I watch her as she takes more shots. Looks like she has a bad habit of drinking. Albert Roberts hasn't changed a bit. He's still that strong built man with those long curls. Except that now they're short. Sitting next to him. His wife. Penny. Her dark brown hair is curly. It goes down to her neck. Her skin is dark. She has black sparkling eyes. She's wearing a dress with long sleeves. It is red. Dark red. This Parker kid looks the youngest in the group. I get back to looking at her. She's now holding a green beer bottle in her hand. She's laughing. Oh, that laugh of hers. How beautifully her eyes slightly close. "Someone gotta take us home. The babysitter called." Penny says. "I will take you, guys." Hardin says as they all get up. "I have to go, too." She says as she almost slips while getting up. I hold her back from falling. "Mind of you take her home, Woods?" Albert asks me. "No, it is alright." I say as she leans on my shoulder, drunkly chuckling. He tells me the address to her apartment and then leaves along with his wife and Hardin. "Let's get you home." I say as I grab her purse as we walk outside. I get her into the passenger's seat of my mustang. Or hers now. I get into the driver's seat. I hold on to the stirring wheel. I really missed this car. I sight as I look into her purse for the keys. I find them at last. I turn on the engine like old times, I start to drive. "You miss it, huh?" She says in her drunk voice. I look at her as I stop at a red light. She's leaning against the open window. The cover is open, which makes her hair fly behind her neck. Her neck is visible. "Yeah." I say as I look back to the road. I drive as the light turns green. "I miss it as well, you know." She says. I sight as I know she's talking about us. She misses us. Us, I do miss us. I miss her. Terribly. As I reach the building that Albert told me about, I stop the car. I get out of the car. I walk to her door. I get her out. She's laughing against my shoulder. I hold her as I close the door behind her. I close the cover of the car. It starts to rain. Oh, fuck. "Rain." She says with a chuckle as she jumps under the rain. I grab her into the building before we're completely soaked. We get to her apartment. I search again through her purse of the keys. She's right behind me. She's laughing and jumping. Oh god. She's completely waisted. I find the key at last. I get us into the apartment. She's wet and shivering. I take off my jacket. I warp it around her shaking body. I take her to her room. I seat her down on the bed. "Let's dance under the rain." She says chuckling. I search through her closet for something dry. I grab an oversized sweater along with a pair of sport shorts. I turn to her. She's humming to herself as she stares at the celling. Her red hair is wet. Her make up is all over her cheeks. I help her out of her dress. She smiles and chuckles to herself as I dress her into the sweater and the shorts. I throw her wet dress into the laundry. I go into her bathroom. I grab a packet that had "makeup remover tissues" on it. I walk back to her. She's still where I left her. Except for a black and grey cat. It is sitting in her lap. She's petting it softly. I smile as I sit down next to her. I get a tissue out. I start to remove her messy makeup. "You're so sweet. Why did you leave?" She says softly while smiling. Cause I am a stupid asshole. I look at her now clean face. I smile softly. I place the packet back in the bathroom after throwing the used ones in trash. I walk back to her. She lays down. I pull the covers up on her body. I lean down to plant a kiss on her forehead. "I love you." She whispers to me. I look at her smily face. She closes her eyes. I smile to myself. It is wonderful to hear it from her. I love you, too. I walk away into the living room. I yawn. "You can stay if you don't want to go back." I hear her mumble from the bedroom. I smile as I lay down on the sofa. Why did I leave her? I am such a dumbass.
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