"Mrs. Zhong, you might want to go check on your son." Jisung suggested as he made his way down the carpeted stairs.
"Oh, why so?"
"Because I may have accidentally killed him." Jisung bowed politely before making a beeline for the door.
"You boys, what am I to do with you? My goodness."
Donghyuck's weekend had been incredibly uneventful. He stayed in his room and watched Netflix the whole time. Played some video games, caught up on some homework, to him it went pretty well.
Nothing unusual.
What else would you expect from the living embodiment of single?
It didn't bother him really, eating snacks and wasting his life away. It was better than being at school and slowly wasting away there.
If he was lucky perhaps his bed would swallow him whole. Already slowly sinking more and more into the soft pale sheets.
"Dear lucky star, please give me a boyfriend or let me sink into the abyss." Donghyuck cringed at himself as soon as the small words left his plump lips. The way he worded it made it sound like he couldn't live without love, which definitely was not true.
He also cringed because he noticed he had accidentally said boyfriend instead of girlfriend. Curse Renjun.
"Donghyuck, there's a package down here for you!" Mrs. Lee called from downstairs, snapping him out of his daze.
Donghyuck sighed and rolled himself out of bed, literally. He hit the wood floor with a thud and a groan, rolling onto his back.
"By the way lucky one- lucky strike- whatever the hell I said, I take back my wish. Like for real, forget about it."
Donghyuck rushed down the stairs, looking at the unusually small package on their front porch. He picked it up, examined it and then bolted back up the stairs.
Mrs. Lee raised an eyebrow at her strange son. She didn't even want to know what was in it.
The tiny box was now sitting on Donghyuck's desk in front of him, staring it down like it was suddenly going to pop to life or something.
How the actual hell was a boyfriend supposed to fit in there?
"Renjun, would you like to explain to me what the hell I just got in the mail?"
"I dunno, what is it?"
"Listen here smartass-"
"Yeah but you got it for me."
"Oh, that. So what's it look like?"
"It literally says just add water and looks kind of like a plant, thing."
"I guess do what it says."
"This is such a rip off Renjun."
"Maybe, we'll see."
"You know nothing is going to happen right?"
"No, not probably, definitely."
"Aight well Chenle is over at my house and about to scream at me so I'll let you handle it."
"Wait Renjun-" beep beep beep.
Donghyuck wanted to cry when he woke up the next morning. While brushing his teeth and staring at his disheveled appearance, he wondered if he slammed his head against the sink hard enough, could he end his suffering?
He had a whole process thought out in his head while staring mindlessly at the sink.
He could do that, yet he couldn't solve a math equation without screaming.
School was excruciatingly boring. Nothing good happened and there was no new gossip for him to feed off of.
Jisung teased Chenle all day though for coming to school in Renjun's clothes, which were slightly too big on him. He had to be breaking several different dress codes by showing off the forbidden collarbones.
"I slept at his house what was I supposed to do? Come to school naked?"
"Sure, you do you."
"Imagine how he'd look in your clothes, considering your size difference." Jaemin chimed in, taking a bite of his baby carrots.
Jisung burst out laughing the more he thought about it.
"What are you laughing about you tree!" More screeching.
Donghyuck didn't know whether to laugh or cry as his friends bickered.
He really needed new friends.
Donghyuck looked around everywhere for the thing when he got home from hell. It was nowhere to be seen.
"Mom! Did you touch my plant thing?" Donghyuck yelled down the stairs.
"I'm trying to not burn our food. Could you please bother me later?" She called back.
Donghyuck let out a whine and even kicked his feet a little. He looked like a child on the edge of a tantrum.
"Ask Jaehyun!"
"Jaehyun? He's still here?"
Mrs. Lee didn't even respond to that, breaking down into laughter until she was crying.
Jaehyun was Donghyuck's cousin that was supposed to be staying for the summer. In case you couldn't tell from the fact that Donghyuck just escaped the clutches of hell, Summer was long over.
Donghyuck trudged down the hall, barely even picking his feet up and letting them drag against the flooring. Knock knock knock
There was ruffling and then silence.
Donghyuck didn't know whether to stay grounded or run away in fear. Before he could decide, the door swung open, revealing a dimpled smile.
"Sup Hyuckie?"
"You're seriously still here?"
"You seriously still haven't gone through puberty yet?"
"What do you need little bro?"
"First of all, never call me that again. Second of all, have you seen a tiny plant looking thing like laying around or something?"
"You mean that weird thing that was sitting by your window? I saw it, but I didn't touch it. What is that?" Donghyuck ignored Jaehyun's constant questions and dragged himself pitifully back to his room.
How was he going to tell Renjun he had lost his present already? Did it grow legs and walk away? Well, considering it was literally supposed to grow into a boyfriend or something like that, it wasn't too far fetched.
"Heyyy Junnie." Donghyuck cooed over the phone.
"Dear god, what did you do?" Renjun answered immediately.
"Have you no faith in your best friend?"
"Ouch, I see how it is."
"Anyways, what's up?" Renjun wanted to get to the point. He had a mountain of homework and a boy that didn't want to leave him alone.
"Okay, well, you see, I kind of-"
"Did you lose your present?"
"How did you know?"
"Wow that's a new record for you."
"Shut up. I left it in front of my window and when I came home from school it was gone."
"Maybe it grew legs and walked away."
"I hate you so much."
"Did you read the instructions?"
"Donghyuck I swear to god-"
"There were instructions?"
"Since when have I ever read instructions? Don't need them."
"This isn't some toy, you need those instructions. Where are they?"
"Probably at the trash dump right about now."
Renjun remained silent for a few blinks, letting out a long sigh afterwards. "Listen, I'll come by your house tomorrow and help you look for it."
They talked a bit more before Renjun hung up, continuing whatever he was doing before Donghyuck so rudely interrupted him.
"What am I going to do?" Donghyuck cried as he flopped down onto his bed.
It was already dark outside, he had taken a shower and was ready for bed. After looking for hours (even getting Jaehyun's help after begging) he still hadn't found it.
Did it really grow legs and walk away?
Donghyuck decided to go ahead to sleep and think more on it tomorrow. Despite the fact that he slept like a baby, he had a strange feeling someone or something was laying with him.
Donghyuck was walking back to his house with Renjun and Chenle after yet another disappointing day.
"Hey, who's that guy walking off your porch?" Chenle asked and Donghyuck swiftly turned around to look. No one was there.
"Guys I left my homework at school. I have to hurry back and get it before they lock the door." Renjun explained before running off in the opposite direction.
Chenle and Donghyuck looked at each other and shrugged. "So are you going to Renjun's again today?"
"Yeah, we're working on a project together." Chenle smiled widely and Donghyuck simply snickered at him.
"Have fun. Tell Renjun not to forget to stop by my house later to help me look for something."
"Look for what?"
"Very descriptive Hyuck, thank you."
Donghyuck giggled and waved goodbye to Chenle as he continued on towards Renjun's house.
Donghyuck went to unlock his door (it was already unlocked) and pushed the heavy wooden door open slowly. The door creaked uncomfortably.
They really needed a new door.
"Hello?" His mom didn't seem to be home yet, Jaehyun either in his room as always or at his part-time job.
He threw his backpack onto the floor, the homework inside shuffling around and crying from neglect. He'll do it later.
The fridge was just being opened, prepared to supply some munchies to the school boy, when a knock came to the door.
Donghyuck turned around with a banana halfway in his mouth, not expecting any visitors. There was no way Renjun had gotten his homework and come by that fast.
Unless he ran, and Renjun never ran.
Donghyuck walked up to the door carefully, a spatula in his hand in case it was an intruder. What? It was the first thing he could reach.
The door rushed open revealing a.. chest? No, that's what Donghyuck bumped into. He glances up, first noticing the eccentric light hair.
There stood a boy, wearing a soft smile and fluffy blonde hair neatly on his head. Was he real?
"Hi," the boy extended his hand politely and Donghyuck gazed up to meet his gentle eyes. "I'm Mark."
Wooo Mark! Finally. I may update the next chapter early because I'm a couple chapters ahead in writing and I really want to give you guys some Markhyuck interactions. I'll try (〃-ー-)ノ
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