and it was going so well...
the next morning you woke up alone even though you knew that you had gone to bed with William last night you remembered it all, you remembered how you had woken up at midnight and he'd comforted you and you were going to ask him why he smelt of cigarette's. you got up and saw that all his stuff was still here but he wasn't. something was up. or maybe you were being paranoid and he had just gone to work didn't know, but you knew it was one of the two.
you got up and got dressed and did your usual and you were about to leave when you saw that wills coat was still hung up, he never left without his coat. you took it off the hanger and inspected it. nothing. nothing to make will leave it behind anyway. no tears no holes. you put it back on the hanger and decided to inspect your house, I mean there might be some clues as too were will was or what happened to him. you shook your head. you were just being paranoid, what would have happened to will that was so bad. you left your house and decide to stop off at wills house just in case, he could have gone back to his house for some reason. you looked in through the window but there was nothing except his book shelves and his desk. you started on your journey to work but where will had gotten to was still on your mind.
when you got to work you went straight to will office. you knocked on the door. no answer. you knocked again. no answer. you knocked once more. no answer. you opened the door and see a note on the table. it reads;
'hello I'm guessing you're wanting to know the whereabouts of a William. t. spears by now, he is not dead but very injured. give up your precious scythes or he will be dead. we aren't fooling you because if Mr spears were dead we wouldn't be asking this of you, please leave all your scythes outside the reaper dispatch association tomorrow before 12:00 pm where we will have Mr spears and if the scythes aren't there then say goodbye.
hope to see you tomorrow signed ash'
who was this ash guy? oh well, you didn't care right now because they had got William and you had to take this note to the higher up's. you ran down the hallway and bumped into Ronald.
"woah in a hurry much"
"sorry Ronald is just..." you show Ronald the note and he just stares at it to take it all in.
"who does this guy think he is and what is he doing?" you take the note.
"I don't know but I've got to get this too the highe-" before you could get going Ronald grabbed your arm.
"don't bother (y/n) its a waste of time. they wont bother to risk anything for will, especially scythes, look we don't have much time we need to find will" Ronald let go of your arm and a tear slips your eye.
"of all people......why did it have to be will?" you start to cry slightly. but look down so people don't stare at you.
"hey its ok we're going to get him back I promise" you look up at Ronald with a few tears trickling down your face.
"thanks Ronald" you smile at him and wipe the tears from your face.
"well if we're going to find him we better start looking for him now." Ronald nods.
"lets start at his house because I'm guessing that's whe-" you cut him off.
"no we need to check my house" Ronald looks at you confused.
"he was staying at mine" Ronald looked like he was going to start a conversation about when you were going to tell him all this but he stopped.
"alright then. but we're going to need some help"
"ok but meet me at mine at 04:00 ish because I don't feel like working today I'm going to go back to wills so I don't mess up the 'crime scene' ok?" Ronald smiled at you.
"sure cya then" you said your goodbyes and went off to wills to probably didn't feel like doing much else.
wills p.o.v
I woke up in the cell they'd thrown me in. my head hurt and my shoulder was in bad shape, I had cuts and bruises all over my body and I was still in my striped pyjamas which was a bit embarrassing and didn't make me look.....well you know whenever I said anything the guards would just laugh. bloody angels. why did they want me in the first place? I was missing (y/n) terribly and I was sure she was missing me as well. I looked around the cell. there was much in fact there wasn't anything at all except a bowl with inedible food in it, but there was a small window with bars on it so at least I had a little bit of light. I didn't know where I was. even if I looked out the window I didn't recognise the place outside, an there weren't any people. I sigh and sit down on the uncomfortable concrete floor, hoping someone would come and rescue me or I'd be able to find some way of escaping.
(y/n) p.o.v
you opened the door to wills flat since you had found the spare key. you closed the door and hung your coat up then headed into the living room where you curled up on wills sofa. it was comfortable and made you remember the night you had spent dinner here and the first night you and will slept together. you smiled and began to cry. soon you were sobbing and you had fallen asleep on the sofa, what can I say crying is tiring. your phone went off and it woke you up. it was Ronald and it was 04:15. you answered.
"hey Ronald sorry I'm running late I just......yh I'll be there in a few minutes"
"are you ok (y/n)?" you hesitated to answer.
"yh ok now just...yh I'm fine"
"ok if you say so...see you in a bit then" you hung up and cleaned yourself up then you grabbed your coat and headed out the door to your house where you saw Ronald, Grell, Eric and Alan.
"hey guys sorry I'm late I just lost track of time" you unlocked your door and walked in with everyone walking in behind you.
"here you go, inspect the crime scene" you joked.
"right.....well we know he was taken at night time because you were with him all evening, we just don't know what time" Ronald said
"it was somewhere after 12:30 am" Ronald looked at you
"how do you know that?"
"because I woke up at 12:00 am and didn't go back to sleep until 12:30 am" Ronald raised his eyebrow.
"and how would you have known that will was still in the building"
'oh god your going to have to tell him you were sleeping in the same bed' you thought
"because...." you put your head down to look at the floor.
"because....we were in the same bed" you said this quietly but everyone still heard what you said and just stared at you in disbelief. you smiled nervously.
"well, well, well....." Eric said and you kind of nodded.
"I didn't think will could develop feelings for someone" Alan joked.
"yhhhh guess you were wrong...........but we're getting side tracked" everyone seemed to snap back into action checking every door and window until Grell found something.
"guys!!!! I found something!!!" you all rushed to where Grell was and saw he was holding what looked like a white feather.
"angels....." Alan said and you looked at him like; how do you know that?!
"we would see them when we were collecting souls sometimes and their feathers are distinct and are easy to tell apart from normal ordinary feathers" you looked t the feather Grell was holding.
"I thought that demons were going to be behind this but angels? what do they want with our scythes anyway?" Ronald said with his arms crossed.
"I don't know and we can care about that later but they have will and we need to get him back before tomorrow at mid day or......" you close your eyes as you even think of what will happen to will.
"we have that little time?!!! but we don't even know where they're keeping him?!!!! how are we supposed to find him in time!!!" Grell said
"I think I might know where they're keeping him, but its heavily guarded"
"well then that's settled....we go in a few hours agreed?" everyone nodded there heads then crashed at your place before it was time to go and save will.
in the few hours you had before dark you were thinking about will so much tht you zoned out completely. thinking of how each scenario was going to pan out, repeating them all in your head. will, we're gonna find you no matter what happens and im going to make sure youre safe eve if its the last thing I do
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