x. 𝐢'𝐦 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫
"Will you come with me?" El spoke up as she grabbed Peters elbow. They got back to the cabin after the insane night a the hospital and El was in need of having to spy. They were planning on letting her do it alone in her room before she'd turned to Peter.
"Yeah." he nodded his head, letting her hold his elbow and pull him away toward the back room. El shut the door as they got in. Peter sat down on the floor first, adjusting the white tee he wore. El grabbed her blind fold and sat next to him. "Why'd you ask me to come in here?"
El gave a small shrug. "Just wanted."
Peter grinned, nodding his head as he leaned back on the bed, watching her tie the black blind fold over her eyes, turn on the static tv, and fall silent. He knew by now he needed to remain as quite as she was, sitting completely still and watching a little bit of blood run from her nose.
Quite a while passed and El still hadn't came back yet. A bunch of bloody tissues were by her side by now, the photos of the victims infront of her. Peter grew worried as he placed his hand on her knee. "El?"
She was silent but grabbed his hand, grasping it tightly. Peter heard the faint arguing from the living room, mainly Max and Mikes voice coming through. Peter sat up on his knees, looking around his bag a second.
"Peter." El spoke when she didn't feel his hand anymore.
"Hang on, i'm trying to make it quieter for you." Peter grabbed his walk man and head phones, hurrying back over to her. El heard the static from an empty walk-man when Peter placed the head phones over her ears, fixing her hair so it wasn't on her ears. When he sat back down, he took her hand again. "I found him."
"Which one?" Peter asked, El pulled the blind fold off and met his eye.
They'd traveling back into the living room with the rest of the group, all sitting around El as she once again was blind folded and had the tv static once again. El began to breath heavy, ragged like before yanking it off.
She jumped when Peter held her shoulder, relaxing when she met his eye. "It's okay, here."
She took the glass of water they'd been sharing.
"What's he doing now?" Max asked curiously.
Moments went by and El had down the last of Peters water, the pair headed to the kitchen to drink more. Peter rubbed El's back as she drank the last of the glass. "If it's too much, you can take a break."
El took as gasp for air from drinking so long. "I'm okay."
"Are you sure?" Peter asked, earning a nod. "Okay, I believe you. But if it get too much, you can say something."
"I will tell you." El said as she look at him. "Promise."
Peter nodding, filling up her glass again before passing it to her. El drank half of the glass before setting it down. The way Peter was positioned next to her, rubbing her back, was easy for her to lean over as her head pressed against his neck. Peters entire heart jumped when she did it, freezing in place and feeling like he'd been set on fire and burning. His hand came up and wrapped around her shoulders, rubbing slightly.
El's eyes danced around the room from where she'd leaned against him, eyes falling on the cereal she ate when the egos weren't available. "Peter."
"Yeah?" he asked her, being ignored for a second. "El?"
El grabbed his wrist and pulled him toward the living room with her, over hearing Nancy talking about finding the source. "Billy knows it. Billys been there. To the source."
"Yeah, but-" Mike began.
"It's a trap. I know." El cut him off with a nod of her head. "We can't go to Billy, but I think there's another way. A way for me to see where he's been."
The static was turned on the tv again as El sat before it. This time, Peter sat next to Lucas as Mike kneeled El. "El, I know you think you have to do this, but you don't. It's just, you've only done this before once. And your mom, she loved you, and wanted you to know what happened. And Billys mind is-is sick, diseased. The mind flayer is in him."
Peter was glad he hadn't been talking at her so violently and harsh like he had before. He was glad El wasn't being treated that way. But, it didn't help that Peter hated that it was Mike and not him down there with her. El faced Mike. "He can't hurt me. Not in there."
"We don't know that." Mike shook his head.
El turned to him fully now. "Mike. I need you to trust me."
Peter looked away from them, chewing on the skin inside of his mouth. Lucas saw it, even though no one else in the room did, he saw it. It was the same look Dustin had given him last year when him and Max had gotten together, he knew it well. Peter was jealous. Not because he'd wanted just any relationship, but because he wanted El.
Mike hesitated as he looked at Max, who gave him a stupid look. He faced El again. "Yeah. Just...be carful."
Mike backed up and El looked at Peter. "Peter."
He turned back to her, with a hum.
"Headphones." she nodded. Peter stood up, taking the walkman from his belt loop and walking over. He kneeled next to El, laying the walkman in her lap and going to put the headphones on her head. El grasped his wrist before he could, looking up at him. "Still friends?"
"What?" Peter asked confused.
"Mad at me?" El asked, because she took notice at how he wasn't meeting her eye.
Peter gave a small grin. "Couldn't be mad at you."
El smiled up at him as he adjusted them on her head. She didn't let his wrist go until he was completely out of reach and backed up on the couch again. Max nudge him with her knee, making Peter do it back and look her way. "I think you're better then Mike."
Peter laughed quietly. "I think you're better then Mike, too."
"I'm just saying, if El ever were to ask me-" Max rolled his eyes as she looked his way. "I'm team Peter."
Peter tried not to smile as he shook his head. "Don't know what you're talking about."
Moments passed and El was completely silent, which was weird. She usually would say what she saw but hadn't spoken to them at all. Max and Peter shared a similar look as they watched. El began to panic as she took raged, beep breaths of fear.
"Somethings wrong." Mike spoke up with wide eyes. Peter kneeled next to El. "Wait, Peter-"
Peter grasped one of her hands, the other holding her arm. His thumb ran across the top of her hand. El began to slow down in the slightest, slowly and not fully, but enough. Peter stayed infront of her, keeping his gentle hold
on her. "El, is everything okay?"
A second passed and he saw the tear fall from under her blindfold. "I'm okay."
"Are you sure?" Peter asked her gently, using his hand to whip the blood from her nose and few dropped tears. El nodded her head. "What do you see?"
"I'm.. on a beach." El answered.
Lucas gave an odd look. "Okay, I may be dense, but the last time I checked, there weren't any beaches in Hawkins."
"What else do you see?" Max asked her. Peter rubbed El's hand against with his thumb, his hand turning white from how tightly he was holding hers so she didn't feel so alone and lost in the void she disappeared to.
"A woman." El said after a second. "She's...pretty. I- I think she's looking at me. There's... a boy. It's Billy."
Peter looked at Max as she frowned. "It's California. It's a memory."
"I think I see it." El said honestly. "The source."
Peter and Mike shared a look before drawing their eyes from each other.
"I think I found it. The source." El said against after a few minutes.
"Where, El? Where are you?" Max jumped in in questioning.
"Brimborn." El read. Peter gave an odd look toward Jonathan. "Steelworks."
"The phone book." The Clarke boy insisted as Jonathan hurried off in search of it.
Him and Nancy began to flip the pages. "Here, steel. Uh, found it. 6522 Cherry Oak Drive."
Peter looked at Max. "That's right by your house."
"That's close." Nancy nodded her head.
"El, El, we found it. Get out of there." Mike called quickly.
"You can come back now." Peter reassured her, only getting silence in return. He pulled the headphones from her ears. "El! El! Come on! El!"
Panic set in as he grasped her shoulders, only getting completely silence in return before she began to panic from behind the blind fold. "El! Come back! El! We found it! Get out of there!"
El began to cry, breathing heavy and yelling out. Peters eyes widened in a panicked state, shaking as he held her shoulders tightly. "El, please."
She was bleeding from both her nostrils, everyone around the room began to panic and look in fear. Peter still had a tight hold on her, his fingers digging painfully into her shoulders as he tried to get back. El yanked the blind fold off. "No!"
Peter jumped at her yelling in his face but held onto her tightly. El began to breathed heavy, sobbing as she looked around in a panic. Peter didn't let her go. "El, El, it's okay. You're safe. You're safe."
El grabbed his arms and cried, letting his own wrapped around her and hold onto her tightly while she cried.
kylie speaks
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