The Owner of the Chinchilla
On an ordinary day in Peaceville a red-haired girl was walking down the street with her bass on her back. She was heading to band practice right when she was about to go in the garage .... squeak squeak. She stopped in her tracks but then decided to shrug it off then she heard it again... squeak squeak. Laney turned her head to a near-by bush, the squeaking got louder once she walked closer to it. Once she reached it she saw something grey curled up, when she looked closer she realized it was her favorite animal, a chinchilla! She grabbed it and walked into the garage, there the boys were already there.
Corey was the first to speak up and said, "hey Lanes, what's that?" He pointed at the animal she was holding, the she had a huge smile on her face. Kin said, "wow I haven't seen you that happy since you beat Kon in eating contest. Kon whined, "don't remind me, she's so small but can eat so much." Laney rolled her eyes but still kept the smile on her face then announced, "I found a...... CHINCHILLA!!!!" All the boys were astonished then they went up to it and observed it closer. Then Kin asked, "where'd you get it from?" Laney replied, "outside the garage in the bushes." Corey asked, "are you going to keep it?" Laney rolled his eyes and replied, "haven't thought about it, but probably." Kon asked, "what are you gonna name it?" Laney thought for a moment then replied, "Esmeralda."
After a few hours of practicing and playing with Esmeralda, Kin and Kon had to leave. Corey just chilled in the garage while Laney was petting Esmeralda, then there was a knock. Corey opened it to reveal..... Larry. Corey growled and asked, "what are you doing here, Newman?" Larry replied, "I've lost my pet Chinchilla." Laney's eyes got wide and nervously smiled., she asked, "it doesn't happen to be this chinchilla does it?" Larry walked up to her and looked at the chinchilla, suddenly it jumped into his arms. Larry replied, "yeah I think so, I've been worried sick about it, well I gotta go before Carrie finds out I'm here." Then he ran off to leave a confused Corey and a depressed Laney.
Corey looked to Laney, he was shocked by what he saw, Laney wasn't crying or anything but she still looked heart-broken. Corey went up to her and put an arm around her and asked, "you OK Lanes?" Laney simply nodded and replied, "yeah it was only a chinchilla, well I better get going, bye Core." She quickly ran off with her bass, Corey could tell that Laney wasn't fine. He decided to make things right for his Laney.... wait did he just say his Laney in his mind, he thought about it for a minute then he decided to shrug it off.
Then next day off band practice, Corey, Kin and Kon were snickering waiting for Laney to arrive. When she arrived, she looked so sad that even Trina might feel sorry for her.... might feel sorry for her. Corey said,"hii Lanes." Laney put on a fake smile and quietly said, "hey Core." Corey said, "I got something for you." Then he revealed something which he was hiding behind his back the whole time. When Laney saw it, her eyes began to sparkle. She exclaimed, "you got me a chinchilla!" Corey nodded, he handed the animal to her and Laney said, "well I'm calling her Esmeralda." Kin asked, "you're still sticking with same name." Kon said, "don't you want to name it grilled cheese or something." Laney rolled her eyes and replied, "nope, I've always liked the name." Then she looked to her crush, who did this all for her. Without a word she hugged him and said, "thank Core." Corey replied, "anything for you Lanes, after all you are my best bro." Laney released the hug and said, "great you ruined the moment." Corey looked baffled while all the rest of the members of Grojband groaned.
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