The boys were all dried and warm under the big fluffy blankets now. While everyone was snuggled up together Donghyuck slithered his way back over to the window.
It was dark out now, but it was still pouring. The sound of rain stomping on the roof was soothing to him. Maybe rain turned black in the night sky.
He hoped all the stray animals had found a dry place to stay. He cared more about animals than people.
"Donghyuck, what are you doing? You're missing the good part!"
"I've seen this movie a thousand times. The only 'good part' I'm missing is two people making out."
"Are you talking about the tv or Jaemin and Jeno?" Chenle giggled, earning himself a slap from Jeno.
"We are not!"
"Well you're all cuddly and it's gross!"
"You're just jealous you don't have someone to cuddle with!"
"Am not! I have Renjun and Jisung to cuddle with!" Chenle defended.
They got progressively louder. Donghyuck rolled his eyes at his friends.
"Someone help me pry Chenle off Renjun." Jisung sighed as he pulled on the dolphin boy.
"He's ignoring me!" Chenle screeched as Renjun looked over Chenle's fluffy hair and at his phone.
"Guys, look at this!" Renjun gasped as he sat up. Chenle slid down his body as he moved, but was still wrapped around his waist, face falling into his lap.
"What is it?" Jeno and Jaemin asked simultaneously.
Jisung looked disgusted by them.
"There's this thing called grow your own boyfriend."
"What the hell does that even mean?"
They were all huddled around Renjun now, staring at his phone. It was an actual product.
Grow your own boyfriend.
What the fuck did that mean? Donghyuck couldn't wrap his head around it. How do you grow your own boyfriend?
"Well, what does it say?" Chenle asked as he squinted at the screen. "How does it work?"
"It says just add water."
"That hella sounds like a scam." Jaemin muttered as he stared at the screen.
"Did you just say hella?" Jeno questioned, but was quickly hushed.
"Wanna buy one?" Jisung asked.
"What? No way!" Renjun laughed softly. "But I know someone I'd like to get something like this for."
He glanced at Donghyuck who only rolled his eyes in return. "If you want to waste your money on a scam so I can 'grow my own boyfriend' then go right ahead."
"Honestly, I wouldn't doubt that this is real. Not with the way things are lately." The boys all had a good laugh and after a few minutes of looking at it they decided to call it a night.
Donghyuck thought about it all night. He was never able to sleep, but it was even worse when he had something on his mind. Could that actually be thing? How does it work?
Renjun smiled to himself as his eyes fluttered closed. His order was already placed and would be there within a week max.
Donghyuck woke in an uncomfortable manner. The sun decided to bless his tired eyes with it's presence so early in the morning, peeking it's head through Chenle's baby blue curtains.
He had someone's foot dangerously close to his face and had no idea who's it was. Jeno was already up, more of a morning person than the rest of them.
"What time is it?" He mumbled through yawns.
"Time for me and Jaemin to go." Jeno was putting his clothes back on. Chenle's mom had washed their wet ones for them.
"Why? Got a date or something?"
"Kind of. We've been planning this specific thing for a while, but I have to get Jaemin up so we can go."
"Then wake him up."
"Believe me, I've tried. He's so grouchy when you try to wake him up. I've nearly gotten my head bitten off three times."
Donghyuck tried to stretch the tired out of his body. He shoved Chenle and Jisung awake, earning some unpleased grunts.
"What is it?" Chenle asked as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. His hair was sticking up in several places, but he somehow pulled it off.
"You're the host, when your guests wake up you have to wake up too."
"That's a stupid rule." Chenle pouted and slouched over. He glanced over at Renjun and started trying to wake up.
When Renjun didn't wake up from light taps Chenle shoved him. Renjun sat up and turned to look at Chenle with half opened eyes. Then, he shoved Chenle back so hard he fell into Jisung's lap.
"Jerk." Chenle mumbled as he sat up.
"Stupid." Renjun retorted while lying back down.
"Can you two cut it out!" Jaemin roared as he finally sat up. He looked a mess for sure.
Donghyuck wondered how many times Jeno had woken up to that and been terrified.
"We gotta go!" Jeno cried as he tried to yank Jaemin up. Finally, he resorted to smothering him with a bunch of kisses until he moved.
Jisung and Donghyuck gagged.
"Where are you two going?" Chenle asked with a soft sleep taken voice as he finally stood up.
"We have places to be, things to do." Jeno mumbled his answer as he pulled Jaemin's shirt over his head.
"I can dress myself."
"So, what are you two going to do?" Chenle asked again.
"You sure do have a lot of questions." Jeno laughed as he flopped Jaemin's hat on his messy hair. Jaemin only grumbled in response.
"We'll see you guys tomorrow!" Jaemin waved before Jeno dragged him out of the room and shut the door.
"What do you think is up with them?" Donghyuck turned to look up at the others who were all standing now.
"Beats me. I doubt I even want to know." Jisung mumbled as he pulled his black t-shirt over his head.
"Jeno is so needy sometimes." Renjun chuckled as he bounced onto Chenle's bed enormous bed. Seriously, it was far too big for him alone.
"Funny, cause it's usually Jaemin who's super needy and clingy, seeing Jeno like that is a first. He must have prepared something special." Chenle hummed and sat down beside Renjun.
"Jeno can be like that with certain things. He's just weird."
"You're all weird."
"Shut up Jisung!"
"I didn't say I wasn't weird."
"I'm just cooler than the rest of you." Jisung smirked before Chenle hurtled his entire body at him.
Donghyuck and Renjun simply watched them go tumbling.
"I think I'm leaving." Renjun sighed, grabbing his belongings.
"Don't leave me!" Chenle cried, reaching up for them. Jisung had him pinned, probably going to kill him.
Renjun ignored his cries for help and turned to Donghyuck. "Wanna walk home with me? My house isn't too far past yours."
"Yeah, sure." Donghyuck shrugged. The two of them walked out and simply pretended Chenle wasn't being murdered.
They thanked Chenle's mom for everything and then made their way outside. Thankfully, it had stopped raining last night, but now everything was soaked and dreary.
The ash colored sidewalk now a dark smoky grey. Despite it being relatively early the blue sky was hidden by cold clouds. It was a bit foggy, Donghyuck needed to control his breathing.
"You're birthday is coming up right?" Renjun asked out of nowhere.
"In a few months, yeah. Why?"
"I guess you could say I already got you a present."
"Oh god, what did you do?"
"Don't worry," Renjun giggled and sunk himself deeper into the warmth of his deep grey jacket. "I ordered a little something for you. Should be here in a few days."
Donghyuck was lowkey terrified. Who knew what Renjun had up his sleeve.
"Great," He sighed, the small blue house he called home coming into view. "See you at school on Monday."
Renjun waved goodbye as he continued on to his house. Donghyuck tried to slip inside without being noticed, almost making it to the stairs before his mom turned her attention away from the tv and to him. Curse those creepy fucking super mom senses.
"Come sit by me." She called as she pat the spot next to her.
That old faded blue couch had been with them a while, sinking under the weight of her hand. It was a bit bumpy now and made of weird scratchy material, but Mrs. Lee showed no sign of throwing it out anytime soon.
"What is it mom?" Donghyuck groaned as he plopped down on the couch beside her. He could feel the couch screaming under his weight as he sank into it.
"How's my sweet baby." She cooed and pulled him into her side.
Donghyuck growled softly in protest at his mom's affections. "Mom, I'm almost eighteen, please stop."
"You'll always be my baby! Anyway, how were things at Chenle's?"
"Same as usual, just my friends being stupid and gay."
His mom shoved him in a delicate manner. "Don't be rude, they're your friends."
"After spending so much time with those dorks I need a break." Donghyuck chuckled softly. Though, he knew well that he was a dork himself.
"Why don't you get yourself a girlfriend or something?"
"I wish it was that easy. I don't know I just haven't found someone who suits my tastes around me. I don't really like anyone at school."
Mrs. Lee's face grew serious, worrying Donghyuck. "Donghyuckie, sweetie, is there something you need to tell me?"
Donghyuck looked down at his mother's hand that had been placed firmly on his shoulder and then back up at her. "No?"
"What I mean is, are you perhaps, gay?" She whispered the last part as if the whole world was listening.
"Stop it mom!"
Mrs. Lee simply laughed.
"So no one at all?"
"Nope, no guy or girl has caught my interest."
"Don't worry sweetie, you'll find love eventually. You need to go out there and make your own partner!" She put her hand up in a 'fighting!' sort of way, making Donghyuck cringe and roll his eyes playfully.
"Thanks mom. I'm going to my room now."
Meanwhile, in the Zhong household,
"Jisungie please, I'm too young to die!"
Whoop! I promise Mark will finally be appearing in the next chapter.
I wanted to hurry up and get this published so I'm sorry for any stupid mistakes. I'll make sure to go back through when I have more time.
Currently my update schedule for this story is Monday and Friday but don't quote me on this.
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