"This is nice, right?" El asks as we walk into a fancy restaurant. A party I agreed to join her to. I tug at the fit shirt, she made me wear. Her hair is loose and straightened. Golden earrings match the necklace she's wearing on her exposed chest. A silk long red dress is covering her tiny body. A red lipstick is making her lips pop. Her arm is tucked into mine as we walk. "El, hey." A man in a grey suit embraces her. I eye him as he kisses her cheeks. A weird tingle runs through me as I watch his lips touch her face. "Jason, hi." She smiles as they pull back. "This must be Tobias." He shakes my hand. I hate that he just called me by my name. The golden haired man smiles at me as we shake hands. His face is lined by an extremely sharp jawline, leaving his cheeks hallow. His lips are a thin line, around his teeth, that almost look like vampire fangs. Brown dark eyes that seem to light up every time he looks at El. "It's a pleasure to meet you at last." He lets go off my hand. "Well, I am not sure if I know you." I shrug. El lets out a nervous laugh. "This is Jason Kingsley. We work in the same office." She says. "Hi." I force a smile.
"This case is just as tough as the last one." Kingsley says, making El look at him with sparkly eyes. I don't know why I am jealous or anything. I intend on leaving El anyways. I should be happy that at least, she might have someone. "You guys working on the same case?" I blurt out. They both look at me. "No, I am a different lawyer from her. She works with the divorce cases, getting the ladies to get out easily. I am supposed to be her nemesis." He smiles looking at her. She chuckles. "But, you guys are friends?" I ask. "Yeah, the press makes a big deal of huge lawyers like us. Making the nemesis thing a big deal." He leans back in his chair. "We don't like to give them the satisfaction." El continues. It's like they can read each other's mind or something.
"What do you do then, Tobias?" He asks, sipping the whiskey, he ordered a while ago. "I own a coffee shop." I say. "He makes great coffee." El hugs my upper arm. Jason smiles. Slow music makes people leave there seats and walk down to the dance floor. "You wouldn't mind if I stole your girl for a dance, would you?" Jason stands up. El looks at me with a smile, patting my shoulder. I force a smile. Jason's hand leads El to the dance floor. Their bodies stand so close to each other. I don't like the feeling that's growing within me. I don't like, that I am jealous even though I text Ruby all the time. Even when I slept with Ruby throughout the whole winter break.
I am a cheater. I shouldn't be jealous.
The words burn through my mind like a fire. I did cheat, even when I knew that El was in love with me. This is all my fault, from the very beginning. When I started dating El, when I left Ruby. I pulled myself into this mess, and now I am watching her laugh, as this perfect lawyer Kingsley hug her waist. This reminds me much of when I was jealous from Albert back at high school.
Albert is standing there with his back to me. Hands are around his neck. His hands are holding someone. I get closer but I trip and make a sound. They look at me. Ruby? "Tobias?" Her shocked voice says.
The memory flashes across my mind. Seeing her that day broke my heart. Made me the loneliest person in the world. My eyes follow Jason as he sways with El. He's taller than her. The heels she's wearing make her head rest on his shoulder. She looks happy, safe. For a moment, it makes me happy for her, finding someone that can treat her the way she should be treated.
The cold winter wind pushes her hair behind her neck. "I had fun tonight." She smiles. I didn't. "Me, too." Jason smiles at her. They look like two couple who just went on a date. I knew this was a bad idea. "It was nice meeting you, Jason." I startle them, as they stare at each other. "Right, same here, man." He turns his gaze to me. I take El's hand and grab a cab. She waves at Jason, who's shivering in the cold. It started to snow. We got into the cab. El's eyes follow him as he gets out of sight. That's not how you look at a friend.
"What was that?" I throw the keys on the small coffee table that lies in the living room. She turn to look at me. Her black coat, caught some snowflakes as well as her hair. "What?" She shrugs. "Back at the party. This guy Kingsley. How come I never heard of him?" I ask, anger about to explode from every angle. I never heard of him. Is he supposed to be her affair? "We don't really talk much, Tobias." She crosses her arms. "Who's fault is it?" I ask, feeling my voice harden. "Excuse me?" She says.
"Don't play dumb, Elite. We both know that you're always busy. Always working on a case. Always at work. I barely see you. I barely talk to you. I barely even touch you!" I yell at her. "I am sorry if I can't stay home and be your housewife!" She yells back. I laugh with sarcasm. "You're trying to make me the bad guy here? I am not the one who is still running after the girl, I left long ago." She shouts. "Leave her out of this!" I yell. "Fuck you! You're a total dick!" She yells, before locking herself in her room. "Elite! Open the damn door." I knock, yelling at her. "Don't act so innocent! Looks like you have been pretty occupied as well!" I yell from behind the door. The lock clicks open. Her cheeks are wet with her tears. Her mascara running down with the tears. "You think I am meeting someone?" She asks. "Kingsley seemed so interested back there!" I say. Her hand collides with my face, leaving a hard pain rushing through my cheek. She shuts the door in my face, locking it again.
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