Chapter 8
Kirishima's POV
Heart racing and palms sweaty. My muscles are sore and aching, but despite all the physical pain I seemed to be in, I wished more than anything that it was silent.
After a major incident, one assumes that once the dust settles it would be quiet, still even, but that is far from the truth.
I could hear heroes shouting orders, securing structures and finding trapped civilians. I hear police sirens and their voices, pressing for people to leave the area. Ambulances are loading screaming victims, bloodied and battered. Others were tagging the deceased. I could hear the cries of loved ones, finding the corpses of the people they call friends and family. Children crying out to their lost parents they couldn't find.
"Riot!" The rough voice of Katsuki reached my ears and I turned to him. My eyes were wide and burning. It doesn't matter how many times I've seen something like this. I could never get over it. I could never forget the screams of the people or the bodies stiff and cold. "Come on," he said gently and tugged me in a random direction.
There was a group of heroes and policemen gathered together, discussing what happened here and what to say to families and the media.
"They promised them what?" I heard Momo's voice as we approached the group.
Kaminari saw me and quickly ran up to me, the two of us hugged for a moment, glad both of us are okay. Sero came over as well and gripped my shoulder with a forced smile.
"They promised to bring back the life of their loved ones," Ingenium explained.
"Who promised what?" Kat asked.
The rest of the group turned to us and they parted slightly. In the middle of the group, I could see a villain tied up and looking down, not meeting the eyes of anyone.
"The Black Lotus Syndicate," Erasure Head said.
I scrunched my eyebrows. That name did not sound familiar to me. "Who?" I questioned.
"That's what the group is now calling themselves. The people who killed Uravity," Present Mic explained.
"And they promised to bring back their loved ones in exchange for servitude? How the hell do they plan on doing that?" Kat asked.
"I don't know, but it must have been some deal if this many people believed it," Ingenium explained.
"We'll do some more interrogation and inform all of you with any developments. Luckily, we've caught quite a few villains here, so hopefully we will have a clearer picture soon," a detective said as some police collected the villain from off the floor and escorted him away.
The group understood and everyone split, ready to help clean the mess. Kat, Shinso, Kami, Sero, Iida, myself, and others stayed behind to talk more for a moment longer. The area has been secured and there is no longer any threat or danger, though we could still hear the shouting voices of medics and loved ones.
"That was something. Do we know what their end goal was?" Chargebolt asked.
"End goal?" I questioned.
"Yeah, we know why the villains got together, vaguely, but what was the end goal of the Black Lotus attacking this place? Don't they go after high officials or people with power?"
Shoto, who I did not notice was standing not far from us, snapped his head towards us. "Where's Deku?" He asked.
"What? What do you mean where's Deku?! Aren't you his partner?" Kat yelled.
"Yes, but we got separated after arriving on the scene."
We all fell silent and turned to him. "He was here, at least, when things first started. I saw him fighting, but has anyone seen him since?" Shinsou asked.
Everyone else shook their head, not knowing where the number one hero had gone.
"We never saw him. We tried looking, but-" I silenced myself, fear and worry pulsing through me.
I took a sharp breath in and turned, determined to find out where he went.
The Black Lotus certainly wouldn't go after Midoriya, right? I know he is the number one hero and everything, but they can't!
Katsuki was close behind me and the others separated as well, beginning their search for the green haired hero.
"Deku!" I shouted, hoping he could hear me. I got no reply, but I kept calling as I walked around the disaster site from the fight.
"I'm going that way. Call me if you find him," Kat said and darted to the left of me. I nodded and continued my search. I kept calling his name, but I wasn't finding any response.
My breathing picked up and fear coursed through my veins. I couldn't wrap my head around the idea of Midoriya being hurt, or worse. What would the world look like without his bright shining smile staring at you? His messy, yet soft green curls that frame his angelic and youthful face. Those freckles placed like stardust. His reassurance and unrelenting confidence in the world and the people around him. He could always see the positive in people before they could even see it for themselves.
He is a shining star that gives his light to let others stand bright. The world, without a hero like him, would be dull, even a little dark.
It's why I want to light his candle in the darkened room. I want bring fire back to that beautiful candle that always wants to help others. He is the very definition of what a hero is, pure, powerful, and kind.
"Izuku!" My cries were becoming desperate. I could hear the voices of my friends calling out to him as well, but no one seemed able to find him. The damage was so severe, buildings falling apart and falling to the ground. The smell of fire, smoke and oil hinged in the air, burning my lungs.
"Red Riot!" I heard a voice call for me. I whipped around quickly and saw Shoto running towards me. His face was pale, almost like he had seen a ghost and tears pricked the corner of his eyes. My heart hurt and my stomach twisted into painful knots. Shoto's expression did not read anything kind and I could feel my throat close at the implications. "I found him, come on," he said. I didn't need to be told twice. I quickly followed Shoto to the place where he had found Midoriya.
Close to a place I was fairly familiar with, I saw a figure crumbled on the ground, but it wasn't Midoriya. The man dressed in a dark purple shirt with ripped jeans. His face was bloodied and bruised and his arm sat in an uncomfortable position, most likely broken. He was unconscious, and laid between two pieces of concrete. It looked like he had been thrown into it.
There were ruins everywhere and the entire location had been destroyed. The sign of a quaint little restaurant lay on the ground at a weird angle, part of it smashed in half.
"Where is he?" I asked Todoroki.
I stood quietly, straining my ears to hear something, anything. The voices of people, heroes, and policemen were nowhere near, it was quiet. Too quiet for such a scene.
To my right, I watched part of an already collapsing building crumble to the ground and the agonizing yell of Midoriya. I bolted in the direction, searching for the green haired hero and praying that he wasn't hurt.
When we got around the corner, Midoriya stood, hitting anything and everything he could in strong, powerful swoops. I noticed there was another man, covered by some sort of shield, protecting himself from Midoriya's hits.
How he was managing to keep that up is beyond me, but the man looked ready to collapse and Deku hit him with everything he's got.
"I found him like this. I-I don't know what to do or what caused it. I tried shouting at him, but it's like he can't hear me," Shoto explained. He held so much grief and pain for his best friend. Todoroki has always struggled with emotions and although he has gotten better, sometimes the situation gets to him very deeply and he turns into a mess himself.
I place my hand on his shoulder and gave him a comforting smile. "Go tell the others he's been found. Send Katsuki my way if you see him. I'll take care of this." Shoto nodded and ran off, knowing his friend was in good hands. It also needed to be reported that he was found and alive. The media would have a field day if they found out about this, so best to keep it under wraps as much as possible.
I turned back to the boy not far from me. Even with dust and debris kicked into the air, I could still see the heavy tears falling from his eyes. The nasty cut across his jaw and the blood coming from some unknown location on his head. The rest of him wasn't in good shape either.
"She's dead! Stop messing with me!" He yelled at the man. Although his shield was faltering, he still had a strange smile on his face. Like he enjoyed watching Deku's reaction.
The man said something, but it was too quiet for my ears to hear. I just watched the pained expression on Midoriya's face turn into a greater rage. He pulled his arm back, one more time, ready to strike.
"Deku!" Someone shouted from behind me. Kat ran up next to me, panic filtered on his face. "God Damnit! Don't do it! You'll get yourself killed!" He yelled.
I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. What did Kat mean?
Midoriya didn't listen, his hand lit up in that lightning that we all grew accustomed to with his quirk. "Shit," Kat scowled and launched towards him.
I followed, a little confused, but even I knew if Midoriya used that much power, he could very easily kill the man.
Kat grabbed hold of Deku's arm and stood in front of him. "Snap out of it!" He yelled.
"Get out of my way!" Deku yelled back.
"Deku, please stop," I begged. "Tell us what happened and we can help you." The tears were still streaming down Midoriya's face and now that I am closer, I could tell his body was trembling and his breathing was ragged, like he wanted to sob, but held it back.
"He has it! I can't let him keep it!" He said, but it just left me more confused. I glanced at the man with the shield still around him and his smile darkened. Deku tried to break from Kat's hands. I watched him transfer the lightning in his body from his hand to both his arms, ready to push away and get free from Kat.
I quickly jumped into action and wrapped my arms around his waist in a tight embrace. "Deku, calm down, please. You've injured the man enough, he's not going anywhere. Okay? You got him."
"No! Not until that bastard-" he choked, "I can't-"
"Izuku, please," Katsuki begged, sorrow present on his face.
It made Midoriya halt and stared wide eyed at Katsuki.
"Thanks for barging in heroes, but I think I'll take my leave," the man said and let down his partly shattered shield.
Midoriya grit his teeth and I felt him trying to pull away from us.
"I don't think so." Another voice appeared behind the man and a long grey scarf wrapped around him.
"Shinso!" I shouted.
The man struggled in Shinso's binds. "What?-"
"Stop talking," Shinso used his quirk and the man grew still.
"How did you find us?"
"Todoroki said he found Midoriya, but he was sheet white, so I knew something was wrong. I'm glad I came," he explained.
I turned back to Midoriya. He calmed down greatly now that the man had been subdued. "Midoriya, what happened?" I asked.
His chest still constricted and I could hear his raspy breaths. He took a step forward, but Katsuki stopped him. "It's fine," he told Kat. I looked at my boyfriend and nodded. Both of us pulled away and Midoriya walked over to the man and Shinso.
The man was still tied up and sat on the ground. Midoriya knelt to meet his level. "Shinso," he said, not looking up at the purple haired insomniac.
I heard Shinso sigh and dropped his control over the man. He shook his head, gaining focus on what was going on. He jumped when he saw how close Midoriya was to him.
"Where is it?" Midoriya asked. His voice was deep and cold. It sent a chill down my spine.
The man's lip twitched. Whether it was out of amusement or fear, I am unsure.
Kat looked at me, his eyebrows scrunched. Both of us had the same question in mind. What is Midoriya looking for?
The man continued to ignore Midoriya, choosing silence instead of cooperation.
Midoriya's jaw clenched. He placed his hand on the man's shoulder and pressed inwardly on a wound. The man cussed and tried to pull away, but Midoriya held him in place. "Answer me!"
"I don't have it!" He finally spoke.
"Who does?"
"The boss."
Midoriya rolled his eyes. "Gotta be less vague than that." He pressed more onto the wound.
The man groaned. "I-I don't know his name! He keeps it a secret from everyone! No one even knows what he looks like."
Midoriya's frown deepened. "Things will get uglier if you don't give me something better than that."
"Wow, he really did grow up with you," I remarked to Katsuki quietly. He grunted and shoved me a little. I smiled, but focused back on Midoriya.
"He keeps it on him at all times. I-I don't fully know why, just says that it's his prize."
Midoriya stood up and turned away from him. There wasn't much more information he was going to get out of him, not now at least.
Midoriya's footsteps staggered as he walked away from the man. His hands went up to grip his head.
"Midoriya-" Shinso called.
Kat and I got down and steadied the swaying Midoriya.
"I-I-" he stopped and shook his head. "I-I'm sorry."
"Sleep deprivation, get that guy out of here, we're taking Deku home," Kat said.
Shinso nodded. "What? You're not taking-"
"Enough talking, more moving," Shinso said, putting the man back under his quirk. The two left and I focused on Midoriya.
"He's injured. See the blood soaking his left side?" Kat asked.
"Yeah, should we get him to the hospital?"
"N-No," Midoriya muttered.
"Damnit Deku! Do you know how deep that wound is? You need medical attention."
"People will f-find out," he said.
I scrunched my eyebrows. "What?"
'T-Trust me,"
Kat gritted his teeth and growled slightly. "Fine! But don't blame me if you die! Stupid idiot."
I saw Midoriya smile lightly before his eyes closed and his body went limp.
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