Will you be my Valentine
A/n: did you see what I did in the title WILL you be my valentine. Get it XD XD XD sorry I had to read on
You got up and did your usual routine and everything then left your house.
After you'd walked for a few minutes Grell and Ronald walked with you and said they had a plan so you just wen with it. When you got to work you started on your paperwork and what was supposed to be Alan's paperwork aswell.
You had your head on the desk when grell walked in and gave you an envelope with a black rose.
"Just saying it's not from me" you were relieved when he said this. You opened the envelope and read the letter.
Dear (y/n)
Will you meet me at the cinema tomorrow at 07:15 don't loose your ticket
From ?
You took the ticket out of the envelope you were going to see 'the space between us' it was a movie you had really wanted to see and you couldn't wait.
As the day ended you went to mr. Spears office and told him you were done and went home. You ate then decided to go to bed early tomorrow was Saturday so you didn't have work but you did have your date with the anonymous man who'd sent you a valentines card.
You woke up the next morning tired and because it was Saturday you could sleep in. Thank The Lord. You got ready at 5:00 because that gave you two hours ish to get ready for your date. You wore your really nice jeans and a checkered long sleeve shirt, you didn't like dresses or skirts because you didn't like showing off your skin that much. You wore your smartest shoes that went with your outfit and wore a jumper, unzipped. When you were done you put a little bit of make up on you didn't put too much on because A) you didn't want to over do it and B) you didn't know how to use half of the make up you had. You checked your watch, it was 6:35 so you decided to start to walk to the cinema. When you got there you didn't see anyone who was waiting for anyone So you waited. After a few minutes of waiting you saw William.
"Hello William what are you doing here?"
"I'm here because I got a valentines" oh...my...god was he your...no he couldn't be no. William showed you the letter it was the same as yours.
"So you were the one who sent me a valentines" you said
"No you sent me one i didn't send you one" you looked at William confused.
"But I didn't send you a valentine either" you sighed.
"We've been set up" William said
"And I know exactly who did" you checked your watch, it was 07:30 you'd missed the movie, the doors would be shut, oh well.
"Who set us up" William questioned
"Ronald and Grell"
"Ronald did give me a letter"
"And Grell gave me a letter" William sighed.
"Well we can't go see the movie now I'll see you tomorrow (y/n)" you sighed disappointed then you had an idea.
"William could you please walk me home" William stopped and turned around
"It is late and a lady should never walk home by herself at this time anything could happen so alright"
'Yas' you thought 'at least he's walking me home'
When you and will got to your house you invited him inside. He accepted! You were so happy on the inside. You decide to make dinner for the both of you. It was...ok but not the best dinner you've ever made.
"Would you like a drink?" You asked will.
"Yes please thank you" you walked into the kitchen and got will a glass of water as you were leaving you bumped into him. Luckily the water didn't spill much thank god.
"Oh sorry" you apologised.
"No it's my fault I didn't know you were coming out the kitchen"
"It's ok" you gave the water to will and he drank it.
"I really must be going now"
"Ok" you nodded and will put his coat and shoes on.
"Thank you for the food it was lovely" will smiles slightly and you out of no where started to giggle a little.
"What's so funny?" You looked at him.
"You were smiling"
"So?" You smiled
"I hardly ever see you smile or show any emotion" you carried on giggling and William started to chuckle you couldn't believe it he was showing emotion to you.
"Well goodbye (y/n) see you on Monday" before he went you grabbed his arm.
"Yes (y/n)?" You looked down nervously.
"We should do this again some time" you had started to blush slightly and so did he.
"Uh...yeah sure (y/n)" you nodded and said your goodbyes then closed the door and he was gone. You smiled so wide you thought your smile had reached your ears 'YAS!!! We've become at least friends and I think he's developed feelings for me or at least i hope so' you thought. That night you hardly slept you were ecstatic. The next day you had arranged to see Grell and Ronald at your usual cafe. When you arrived they could hardly control their curiosity and you told them everything to him walking you home to him smiling and chuckling. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.
"And you're sue this wasn't your imagination (y/n)" Ronald said.
"100% sure" grell was on the edge of his seat.
"He likes you! he so likes you!" Grell said excitedly. After an hour or so of you guys chatting about stuff you had to go so you said your goodbyes and left for home.
The next day you went to work happier than usual. You couldn't wait to see will again but was also nervous to see him again. You were so ecstatic that you hardly got any work done so you left it for tomorrow you now need to go to mr. Spe- oh whatever you had to go to wills office.
You knocked on the door confidently.
"Come in" he was back to his cold usual voice. You open the door and as he sees you enter he tries not to smile or show any emotion.
"Hello (y/n) finished with your work?"
"Yes mr. Spears I'm going to head home now" he looked at you.
"Please call me will or William from now on" you were moving forward.
"Ok William" you got up and before you left he grabbed your arm again.
"Did I drop my pen again?" You joked
"No I was just...just thinking that...tomorrow you'd like to...to come round mine...y'know because you were kind to me yesterday and I'd like to give you the same kindness back" you smiled at him.
"Yeh sure I'd love that!"
"Great see you tomorrow then at work and then shall we say 7?" You nodded
"7 is fine for me" will smiled and again you giggled a bit and will blushed.
"Bye will" you opened the door and left.
"Bye (y/n)"
Wills p.o.v
I sat back into my chair and tried to get back to work but i couldn't focus I kept thinking of (y/n) she's been in my head ever since I met her but I've always been good at not showing any emotion until now I guess it's because I know she feels the same way. Yesterday was probably the most fun I've had in ages. And this is the first time I've ever been happy since...my parents. Well now I'm not gonna be able to sleep because (y/n) has got me excited for tomorrow so I guess I have time to finish my work.
(Y/n) p.o.v
You walk up to your front door and unlock the door then go inside, You put on your favourite music and relax on the sofa imagining how tomorrow was gonna pan out. As you were imagining you accidentally fall asleep.
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