Lords was there.
'Toby-chan, which street your family used to live?'
'Onee-chan, we used to live in Clover Lane.' He happily exclaimed.
The passersby were giving her a weird look thinking she is someone mentally unstable as she was talking to herself but the truth is she was talking to her little invisible friend.
Juvia went to florist whom she used to visit back then when she was still in Phantom Lords.
The florist old lady recognized who she was and greeted her.
Juvia became very much happy that someone actually remembered her so she inquired about the Clover Lane.
'Juvia-chan, whom are you going to visit there? That lane is just down this street and turn to your right.' She showed her the direction.
Toby told Juvia his surname which was McLean.
'Actually Mrs. Jasmine, Juvia's here to visit the Mcleans. Do you happen to know their house as well?' She asked the florist.
'Dear, follow the previous instruction and 2nd house is where the Mcleans live.' The florist told her and she bid her bye.
Soon Juvia reached the Mcleans, their house was small and compact with a small lawn in front of their house.
She could see Toby was excited and thrilled to see his parents once again.
She rang the door bell and a middle aged silver-haired lady met her.
'Yes, how can I help you out?' She politely asked her.
'Ma'am, if you don't mind can Juvia come in and inquire something from you?' Juvia asked in hesitation.
'Sure please come in. Lisa dear, get some juice for our guest.' Toby's mom called her daughter.
Toby who stood besides Juvia was letting out happy tears seeing his mom and sister who has grown up to be a fine young lady.
Then a middle-aged silver-haired man entered the hall and greeted Juvia. He was even more thrilled to his father.
'Young lady, what do you want to inquire from us? We have been living here for the past 15 years.' Toby's mom informed her.
'Ma'am, do you happen to know anyone by the name Toby?'
Mrs.Mclean began to tear up hearing that name, 'Mom calm down. Yes Miss, that's the name of my elder brother. He has been missing for past 10 years.' Even the teenager began to cry.
Seeing his family cry, Toby began to cry hard and Juvia consoled him.
'He is our son, miss. He is been missing for 10 years. We searched him in every places but couldn't find him.
But we hope, he remains somewhere safe and sound. Are you a member of Fairytail? We left a request in your guild last month.
Did you happen to get any information about him?' Toby's father inquired Juvia.
Before Juvia could answer them, Toby stopped her, 'Onee-chan, please don't tell them that I'm dead. It would hurt them a lot.
Let them be happy atleast by thinking that I'm still alive somewhere. Please Onee-chan.'
Juvia smiled and understood how his parents would react when they find about their son's death.
So she hid her real purpose of visit and told them that she couldn't find their son.
But she felt bad for Toby's parents and him as how they missed their son and Toby, how he missed such a beautiful family.
Soon Juvia left the Mcleans and assured them that someday their son would be back but only she knew the truth.
'Toby-chan, are you happy now? Finally, you saw your family. Hey don't cry dear.' Juvia wiped his eyes and hugged him.
'Yes Onee-chan, thank you very much. I guess, I missed a lovely family because of my naive and unlucky circumstances.
That's my only regret but I'm happy now I can rest in peace. Thank you Onee-chan.
Now ask something, I will grant one of your wish.'
Toby asked Juvia with a bright smile.
Juvia gently ruffled his hairs,
'Its okay dear. All Juvia asks for is that you rest in peace and if God gives you a 2nd chance to be reborn, please be born as Juvia and Gray-sama's child.
Juvia and Gray-sama will take care of you, Toby-chan.' Juvia encouraged the crying child with tears in her eyes.
'Sure I would love to be your child in my next birth. Thank you Mom. Bye until I meet you next time.'
Toby kissed Juvia's cheeks and slowly disappeared into nothingness.
After few hours, Juvia reached the guild to everyone's relief especially to Gray's relief.
He soon hugged her and inquired, 'Juvia, where did you go? I was worried to death. Please don't go anywhere without informing me.'
Now everyone was eager to know where Juvia went. She told them her little adventure and her little friend Toby. The girls became emotional.
Later at night, Gray consoled her and encouraged her they would soon meet Toby in the form their of son.
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