Donghyuck thought he would choke to death right then and there.
He partially wished he had.
There in the squishy flesh stood his ridiculously beautiful boyfriend. Well, he wasn't his boyfriend yet. Not like he planned on him being his or anything.
Psh, what? Moving on.
However, little did he know Mark thought he was that and more. From his deep chimney locks, the way his peachy lips parted with breath, (oh how Mark wanted to take that breath away) to the way his tan thighs overlapped as he sat and his converse covered feet kicked impatiently.
Mark was falling hard and fast, but Donghyuck seemed too busy crawling his way up from the depths of hell to catch him, or even notice for that matter.
An angel and a demon.
Undoubtedly, most of the girls in the classroom would let Mark break his fall on their bodies. Especially the girl near the back of the class with the nightly hair tucked neatly behind her tiny ears.
She was eyeing Mark like he was a god sent from the sky. She wanted that boy. His fluffy hair and playful smile. She wanted to run her finger along his jawline and-
Enough of the hoe's fantasies, Donghyuck was about to choke.
He was this close to falling out on the floor and dying from lack of oxygen.
How does one breathe?
Donghyuck wouldn't know.
Was this his surprise? He thought it would be like a cake or a kiss or something. But this, this was much worse.
Mark was going to be coming to his school. He'd have to see him everyday. During school, after school, before he went to bed, when he woke up, when he was trying to sleep but couldn't focus on anything except the cute boy in front of him, in his dreams.
Okay, maybe not the last one, but you get the point. This almost felt like marriage to him. Could he handle being with Mark 24/7? What would he tell his mom?
Oh no. What would Mark tell people? 'Hi, I'm Donghyuck's boyfriend and I'm here solely for him, what's up?'
He'd rather die.
The thousands of thoughts racing through his little brain was rudely interrupted by his teacher calling his name.
"Uh, yes?"
"Mark will be sitting next to you from today forward. Please be kind with him." What was this, a fucking movie?
Why did Mark have to sit by him of all people. He was sure the girls in the class would be more than happy to offer up their spots. And their bodies. Okay, maybe he was being a bit rude, but he couldn't quite bring himself to care.
This was probably one of many reasons he never got a girlfriend. He said what he thought and a lot of girls didn't like that, at all. It was more than once he had gotten slapped because of his uncensored mouth.
It was also one of the reasons the dreamies were his only friends. He and Jeno were childhood friends and his words didn't affect the smiling sunshine in the slightest. Jaemin and Renjun would simply throw something back at him and Chenle would smile and plot in his head before attacking at night.
Jisung just couldn't give two shits.
And Mark... what was Mark? Who was he? Donghyuck had no idea, but what he did know was that the blonde beauty was staring him down like a slab of meat.
The boy was practically licking his lips with the way he was staring him down. Not really, that would be kind of weird.
Mark didn't even try to hide his affections as he dazed longingly at the boy beside him. Little did he know the actual hell he had signed himself up for just to be with his love a bit more everyday.
Saying that Donghyuck couldn't concentrate would be an understatement. His brain was turning to mush and leaking between his fingers as he held his head in frustration.
It was understandable. How was he supposed to even pretend to be interested in anything when Mr. Blonde Beauty was staring at him like he was a bucket of water in the middle of the desert?
And jisoos Mark must have been thirsty.
"Can I help you?" Donghyuck gritted through his teeth.
Mark had his head in his hands, gazing dreamily at Donghyuck like a teenage girl.
"Yes, you can."
"What do you want?" Donghyuck sighed.
"A kiss."
Donghyuck had to do a double take. "You what?"
"A kiss, from your lips. You know, your lips on my lips." Mark demonstrated, pointing to his lips.
"I know how kissing works. I am not kissing you!" Donghyuck whisper-shouted.
"Then, how about a date?"
"That's not a compromise! No way am I dating you!"
"Then a kiss shouldn't be a problem." Mark smiled cheekily.
Donghyuck was silent, too shocked to even utter words. This sneaky ass- whatever he is.
He was thinking of a sarcastic comeback when someone passed a note to him. Some random girl told him it was from Jaemin.
'What's with you and the new boy?' Donghyuck read to himself.
One thing about Jaemin was that he noticed everything. He picked up Jeno's crush on him a few days after he arrived. Things went from there.
Another thing about Jaemin was that he could spot gay from a mile away. He had been on Donghyuck's case since they had known each other, completely convinced he was gay.
Curse Jaemin and his 'gaydar'.
Donghyuck didn't answer his note of course, crumbling it up and shoving it in his pocket. He could still see Mark constantly looking at him from the corner of his eye.
The door was so far from his desk, but he had to make a beeline for it before Mark could talk to him. He knew he'd have to eventually, but if there was anything Donghyuck deserved an award for, it was being a master procrastinator.
On schedule the bell rang and Donghyuck was gone with a dust cloud. He didn't even hear Jaemin and Chenle calling after him.
Renjun tried to catch him on the way home, per Chenle's request of course. Donghyuck pulled his hoodie over his head, slipped his headphones on and pretended not to hear him.
"Hyuck, it's 30° heat and I know you're ignoring me!" Renjun shouted after him.
"What if I'm cold?"
"I can see the sweat stains on your hoodie!"
"...leave me alone!"
Renjun strolled up beside him and sighed. "Listen, Lele said you were ignoring him and now he's all butt hurt and I have to deal with it. What's up with you?"
"I just had a bad day, okay?" Donghyuck mumbled.
"You're acting like a moody teen."
"We're all moody teens."
"Good point," Renjun waved goodbye as Donghyuck walked up to his doorstep. "Try not to have a stick up your ass tomorrow! Bye!"
Donghyuck scoffed and unlocked the door. Except, there was a small problem.
It was already unlocked.
Donghyuck was about to look up when he bumped into something. Correction, someone.
"How was school?" Mark asked with a smile.
What a crooked smile, it was different than usual. What was it? Was that... was Mark Lee smirking? Donghyuck wanted to bury his head in wet cement.
He stood there gaping like a fish until he finally found his composure. "You- you came to my school today."
"Good job, you know your facts." Now he was being sarcastic. Good lord he was only in school for one day and he was already picking up.
"Don't get sassy with me mister." Donghyuck poked Mark's chest and it seemed more intimidating in his head.
"Sorry, sir."
"Stop it!" Donghyuck whined, stepping back from Mark, only to hit the door handle.
Despite all the sarcasm and jokes, the second Donghyuck made a face of pain Mark was at his side.
"Are you okay?" Mark asked softly, putting his hands on top of Donghyuck's that were holding his side.
"Fine fine, just hit my hip."
"Well, you do have nice hips."
Mark's little smile almost made Donghyuck not want to hit him for it. Almost.
"Hey! What did you hit me for?"
"That was for being sly."
"It's called smooth, not sly. Ow! Stop hitting me!"
"That was for coming to my school!"
Mark wrapped his slender fingers around Donghyuck's wrists before he could cause another bruise to surface the skin, pushing them up against the door behind him.
"Let me explain, please."
Donghyuck was too flustered to speak, so he nodded like a idiot instead. God he wanted to slap himself.
Chenle tripped over his own feet when he saw the sight through Donghyuck's window. He couldn't see much, but he saw enough to know(think) Hyuck was getting busy.
All Chenle could see was Donghyuck being pushed against the door by a pretty blonde.
"I've gotta tell Jisung!" Chenle screeched and ran in the other direction, completely forgetting about going to Renjun's.
I'm so fucking sick kill me pls. I'm sorry this update is so delayed(and bad) and there wasn't one last week. Also, I was thinking about maybe making the next chapter a bit Jaemin centered since it's technically titled 'nana' 😂 I'm not sure if anyone will get that joke, but I'm a loser <3 k bye.
P.s. Mark hella whipped pass it around
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