Right as he was basically shoved back to his seat by security, he just sat there in deep thought.
All he really wanted was for Taehyung to explain, this was all just too confusing to him to put it in words.
Taehyung on the other hand seemed to try to put a mask on, smiling and talking to fans like nothing happened but he's an idol.
He's used to that.
"141 to 150!" The security guard called out loudly.
The last few people sitting behind Jeongguk stood up and went up to the front, cheerfully conversing with Taehyung, giving him presents and having him sign their albums.
After finishing up the last fan, Taehyung stood up taking the microphone that was beside him.
"Thank you all for coming!" Taehyung looked around the crowd, so did Jeongguk, seeing every single gift bag completely empty and everyone having the biggest smile of their lifes on their faces.
"I'm going to get my phone and take a selfie with you guys and maybe post it!" Everyone cheered loudly except Jeongguk.
He was honestly still too shaken up to register all this.
'Why would he do this?', 'does he think this is some sort of joke?', 'did he mean all those things he said', 'is he r-
Jeongguk's thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of his phone vibrating in his backpack.
He quickly pulled it out, unlocking it even faster.
I swear i can explain
Tell the security guard your
seat number and your ticket
they will let you backstage
And wait for me there
Jeongguk felt torn. Should he be furious, happy or scared?
Happy because his idol was talking and flirting with him.
Furious because he had been lied to.
Scared that he eventually will be hurt.
Just as Jeongguk's fingers went to type, another messages popped up.
Please jeongguk..
He sighed giving in, typing a quick 'okay' before putting his phone away again.
Why would this happen to him?
He looked up, seeing Taehyung get on stage again with his phone securely in his hand.
"Okay after we take this selfie, our time will sadly be over." Everyone's faces went from euphoric to slightly sad. "But we might see eachother again, don't worry!" Taehyung said trying to cheer up his fans, opening the camera on his phone, stretching his arm out to get a nice picture, really trying to have every single person on it.
Jeongguk smiled, almost forgetting what had happened between him and Tae just now.
He really does care for his fans so much.
"Everyone smile~" Taehyung held up his signature peace sign and so did more than half of the crowd including Jeongguk.
"Thank you everyone!" After taking a look at his phone to check the picture, Taehyung bowed, waving his hand cutely. "Byebye~"
Everyone waved back as Taehyung was escorted behind the stage by a security guard, sticking his head around the corner one last time before disappearing.
Everyone started to gather their things with first people leaving the venue, chatting with the people around them.
Jeongguk started to act like he was doing the same but really he was looking around for a security guard to do as Tae instructed.
"Excuse me, could you pack up a little faster?" He heared a deep voice right beside him, seeing the man that was standing beside Taehyung the whole event, shouting out the seat numbers.
"U-uhm i'm from seat 128." He hastily pulled his phone out, going to his emails in lightspeed, showing the ticket.
"Alright. You can follow me." The security guard gestured for Jeongguk to follow him, going on the stage and entering the side door with hopefully no one noticing.
The man guided him through the bright white hall, a couple important people standing around, looking like they are discussing important things.
The guard occassionally greeted them with a nice smile and a hello which they would answer with a slight nod-- least to say Jeongguk felt weird in this environment.
"Wait here, Mr. Kim is going to be here shortly." He unlocked the door, a big sign on it, saying 'Artist room'.
"But dont touch anything." The guard more or less shoved Jeongguk in the room, giving him that one warning, closing the door after with a thud.
Jeongguk looked around the room, stunned.
A huge grey couch, that looked more comfortable than anything, big mirrors with tons of makeup and a big snack bar.
This must be heaven but --thats not what he's here for.
He's here to get clusion. To get an explanation for something that was still confusing him too much.
Jeongguk slowly placed his backpack on the floor beside the mirrors, looking at his figure, patting his hoodie straight and adjusting his hair a tiny bit.
Just as he thought about putting some of the lipbalm on that was laying infront of him, he heard a slight knock on the door before it opened even slower.
Jeongguk's heart had barely calmed down after his encounter with Taehyung but now he will talk with him. But not infront of hundert other people -- this will be 1 on 1.
His eyes made their way to the door, seeing Taehyung stand there in all his glory, bleach blonde hair, white bandana, aviator style glasses and perfect makeup on.
"Jeongguk.." Almost as quiet as a whisper Taehyung broke the silence, closing the door behind him.
"See.. i can explain." He started, fiddling his hands nervously.
"Go a-ahead." Gguk wanted to sound all sassy but he ended or stuttering -- as expected.
"So when we had that Skype call i just thought about how attractive you were. I literally couldn't stop thinking about it even after we were done." Jeongguks eyes widened -- a lot.
"so i looked up your skype profile when in the car back to my next schedule and i saw that you have kakao talk so.." Taehyung took a deep breath. "I tried talking to you but i didn't know how to bring up that i'm.. you know --Taehyung. I thought i was gonna scare you away, i guess?" He ended his sentence, looking up right into Jeongguks shocked and widened eyes.
After a short moment of silence Jeongguk decided to open his mouth.
"Y-you m-must be kid-dding, stop."
"I'm not kidding, doll. I think you are so gorgeous and cute." Taehyung took a step closer to Gguk taking one of his hands.
"I really want to get to know you better."
"I-i i-" jeongguk couldn't utter a single word anymore.
So his idol wants to get to know him? And said he was gorgeous and cute? Him? Jeon jeongguk?
"You are really even prettier in real life this is insane." Taehyungs hand slowly went up to Gguks face. "So gorgeous."
Jeongguk closed his eyes at the sensation. This was the first time in his entire life he got affection in this way. It felt special and new and so insanely amazing.
He opened his eyes again to find Taehyung much closer to his face, his heart not calming down anymore.
"This might seem rushed but--" Taehyung moved even closer eyes glued to Jeongguk's lips. "Can I?"
Just as Jeongguk was about to nod
-- he noticed the slight sound of his phone vibrating, looking at his backpack annoyed.
"One se-second." He involuntarily released himself from Taehyung, taking out his phone and seeing his moms caller ID.
He clicked the green accept button and held his phone to his ear.
"Y-yeah mom?"
"Honey, where are you? Come home now before your dad wakes up or --you know baby--" His mother sounded concered as she was almost sobbing.
"I'm coming." He ended the phone call right away, swinging his backpack on, more than beyond scared that his father would wake up before he comes back --he didnt wanna get beat up-- again.
"You need to go?" Taehyung asked with concern in his voice.
"Y-yeah sorry." He looked on the ground not daring to look into Taehyung's eyes. "Bye."
And with that he rushed out, hearing Taehyung shout a 'i'll text you' after him.
A little confession: i love peachkoo tkfcked and jeongguk-san uwu
I'm sorry this kinda really sucks :( but it will get a lot more interesting i promise
(Heres was a picture but i had to remove it for my own privacy sorry guys ♡)
Have a nice day everyone uwu
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