You wake up to your alarm going off. great another day of work. you get up and put your (f/c) glasses on. you then have a shower, have breakfast, brush your teeth and get dressed all before you start walking to work. you check your watch, it was 08:15 so you decided to leave your house and start on your journey to the reaper dispatch association.
"(y/n)!" you heard a familiar voice call out. you look behind you and see one of your friends, Ronald. he was annoying at some points and was always flirting with the female reapers, you made it clear to him that you didn't like him in that way so he gave up on you.
"hey Ronald" you slowed down so he could catch up with you.
"can i walk with you?" he said
"i dont see why not" you carried on walking at your normal pace with Ronald beside you. you chatted about random things on the way to work until you had to say your goodbyes and enter your office. once inside you saw a mountain of paperwor.
"ugh i forgot i wasn't in yesterday so now i have over time great" you thought. you sat down in your comfy spinny chair and got to work. it took you 2 hours to finish all the paperwork but you were glad you had finished it all.
"finally now please say i can go out in the feild today because im getting bored of doing paperwork" you got up and out of your spinny chair and started to walk to mr. spears office. once outside you took a while to knock on the door for you had a massive crush on him. you didn't know how you did because he was as cold as ice and never showed any emotion to anyone but you did have one and the worst part was that he was your boss. you finally knocked.
"come in" you opened the door and walked in.
"im finished with my paperwork mr. spears" you looked at him with a straight face knowing that if you looked serious he would think something was wrong with you because you were never really serious and if you smiled slightly you'd end up smiling so much your cheeks would start to hurt.
"good now here are a few souls for you to collect, as always sutcliff has taken the day off so since youve finished all your paperwork you can collect them" mr. spears handed you the files and you took them. soon after you began to stare at him and how handsome you thought he was and you didn't realise until he snapped you out of it.
"(y/n) are you ok?" you were brought back to reality.
"sorry got caught in my thoughts what were you saying?" great cover up.
"i was saying that humphries has been suspended for a week and you will need to do some of the work he has left behind" you sighed at this. thats even more work than usual. how were you going to cope.
"ok thanks for letting me know" you got up from your seat.
"im your boss its my job. goodbye (y/n)"
"bye mr. spears" and with that you left his office. once outside you leaned on the wall and huffed that you had managed to cover up yet another one of your long stares. you started to walk towards your office and collect your coat and scythe. it was a katana with a (f/c) handle it matched your (f/c) long coat as well. after you had collected your things you headed out to find your first soul of the day.
name: annie feilder
gender: female
age: 35
time of death: 04:25
cause of death: blood loss from stab wound inflicted on by abusive boyfriend.
ok lets do this. after looking around london for a while you finally found her. annie feilder was in her house with her boyfriend having an arguement and in 3, 2, 1 annies boyfriend stabbed her in the stomache and left her to die. you jump into the open window and stab your katana into the middle of her chest and looked through her cinematic records, it was boring as usual nothing interesting. you brought out your 'completed' stamp and stamped the file.
after you had collected all of the souls grell was supposed to collect you headed back to the reaper dispatch association to finish your shift. on your way out you saw Ronald again.
"hey Ronald"
"hey (y/n). do you wanna go out to a cafe with me and grell later? we thought you might like to come" you thought about this for a minute amd then you realised it was either this or sit at home trying to find something to do.
"okay sure why not"
"great we're meeting at the cafe at 6 is that ok for you?"
"yh thats fine i'll see you and grell later then bye"
"bye (y/n) see you at 6" you put your headphones in and started listening to your favourite song (insert song here) you liked it because it related to you alot. when you got back you changed from your uniform to just some jeans, a tshirt and a hoodie, afterall you were only going to a cafe.
when it got to 05:30 you left your house to leave to the cafe you, Ronald and Grell usually met up at. you entered the cafe and saw them sitting at the far end of the cafe next to the window.
"hey guys" you sat down next to Ronald and Grell they were sat on the sofas as usual so you always got to sit next to both of them.
"hello (y/n)" Grell said
"hey (y/n)" Ronald said. you guys started chatting in general and then you started talking about mr. spears or as you guys called him out of work, will or william. you immediately started day dreaming about him, Ronald and Grell noticed this straight away.
"i knew it!" Grell said snapping you out of the trance.
"knew what?" Ronald looking straight at you replied.
"you like him dont you?" Grell was on the edge of his seat.
"no why would you think that?"
"its pretty obvious (y/n) darling whenever we mention him you start to daydream and we cant tell you how many times we've seen you hesitate to go into his office and then when you come out you lean against the wall in relief" Grell said
"its really that obvious? oh god what if everyone knows oh no" you said worryingly.
"dont worry (y/n) we got your back" you look at Ronald and then Grell.
"you do?" Grell held your hand.
"of course afterall what are friends for?" you smiled at his comment
"plus its valentines day soon so...y'know" you kept smiling
"thanks guys" you carried on chatting about other things until you had to go.
"so see you guys tomorrow at work" grell smiled wide showing his shark like teeth and hugged you goodbye, when you first met him and he'd hug you, being a male you thought it weird but when you found out he was more girly you got used to it. ronald just waved you goodbye and you left. When you got home you lay on the couch and thought about stuff, then you made yourself dinner just some pasta nothing special then you went to bed. As you slept you dreamt about being with William but it then turned into a dream about rainbow unicorns I don't know what happened there.
The next morning you did your daily routine and headed to work, on your own this time. Tomorrow was valentines day normally a day where you just stayed in after work eating ice cream, watching romance movies and telling yourself that you were going to be lonely forever but you had a feeling that wasn't going to happen this year. For the whole day you didn't see Ronald or grell. Oh well. Your day was just filled with paperwork but eventually you got to end of your shift and went as usual to wil- I mean mr. Spears office to tell him you'd done your paperwork and were heading home.
'Knock knock'
"Come in" oh how you loved the sound of his voice.
"Um...I've done all of my work and I'm heading home now see you tomorrow" as you
Said this you did know you were fiddling with your shirt nervously
"Ok goodbye see you tomorrow as usual" you were about to leave until he grabbed your arm and your heart started beating rapidly
"Here you dropped your pen" you took your pen which had obviously fallen out of your pocket. After you had calmed down a bit you walked home and made food and ate, still just pasta.
After you ate you put your music on and read for an hour before going to bed hoping tomorrow wasn't going to be too stressful.
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