Chapter 12
Midoriya's POV
"Midoriya, please come with us. Denki would love the support," Shinso asked.
"But I'm busy right now. I can't go," I complained, while continuing to scroll on my laptop.
"With what? You've been staring at that screen since I got here."
"Just researching."
Shinso sighed and stood from my bed. He came over to my side and promptly shut my computer screen. "It's his birthday and he wants all his friends there, including you," he said. "You don't have to stay the whole time, but at least for an hour. Get out of this room for a little bit."
"I get out," I bickered.
"Work does not count," he argued. "It's tonight at the old docks."
I scrunched my eyebrows. "The one we used to go to during school?"
"Yes, Denki thought it would be nostalgic," Shinso rolled his eyes, but his small smile revealed the truth.
I pursed my lips. I wanted to continue my work on researching that one case that Aizawa had told me about. He was right. There are no records or report of the event and anytime I try to look it up in our database, I get a warning screen.
"Fine, I'll go. You're right, what I am doing is not more important than Kaminari," I said.
Part of me wanted to slap myself. I have never been so thoughtless when it came to my friends, yet, here I was, trying to get out of their birthday parties.
"Thank you, it starts at six, so don't be late," he said and turned. He gave me one last wave before leaving my bedroom.
I slumped back into my chair. "I'm really not myself anymore, am I?" I remarked quietly.
When the time came to leave for the old docks, I dressed myself a little casually. It's at a beach nonetheless, and knowing Kaminari, it will be pretty informal anyways.
Kirishima and Kacchan were ready downstairs, waiting for me to join them.
Kirishima gave me a light smile when I reached them. "Ready?" he asked.
I gave him a small smile back and nodded. The three of us left the house, Kacchan locking the door behind us and walked to the location of the party. It was not very far, so none of us saw any reason to try and take the bus.
Our walk was silent and peaceful, minus the shuffling of people spending the night out together. It was a Friday night after all. It makes sense that there would be so many people out. Some waved and said hi to us. Others asked for photos and autographs, but we didn't get bombarded as much as I thought we would.
Eventually, we made it to the party. The music was loud and I could feel it thump in my chest. There were pretty fairy lights strung up everywhere to deter the darkening sky as the sun went down. There were people everywhere, many that I had recognized, yet it had been so long since I had seen them. Kaminari had decorations of all sorts around, there was a bonfire in the center and a large table not far away that had all the food and drinks. Kaminari was quite accommodating, he had junk food snacks, but also healthier snacks for those of us who don't normally eat sugar. He had alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages as well. All in all, the set up was pretty amazing. The stars shone brightly above and the moon was full.
It was the perfect night for a party.
"Guys!" Kaminari called. Sero and Shinso walked over to us with him. "You made it! What do you think?"
"More laid back than I thought it would be," Bakugou remarked.
"Yeah well, I still work in the morning, so I didn't want it to be too out of hand," Kaminari replied.
"It was my idea," Shinso butt in. Kaminari wanted to go all out, but Shinso managed to reign him in.
Kirishima laughed, knowing that was true.
"Toshi!" Kaminari whined.
Shinso only gave him a side glance. "Anyways, glad the three of you made it. Please help yourselves to anything." He shuffled off.
Kaminari stuck his tongue behind his boyfriend's retreating back. "Kiri!" He turned to his best friend. "I need some help with something. Do you mind?"
"Not at all! What is it?"
"Follow me!" Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero all left for a different direction. I watched Kacchan narrow his eyes at their retreating figures.
"They're up to something," Kacchan said.
"Kaminari just wanted him for something," I reminded.
"They're still up to something. Those two never make a peaceful combination."
I snickered. "You're one to talk."
Kacchan glared at me and I threw my hands up in surrender. "I'm thirsty, I'll be back!" I exclaimed before rushing off. The last thing I need is the pomeranian to bite me.
I went to the beverage table and grabbed a soda. I popped the can open and chugged about half of it.
"Midoriya," someone called.
I turned to see Todoroki walking towards me.
"Todoroki!" I exclaimed. "I didn't expect to see you here," I said.
"Everyone was invited," he replied in his typical monotone.
"Well, I know. I just mean I know you work in the morning, so I thought you'd stay home."
"I thought you would be at home as well."
"Shinso convinced me to stop by."
Todoroki nodded. "How are things?" he asked.
I frowned. "Fine, why?"
"I just mean being with Bakugou and Kirishima. He hasn't done anything to you, has he?" he asked, referring to Kacchan.
Todoroki found out what happened with Kacchan when we were back in school. Ever since then, he's been a little capricious with him.
"It's been fine. We're still working things out, I think."
"My place is always open if you need time away."
I smiled at my best friend. "Thank you." I looked around at the party for a moment. "Hey, I don't see Iida."
"He didn't come," Todoroki said.
"Oh, that's a shame."
Todoroki leaned to his left and set his weight against that foot. He crossed his arms as he looked at me. "Have you heard from his recently?" he asked.
"No. Sometimes he calls me, but I haven't really seen him a ton." I frowned at this realization. Iida is usually in everyone's business. Constantly spouting out rules and reminding us how hero's should be acting. It's been weeks since I properly spoke with him, except when dealing with villains together.
"He's been quiet recently. I heard he recently left to visit his family."
"His family doesn't live very far though," I remarked.
"I know."
My frown only deepened. "I'll give him a call later tonight," I said. It's concerning me that Iida has gone radio silent recently. I hope everything is okay with him.
I wanted to curse myself for not noticing it sooner. Surely I would have picked up on it sooner if I wasn't so selfishly dealing with myself.
"I will do the same, but take care of yourself," he said.
I nodded. Todoroki left as Sero had called him over for something. I smiled at the way Todoroki seemed to be getting along with Sero recently. I wonder if Sero is still living with him.
"Deku," Kacchan's voice called from behind me.
I jumped and turned to look at Kacchan. "Yes?" I asked.
"I want to speak with you."
"What about?"
Kacchan turned and took a seat at one of the benches that surrounded the bonfire. The warmth making him glow. The music was a little quieter right here, enough that we could hear each other properly. I slowly took a seat beside him, worried what this might be about. "Kacchan?" I called gently.
"We haven't had a chance to speak," he said and leaned his elbows on his knees, staring at the fire.
"Speak about what? Is there something we need to discuss?" My head tilted in confusion.
"You're an idiot," he said, but there was no hostility in his tone. I stayed quiet, waiting for him to continue. "You're incapable of holding a grudge, you know that?"
"That's not true. I have a grudge against the Black Lotus," I remarked.
Kacchan glared at me. "That's completely different."
My eyebrows furrowed, and I pursed my lips. "Kacchan, are you talking about what happened between us?" I asked.
Kacchan went silent. "I never apologized," he said.
I only stared at him. Is this really Kacchan? The man that never regrets anything? The hot headed loud mouth who always told me to screw it?
"I should've, a lot sooner than this."
"You're not saying that now because of what happened with Ochako, right?"
Kacchan turned to me. "Damnit Deku! Do you think I'm that horrible of a person?"
I bit my lip. "No, not anymore."
Kacchan went silent again.
"Kacchan, why now? Why all of a sudden?"
Kacchan popped his fingers in irritation, but it was like he was trying to find the right words and couldn't quite manage it.
"I thought if I ignored you, then it would go away, but now you're back in my life full time," he said, staring at the fire again.
"Kacchan, I never left. I don't understand what you mean."
He looked back at me and glanced over my features before heaving a sigh. "You're right. Somehow, we always keep getting stuck together," he said. "But I'm meaning seeing you all the time again, like when we were little. UA was different, I could escape from you if I wanted to."
"Why did you want to escape from me?" I've gotten good at knowing how to press Kacchan for information. By asking things in chunks, he's more likely to answer. Too many at first will just cause him to lash out and get angry because he feels like he's being interrogated.
"Because you proved me wrong at every corner, yet never did you try to turn the tables-rub it in my face like I did to you. It made me feel worse, so I'd just leave."
"And now you can't, right?"
I watched his eye twitch for a moment. "No, but I don't want to anymore."
My eyes widened and my jaw went slack. "Kacchan, are you saying that you want to make up for what happened in middle school?"
Kacchan rolled his eyes. "Yes, and I want to start with an apology. What I said to you, it was cruel."
I looked down. "Yes, it was, but Kacchan, I was never mad at you for it."
"You should've been. You should have punched me in the face, spit at me, cursed me. I don't know, but you shouldn't have let it go."
It went quiet again. I couldn't really believe what I was hearing. Kacchan is so prideful that even when he is in the wrong, he has a hard time coming to terms with it and apologizing for it. I never expected to receive an apology for what happened and I accepted that, but now that he has apologized....I don't know what to do.
I saw Kirishima not too far away from us. He was laughing and smiling and cracking jokes with his friends.
"Tell you what," I started, "I accept your apology, and if you're serious about making it up to me," I paused.
Kacchan looked at me, waiting for me to continue.
"Then spend the rest of your life making him happy," I said and nodded over at Kirishima. "Your guys' happiness makes me happy. Don't lose it like I did. That's all I ask."
Kacchan stared at his laughing boyfriend. His hands shook at my words, but I didn't pay attention to any of that, I continued to watch the embers burn that brilliant orange, reminding me of the man next to me.
"I do have one more question, if it's alright?" I asked.
Kacchan turned to me, giving me his undivided attention. "Please don't take this the wrong way. I care about you both. You both are amazing friends," I said, but my smile was a little saddened. "But what was different about Kirishima? Why was he able to do what I had tried so desperately to do?"
Kacchan continued to stare at me, but I could feel my own eyes glass over, so I refused to look back, knowing I would find that burning gaze that I always found so captivating.
I remembered how I tried to keep our friendship together. I tried being strong and kind and smiling, but it wasn't enough. Kacchan still despised me, no matter what I did. Yet, Kirishima did the same thing. He smiled at him, he was kind to him, he was strong.
So what was different? Was I just too weak?
Kacchan scooted closer to me and continued to stare intensely. "I don't think there ever was."
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