One fine morning Gray Fullbuster, Fairytail's ice-devil slayer was getting ready to leave on a S-class mission which would last around a week.
This was his first long mission since his son birth. Yes!! Gray got married to his lover Juvia Locksar, who now proudly carries the Fullbuster surname behind her name.
It was a dream come true moment in her life, when Gray proposed her on her special day.
But what turned the sweet memory into delightful one was when Juvia disclosed to her lover that she was carrying their baby and was 8 weeks along.
Gray was over the moon after hearing this happy news and as planned, they got married 2 weeks after.
They celebrated their 1st wedding anniversary along with their baby boy who was around 4 months old that time .
" Gray-sama!!! What are you waiting for? Get ready soon. You have train to catch."
Juvia was urging him to get ready soon.
" Yeah, Juvia I know. Do you really want me to go? Are you sure? You can manage him alone."
Gray asked out of concern as he didn't want to stay very long away from his family.
"Gray-sama!!! Juvia is Storm's mother. She will take care of him. Don't worry about that.
Besides, you need some lone time to clear your mind and to grab some rest.
Ever since you found out, Juvia was pregnant, you didn't leave her side. You were very protective and took good care of her at expense of your health.
Now it has become even more harder for you after Storm's birth.
So don't worry, enjoy your mission, after all, this will help you recover from the stress."
Juvia assured and convinced him that she would take care of their child.
Storm Fullbuster, now, 6 months old, shares a stricking resemblance to his father except for his pale skin, blue eyes and navy blue wavy hairs which he inherited from his mother.
When Gray held his son for the first time, he knew he was a goner.
Gray never felt this kind of love and affection for anyone even including his wife at the first meet itself.
Gray's heart melted when he saw his son open up his blue orbs which reminded him of his wife's eyes.
He was grateful to the genetics as Juvia's eyes were a perfect example of beautiful and mesmerizing pair which was hard to miss for the grabs.
He felt sudden sense of protective instincts and was determined to live solely for his family without being reckless anymore.
"But Juvia, what if someone attacks you both while in my absence?
Moreover, you still haven't recovered from your post-natal pregnancy issues due to which your magic is unstable.
How will you protect yourself and Storm? And..."
Juvia made Gray cut out his insecurities by hugging him and resting her head on his chest.
"Gray-sama, relax. Thank you for this concern. Juvia really loves this side of yours.
Don't worry, Juvia is recovering. Besides, Gajeel-kun, Erza-San and others from the guild will visit us to ensure our safety.
So Gray-sama, take care and be safe. Return back to us. Don't forget you are a loving husband and a doting father now not an ignorant bachelor anymore.
I Love You."
She tip-toed to reach his lips to give a good bye kiss which he responded back by leaning forward.
Just then, a wailing sound was heard from the nursery,
"Looks like my son is not letting me have my ways with his mom."
"Looks like he got that side of yours as well." Juvia giggled.
Hearing this Gray chuckled and went to attend the crying child.
He carried the crying baby in his arms and checked his diaper whether it was wet or not.
"Hey buddy, always interrupting your daddy's moments, huh!!"
Gray gently pinched the baby's small button nose.
Storm stopped crying after recognizing his dad's voice and smiled at him for being in his arms.
Storm's cute smile reminded Gray of Juvia's smile.
"You smile just like your mother. Come on, let's go and meet your mommy."
Gray blew raspberries in his chubby tummy which caused the baby to giggle and soon went to the living room.
Seeing his mother, Storm made cutesy voice and reached out his arms indicating her to carry him which didn't go unnoticed by Juvia.
"Oh baby!! What made Juvia's baby snap out of his peaceful nap time? Did my baby have a bad dream?"
Juvia examined the baby in her arms to see whether he was hurt or got bit by any insects.
After confirming her worries were baseless, she swinged the baby sideways which earned her a laughter and giggle from the happy baby.
"Hey I guess, he must have freaked out finding none of us along with him.
That's why started to cry to capture our attention. Smart boy just like his dad."
Gray ruffled Storm's soft hairs while feeling a surge of pride growing within him.
"Yeah, that's why now, he looks happy to be in Juvia's arms and bosoms.
Just like his daddy feeling happy and warm from the Juvia's contact."
Juvia teased her husband as he grew red due to embarrassment.
"Yeah...yeah...whatever. Come let's have a family hug. I still have a train to catch."
Gray pulled his wife into a hug without squeezing the baby in her arms. They silently enjoyed the embrace.
"Bye Juvia, Bye Storm buddy. Take care. Don't overwhelm your mommy in my absence. Bye I love you both. See ya soon."
Gray kissed his wife's lips and the baby's forehead and left for his work.
Both Storm and Juvia waved bye to their most important person and went inside the house.
"So what does Juvia's baby want to do? Wait your mommy has a plan, let's first take bath and spend sometime with your uncles and aunts in the guild."
Juvia gently bit her baby's chubby cheeks while Storm let out cute giggles.
Soon Juvia reached the guild while carrying Storm in her arms after safely tugging him in his baby blanket and covering his head with a hat to avoid dust and harsh sunlight.
"Hi Juvia, good afternoon. Hi Storm. How are you?" Lucy greeted them with her big smile.
"Hello Lucy-san. Say hi to auntie Lucy." Juvia grabbed Storm's hand and made him to wave.
He flashed Lucy a bright smile which melted her heart.
"Aw!! He is so cute. Hey Juvia, can I carry him?"
Juvia let Lucy carry her baby after removing the blanket and the hat and made way to their usual bench.
Juvia greeted others while Lucy and Wendy and Charla were playing with her baby.
"Juvia, where is Gray? Didn't he come with you?" Both Erza and Natsu asked in unison.
"Gray-sama has gone on a mission . It would take him a week to come back." Juvia smiled and made herself comfortable in the bench.
Just then Mira came with Juvia's lunch and gave it to her which she happily accepted.
The girls have now ganged up together to take a good look at her handsome boy.
"Isn't he cute?"
Wendy squealed as Storm grabbed her finger with his tiny hands.
"Yeah, he's definitely cute. He's got the charms of his mother." Levy said while ruffling his hairs.
"Yeah, he looks exactly like Juvia." Mira happily exclaimed while pinching the baby's chubby cheeks.
The other girls looked at her with a funny expression. Mira wondered what happened to them suddenly.
Cana broke the silence, "Seriously Mira, have you gonna blind? He is an exact copy of Gray.
Take good look at his face, it's definitely Gray's face."
"No, I guess, she meant the smile on his face which is similar to Juvia's smile." Lissanna fought back for her sister.
Juvia was smiling seeing the conversation her friends were having on whom the baby went after.
According to Juvia, her baby boy was in and out resembled her Gray-sama.
Once when Gray tried to kiss her while having Storm in her arms, he cried. Both didn't knew what made him grumpy suddenly.
After sometime, they realized he was possessive of his mother. As Gray again tried to kiss her, Storm moved his dad away with his chubby arms.
He didn't like sharing his mother with anyone let it be his father also.
For the next 2-3 days, whenever Gray was near Juvia, Storm had an awful crying session.
So Gray didn't want his son to cry because of him so he had to control himself on his advances until Storm let's go of his jealousy.
It reminded Juvia of how Gray was possessive whenever Lyon was around her close proximity.
Her thoughts were halted when she heard her baby's whimpering sound. She looked at him and the girls were smiling.
Then she felt an arm hugging her shoulders, when she turned to face the owner, it was Cana. She instantly knew the reason behind this act.
"See didn't I say, he is just as possessive as his father. Doesn't want to share anything belonging to him with others." Cana grinned.
"Yeah, you are right, Cana. I wonder how Gray is spending time with Juvia around Storm? Hey Juvia, do you think what I'm thinking is correct?"
Mira winked and Juvia understood the meaning behind it.
"Yeah Mira-San, he doesn't let Gray-sama to touch Juvia at all. Very possessive indeed." Juvia smiled.
When Cana let go of Juvia, Storm stopped crying and had a cute frown on his face which made the girls to squeal seeing his cuteness.
"See that is typical Gray's frown." Erza said while carrying the baby in her arms and rubbing her cheeks on his face causing him to giggle.
Just then Natsu made his way to her and took a good look at Storm.
On seeing his flame-breath uncle, the baby had a pissed off expression on his cute face.
Natsu exclaimed, "He is surely is Gray's son. See he has the same arrogant face and droopy eyes just like his dad. All that he got from Juvia is that eye colour." Still glaring at the baby.
Storm also gave him tough competition in glaring which reminded Natsu of Gray's never give up and tough attitude.
"Natsu-San, no one should insult Juvia's baby. If you do that again, Juvia will ask Gray-sama to take care of you." Juvia threatened Natsu with deadly glare.
"Okay Juvia, relax. I was just kidding. He is such a cute baby." Natsu tried to pinch Storm's cheeks but the baby was not interested and turned his face away from his uncle.
"Knock it off, Salamander. You are scaring him. He may have the look of that ice-prick but don't forget he is also Juvia's son."
The baby turned his attention to the iron dragon slayer and showed his cute toothless smile.
"See that is Juvia's smile. The Stripper won't have such bright smile."
Gajeel extended his arms to carry the baby and Storm happily complied to the invitation.
While Gajeel was strolling around the guild with the baby in his arms show casing all the things much to Storm's excitement.
The girls turned their attention to Juvia and asked her opinion,
"Of course, Juvia's baby looks and acts like her Gray-sama."
"Yeah Juvia. But for now, we can't say much about his personality but we wish he gets that from you.
So that he can grow to be more open, broad minded, happy and cheerful unlike Gray how he used to be.
I'm not trying to offend him, Juvia. But as we grew up together, I know how his personality was and it's because of you, he has changed into someone who he is now.
All I and Natsu want is that your baby shouldn't under go what you and Gray underwent, Fine."
Erza said her heartfelt words with a warm smile which Juvia responded back.
"Yes, Erza-San. Juvia understands."
After spending sometime at the guild, Gajeel dropped Juvia and Storm at her house and told that he would visit them everyday till Gray comes back.
Storm fell asleep in Gajeel's arms while on the way back to home. She placed him in his bassinet and covered him with his baby blanket.
When Storm slept, he looked exactly like her Gray-sama bearing that peaceful face.
Juvia felt very happy when she saw her son for the first time, she felt complete having him in her arms. He instantly reminded her of Gray.
She forgot all the pains and troubles of labour when she saw the healthy baby sleeping in her husband's arms.
She vowed that day, she will protect her baby from any harm even by happily sacrificing her life for his safety.
Juvia knew soon her baby will grow up and he will look more and more like her Gray-sama which will make her to spoil him with all the love and pampering.
Juvia and Gray loved their son to the core and made their son's life and protection their important priority.
So till Gray returns home , Juvia had an ample amount of time to spend with her son, bond with and spoil him further which will make her son even more possessive.
This will create a hard time for Gray to convince his son that they both can equally share their most important person's affection and time.
But nevertheless, Storm loves both of his parents equally with unconditional and undivided love or should we say a little bit extra love for his amazing and stunning mother.
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