A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Hildegradine. Hope you like it. Thank for the amazing idea. Feel free to comment your opinion.
As Natsu and Juvia were on a mission assigned by Master to infilter a shady guild who had their base in a town which in the eastern part of Fiore kingdom.
It has been 2 months since Natsu and Juvia tracked and joined the notorious guild to spy on their illegal activities.
Both of them were waiting for perfect opportunity to attack them and retrieved the magical sword which the guild master has stole from the client.
"Hey Juvia, stop playing with that necklace. Focus on that bulky guy who is staring at you." Natsu whispered in her ears.
Indeed that bulky, tall guy was glaring at Juvia with his large red orbs. He is one of the main culprits who assisted their master in the stealing act.
Juvia showed a disgusted expression and turned to face her nakama who was busy munching the food in front of him.
Both of them easily gained the trust of this guild's master that's why, none of the members actually suspected them to be spies.
Juvia passed on the information to Erza and others through communication lacrima who kept track of their progress and to know about their safety.
"Natsu-san, Juvia thinks today we can get access into the guild's master office with the help of that bulky guy." Juvia whispered.
Natsu looked at the said guy and wondered, "How? Do you think its possible?"
Juvia smirked and winked at the said guy, "Juvia will try to seduce him. He will fall for our trap then allure him into the office.
Then we will attack him and collect all important documents and that sword."
Natsu rolled his eyes, "Seriously, are you nuts? If that Ice-princess knows about this, he will kill me for letting you do something like that."
"Yes, Juvia thinks so too. But what do we do now? How will we succeed in our mission then? It's a perfect opportunity actually. " Juvia added with smile.
Just then that bulky guy comes near her and put his arm around her shoulder, "Hey beauty, are you the new chick who joined our guild?"
"Yeah, myself Julia and this is my friend, Nack." Juvia fake smiled so that he doesn't get suspicious.
"Oh what a relief. I thought he is your boyfriend or something. So are you single?" He grinned and slowly moved his arms down my neck and caught hold of her Gray-sama's necklace.
"Yes, I'm single. Do you wanna mingle?" Juvia smiled seductively and sat crossed leg to show off her long creamy toned legs.
Natsu facepalmed himself. The bulky guy ogled her legs and placed his hand on her legs and caressed while the other was playing with the necklace.
"Ah! It's disgusting. When will he let go Juvia?" She wondered with disgust.
Natsu just sat and watched playing along with Juvia's plan.
He didn't miss the look of disgust on her face as he knew only her Gray could do such things with her.
Natsu's fist was itching to hit that guy on his ugly face for harassing his nakama.
"But beauty, I can sense certain male's magic power in this necklace. Why don't we destroy this one? So that you could wear one of mine!" He smirked and began to cast a spell.
But before he could do anything, Juvia shot up and sent him flying with her water nebula.
Her blue sparkling eyes has now lost its shine and became dark.
Everyone around the guild looked shocked to see their ace member down on the floor.
All remained numb didn't knew what to do.
Juvia went upto him and caught hold of his collar and made him stand up.
Natsu was amazed to see the display of strength from the bubbly water mage.
After making him stand, she again attacked him continuously with her water slicer which were bit modified with icy scales at the end, without leaving a moment for him to recover and attack back.
As the other member were still looking at them with awe, Natsu took this as a wonderful opportunity to slip inside the office and took the sword which was kept within a lightning orb. Then he took all the other necessary stuffs.
"Hey woman, how dare you hit me? You bitch..." When the bulky guy got a chance to attack her with his rocky fist, he was met with fire dragon's roar.
"Juvia, come let's go." Natsu called her out.
"No,Natsu-san. We have to finish this man who dared to destroy my Gray-sama's necklace and also for touching me unappropriately . Juvia won't spare him. " She attacked him and used all her trained techniques to defeat that beast.
Now even the other members came to know they were the outsiders and began to attacked them.
Natsu happily went on full rampage and soon defeated the lackeys with his usual fighting spirit.
"You little piece of shit, I won't spare you for humiliating me in front of my henchmen. Let me rip those clothes and put on your assets to full display." The bulky guy now caught hold of her neck making Juvia to choke.
As the guy was about to open her coat, she soon casted water lock spell which encased that beast-man.
Juvia coughed due to discomfort and undid the spell making him unconscious.
When Juvia looked around the guild, she was amazed by Natsu's handy work.
She saw him standing proudly on top of a guy who was begging him to spare his life.
"Natsu-san, that's enough. Let's go." She dusted her dress and went upto him.
"No Juvia, let me kick this fellow's butt. Then we can leave." As Natsu ran to catch another poor fellow but was halted by Juvia who caught hold of his shoulder.
Juvia glared at him making Natsu remind of Erza's glare whenever he pissed her off.
"Juvia said that's enough. Come let's go."
"But we didn't catch the guild master. What about him?" Natsu questioned her.
"We just needed the sword and their documents and other important stuffs.
Remaining work of disbanding this guild will be done by the magic council." Juvia lead Natsu out.
"Okay as you say.." Natsu agreed to her.
After 4 days of grueling train journey for Natsu, they reached Magnolia.
Juvia was getting impatient to meet her Gray-sama as it has been 2 months since they last saw each other.
As Juvia slipped into her fantasy world, Natsu couldn't scold her for feelings like that as even he felt the same. He really missed his partner and lover Lucy.
Even he was waiting to meet her. The reason Natsu and Juvia were chosen for this mission was due to lottery draw.
This mission was a S-class category and the reward was around 10,000,000J.
This caused riot among the guild members so that they could get this job for themselves.
At the end, Mira decided to draw lot. As only 2 persons were required for completing this task.
When Natsu and Juvia were selected, Gray didn't one bit like the idea of sending Juvia with his hyperactive and destructive friend. But Juvia convinced her boyfriend that she would be fine.
Lucy also seemed a bit worried of sending Natsu with Juvia not because she was paranoid of losing Natsu to Juvia, never.
But she knew Natsu's destructive nature and Juvia literally never spent much time with him to know about his unstoppable attitude.
But at the end, both of them easily finished the job without creating any fuss and in due course, developed their friendship.
Once they reached the guild, everyone greeted them with warm smile and hugs from their close ones.
Lucy jumped on her boyfriend and kissed his lips, happy tears were streaming down her eyes, "Welcome back, Natsu. I missed you."
Natsu hugged her back and kissed her forehead, "Even I missed you,Luce. I love you."
The whole guild cooed in response making the couple in action to blush.
Juvia smiled and was greeted by her best friend Gajeel and his girlfriend,Levy and Lily. But her eyes wondered in search of her beloved.
"Hi Juvia, how are you?" Levy smiled and hugged while Gajeel wore a soft smile seeing his friend back in one piece.
"Juvia is good. How are you guys? May Juvia know where her Gray-sama is?" She asked them and looked back and front.
"He's out on a mission with Wendy, Carla and Happy. They will come by tomorrow afternoon." Levy informed her and went upto Lucy.
Juvia looked sad as she was eagerly waiting to meet her Gray-sama but he was out on a job.
When she lifted her hand to touch the necklace, she just felt her dress.
She looked down on her chest and saw no necklace around her neck. She looked back and forth the path and also around the guild but it was not there.
"Natsu-san, you give the report to Master. Juvia will collect her reward later." She stormed out of the guild in search of the necklace.
Natsu looked confused but nevertheless he agreed.
Later at the evening, after enjoying the dinner date, Natsu and Lucy were happily strolling around the market square.
Lucy latched her hands around her boyfriend's arms and laid her head on his shoulder.
It was a blissful evening for them as Nastu was very romantic and cheesy to impress his lady-love.
As they were walking by the river enjoying the starry nights, Natsu heard a sobbing sound and smelt a familiar scent.
Lucy asked him as she sensed something odd from him, "What happened Natsu?"
"Luce, looks like Juvia is crying and she is somewhere near." Both Natsu and Lucy looked around in search of their bubbly nakama.
Soon they found her sitting on the river bank crying her heart out. They wondered what could be the reason behind her cries.
"Juvia" Both called out in unison.
Juvia turned around to meet the owners of the voice, "Lucy-san, Natsu-San??"
"What happened? Why were you crying?" Lucy asked as she went to console her friend.
Juvia wiped her tears and flashed them a fake smile which didn't go unnoticed by them, "It's nothing. Just Juvia felt under the weather. Please don't worry. Looks like you guys are out on a date. Enjoy..Cheers."
Natsu knew something was bothering her, "Juvia cut it out. We know something is wrong with you. What is it?" Just then Natsu noticed there was no necklace around her neck.
"Juvia, where is that necklace?" Natsu asked her that's when he realized that was the reason behind her cries.
Juvia again began to sob and told them she lost her precious Gray-sama's necklace.
Natsu got to know about Juvia even more in these 2 months of being together.
She didn't spare a single day without praising her Gray-sama and both of their love for one another.
Natsu internally felt happy that Gray got someone like Juvia in his life. He knew his friend deserved this happiness and life.
Natsu even couldn't believe the way Juvia changed him as he never thought Gray would let go of his pride to fulfill Juvia's wish.
He even knew how special that necklace is for Gray and Juvia. When they were about to leave for this mission, Gray wore that necklace around her neck and whispered sweet words which he heard,
"Just for you to know I'm always around you. Bye and take care. Gray will miss his Juvia very much. Till then, please be safe. I love you, baby."
Back to present, "What? How did you loss it? Did you search for it?" Lucy asked her in a worried tone.
Juvia bowed her head down as tears were streaming down the eyes, "Juvia searched everywhere but she couldn't find it. Juvia lost her Gray-sama's precious article. How bad girlfriend Juvia is? Gray-sama will hate her and leave her now."
Lucy hugged her and tried to console her crying friends, "Hey Juvia, please stop crying. Gray won't do such things we are sure. Come let's go and find the necklace once again."
As Natsu remembered the scent of that necklace and he began to search for it.
Soon the three of them were searching for the lost necklace around the river bed and town but even after hours, they couldn't find it anywhere.
"Sheesh Juvia, where did you loss at that thing? It looks like you must have lost it on the train.
See when Gray comes tomorrow explain to him everything. I'm sure he will understand if not my fist will make him to.
So now let's get you back to your dorm, it's pretty late at night." Natsu tried his best to console her even though he felt bad for her.
Juvia nodded, "Sorry for ruining Natsu-San's and Lucy-San's date night. Please forgive Juvia.." she bowed her head.
Both Natsu and Lucy told her it was nothing like that and Natsu escorted her back even though Juvia refused.
Both Lucy and Natsu knew she was not alright and will search for the necklace tomorrow as well.
The next day, Juvia didn't come to guild as expected.
What caught everyone's attention was it was raining cats and dogs in the middle of summer.
Just then Gray, Wendy, Charla and Happy came back from their mission.
Gray had a frown on his face when he saw Natsu sitting on their table and looked around the guild for his girlfriend.
Now he knew the reason behind the unexpected rain. "We are back..Hey Natsu, where is Juvia? When did you guys arrive?" Gray asked him to clear his doubt.
"Hi Gray, Actually they came yesterday itself. Juvia didn't come to guild today." Lucy greeted him and informed.
"Yeah I can see. Why? What happened? Did she get hurt? Tell me Natsu?" Gray lost his cool and caught hold of his collar.
"Gray!" Lucy exclaimed and freed his hands from Natsu's collar.
"Gray, Juvia is not hurt. She lost your necklace while coming back home. She searched everywhere but couldn't find it.
She is worried you might leave her because of this act. That's why she is crying?" Natsu told him the exact reason.
Gray sighed in relief as he was really worried that Juvia might have got hurt badly.
"Okay fine, I'm going to meet her. Hey Mira, the mission was successful. I will collect my reward later."
As Gray stormed out of the guild running in the rain to meet his wailing girlfriend.
Soon he reached the Fairy Hill and secretly sneaked into the dorm.
As he knew which one of her room. He got inside luckily as the doors were unlocked.
Gray saw his Juvia curled up into a ball and tears streaming down her eyes. His heart ached seeing her cry like this.
"Gray-sama!! How did you get in?" Juvia got up and looked at him with tears in her eyes.
Soon Gray moved forward and hugged her tightly, "Please stop crying. See it's okay if you lost that necklace. You are more important to me than that piece of article.
Don't ever think I will leave you for something this petty. Now stop crying." He patted her back as she cried hardly on his chest.
"But Gray-sama, it's was your precious jewellery. It's something you gave Juvia as matter of trust and assurance. But she lost it.
Had she been careful and serious about the necklace she wouldn't have lost it so easily. Please forgive Juvia, Gray-sama." Juvia sincerely apologised.
Gray smiled and wiped her tears with feather kisses on her eyelids.
"Juvia, now no more crying. Here look at this." Gray made a similar necklace with his ice make magic and wore it around her neck.
"Thank you Gray-sama. I love you. You so sweet and loving. Juvia is really blessed." She smiled for the first time since yesterday and leaned forward to capture his lips which he also responded back.
"I love you too, Juvia." Gray said wholeheartedly and slowly laid her down on the bed.
Meanwhile back at the guild, the members were relieved with the change of weather.
"So finally he convinced her. Way to go, Ice-princess." Natsu grinned and stood up.
Just then, Mira called him upto the bar, "Natsu, you forgot to take your backpack yesterday. Look here, it has Gray's necklace attached to it. Give this back to Juvia soon." Mira smiled and handed his belonging and necklace.
Natsu was very much relieved and happy to see the necklace back.
He could imagine the way Juvia would behave once she has this article in her hands.
So he called Happy, "Happy, just deliver this necklace to Juvia. Now got it. Tonight let's eat dinner at Luce's place."
Happy exclaimed, "Aye sir."
As the two lovers embraced each other under the warmth of blanket forgetting about the world around them.
"Gray-sama, Juvia missed you. She wouldn't have passed those 2 months if it weren't for your necklace but still she lost it because of her carelessness. Please forgive Juvia."
Juvia once again bought that topic as she laid head on his clothes chest while Gray's arms snaked around her waist.
"Baby, please didn't I say you are important. I'm glad you are back safely without getting hurt. Let's forget about that and think of our life. Juvia I..."
Gray was interrupted by the knock sound on the window. He got up from the bed and went to open the window.
"Gray, here take your necklace. It was stuck on Natsu's backpack zipper. He didn't knew about this until now as he forgot to take his backpack from guild yesterday. Say hi to Juvia for me. Bye" Happy handed him the necklace and flew away.
Gray was also relieved to see his necklace not for his sake but for his lover's sake. She really felt guilty for losing this.
Now that he has got this back, he was sure Juvia would be relieved as well.
"Hey Juvia, look we got the necklace back. Here wear this." Gray went upto her to wear it around her neck but she stopped him.
"Juvia is really happy that we got this back. Please Gray-sama, you wear it. This belongs to you. Give this to Juvia when we go for any mission separately. Got it, now no more talking about this." She placed her lips on his to stop him from speaking further.
"As you wish. Come let me take you on a date and later at night we can spend some lone time together in my apartment." Gray winked at her.
Juvia blushed as she knew the meaning behind his suggestion but nevertheless she agreed as both of them really missed one another very much.
"Thank you, Gray-sama."
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