(1st POV)
'Huh. Weird.' I thought as I got up.
Everyone in the room was still sleeping. I shifted a bit as I got up trying not to wake anyone. I walked out of the common room and into the hallways. Everything was quiet and it was snowing.
'Christmas. How dreadfully nice.' I thought.
"I wonder what they were thinking. I mean was I drugged or something? Why would someone drug me?" I mumbled as I walked the halls.
My head started to throb so I sat down. A shiver ran up my spine. I mentally slapped myself for not taking a blanket. I walked back.
"How do I get in now?"
"It'sss Harry. But he'sss alone."
"Why isss he alone?"
"Sssleep walking?"
"Let'sss get Draco."
"No pleassse jussst let me in. I don't want to wake them." I automatically replied.
The portrait opened. I walked in grabbed a blanket. I spotted a stuffed snake in the corner and grabbed that too. Then I left. I walked the halls and sat down after a few minutes. I held onto the stuffed animal and started to cry. 'Why was my life so messed up?'
I jumped and turned around. "Oh... Malfoy."
His face fell. "So you're 12 now huh."
I nodded. "You don't have to keep being nice to me. I'm old enough to look after myself now."
He frowned. "You remember?"
"Yeah. I guess I didn't give you guys much of a choice." I mumbled clutching the animal.
"You still have 3 weeks. And I don't mind. How much do you remember?"
"Bits and pieces." I replied.
"Why were you crying?"
I sighed. "Can you just leave please."
"Just go Malfoy!"
My heart broke at his expression. I couldn't tell how much of it was real. My mind and heart were torn. I just wanted to cry. I just wanted him to hold me. But once I'm back to myself then he will be back to teasing me.
"Draco what's wrong?"
"Sod off Granger."
"Woah mate I know you're not a morning person."
Hermione sighed. "Blaise baby leave him alone. It's Harry isn't it?"
Draco flung himself down. "You can take saint Potter back and keep him."
"Neville come with me please." Hermione got up. "I'm sorry Draco but there's an explanation I'm sure."
Neville and Hermione left and Draco started crying. Blaise and Pansy immediately by his side. Dean and Seamus left to find Snape.
"He wouldn't look at me. He kept calling me Malfoy." Draco sobbed.
"Oh Dray. I'm sorry."
"We knew this was a possibility. But it hurts Pans."
Blaise rubbed Draco's back. "Hermione will get to the bottom of this."
Draco carried on crying. He didn't know what else to do. He cried until he was too exhausted to stay awake. He fell asleep on Blaise's shoulder. Blaise and Pansy made sure he was comfortable before leaving.
"You think-headed stubborn Gryffindor!"
"Hermione stop you're not making him feel better."
"But Neville..." Hermione started.
"No Hermione! Either stop or leave!" Neville yelled.
"What's happening?"
Neville looked behind Hermione. "Oh Pansy. Ammm just trying to sort out this issue."
Harry was crying his eyes out rocking back and forth. Blaise got angry and hurt at the same time.
"By yelling at him Hermione really?"
Instinctively at the sound of Blaise's voice Harry shot up. He looked at Blaise pleasingly. He wasn't sure what to do. 'Would Blaise be angry if I hugged him?' Harry thought. He threw his caution to the wind and ran into Blaise. He wanted comfort. Blaise sighed and wrapped his arms around Harry.
"Mind telling me what's going on in your head munchkin?" Blaise said.
Harry looked at him. "I'm sorry. You probably didn't want me to do that." He backed away.
"I didn't give you guys much of an option. You were just putting up with me. I'm good to take care of myself now. You don't have to deal with me anymore." Harry hung his head and walked away.
He slammed right into something hard on his way out of the abandoned classroom. He looked up and flinched. It was a person he slammed into.
"Sorry Professor." Harry whispered.
"Harry what makes you think we didn't want to help you." Snape drawled.
"Because you hate me. Dr... Malfoy hates me. Maybe if I let the hat sort me in Slytherin I wouldn't have burdened you so much." Harry said softly.
Snape lifted Harry. "One. You need to trust us. Can you do that?"
"I do sir." Harry mumbled.
"Two. You need to understand that all of us wanted to take care of you." Snape raised an eyebrow.
Harry looked at him. "Really?"
Snape nodded. "Three. You need to relax. We're not going to hurt you."
Harry did relax a bit. "I just..."
"Four. Don't just assume you know how everyone is feeling. Draco was really upset." Snape said.
"Five. Trust your heart. Your mind is too messy." Harry nodded. "Six. Know I never would have told you about Lilly if I didn't want to."
"Yes Professor."
"Seven. You need to fix things with Draco. Eight. What did I say about what you can call me."
"Sorry Severus. Can I see Draco?" Snape nodded.
They made their way to the common room. In side Snape put Harry down. Harry walked over to where Draco was sleeping. He sighed and cuddled into Draco's side. Harry hesitantly put and arm over Draco's middle.
Hermione sat down in front of them. "Harry how long have you liked Draco?"
"Ammm first year when we had detention in the forbidden forest." Harry mumbled and blushed.
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"Can I just sleep?" Harry whined.
Everyone nodded.
*~* (1st POV)
I woke up to the feeling of something slightly heavy on my chest. I hadn't opened my eyes yet. It was some what comforting and warm. I moved my arm slightly to find it trapped by a hand. I opened an eye looking down.
My breath hitched. I was met with black hair. I looked around. Blaise and Hermione were cuddling by the fire. Pansy and Dean were laying on the floor. Seamus and Neville were playing chess. And Snape was reading. That only left one person.
"Harry?" My voice cracked.
Everyone's attention was on me now. I looked down slowly. My heart racing. I tried to move. The arm around my waist tightened.
"Don't go." A mumbled cry.
"H... Harry." My brain was stuck.
"Yes Draaacooo." He mumbled in a sing song voice and snuggled closer.
I looked at Blaise who was on the edge of laughing. Pansy had a sly smile. Hermione had a look of satisfaction. Neville and Seamus shared identical triumphant smiles. And Dean looked like he wanted to tease us. But my brain still wasn't working.
'WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON!' I yelled at myself looking down at a very snuggly Harry. Who was also wearing my hoodie. Wait we were snuggling?!
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