As Jen was rushed for her C-SECTION, every one was worried, cause there is complications, her twins are very big, it was touch and go at first, she had a girl named Red and a boy named Grey , her twins weigh in at 9 pounds each. The babies are healthy, but Jen is not doing good, they have put her in recovery and she has drip up with nutrients going through and another drip with pain relief, and oxygen mask to help her breath, mum and dad were allowed to sit there and hold there beloved daughter hand , and praying she will make it through. Her mother was 😢😢😢and her father silently.
In the meantime Genie woke up, she had gas and air to help with the pain. GENIE started to vomit the gas made her sick , so she had no more, it didn't take long, Genie had a daughter she named Holiday, and her son was named Sinclaire, her twins weigh in at 8 pounds each, both babies are healthy and we're awake and gurgling, both babies were cleaned and wrapped Holiday pink and Sinclaire in cream, when Genie was cleaned they moved them into another room , Genie started crying when she heard her sister Jen is ill , she started praying, the nurse gave Genie a soothing drink, not to put her a sleep, because her babies were awake and would need feeding.
JEN was still in recovery, her twins were been looked after by the family and nursing staff 😢😢😢😢
To be continued. .
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