HC <5> : Defensive vs. Offensive
• Alright, here we go.
• Defensive, to the T.
• I know for a fact that y'all can agree with me on this one, all the way.
• One of my favorite griangsts is the fact that in his younger years he went to Yandere High School and that shit fucked him up BAD.
• Grian can't stand the sight of blood but seeing as Hermitcraft has a respawn button, he doesn't have too deal with that.
• Anyways, getting off topic.
• Grian would NEVER want too purposefully hurt someone like that but he will set up a trap for someone.
• Like in Tag or when he had a hit man sent after him, he didn't pvp.
• He could've, with his past it would make it easy, but he didn't. Instead he set up an easy trap and both ended up working.
• Grian doesn't like pvp but he does enjoy a good prank, he dislikes killing others with the excuse that he JUST CAN.
• He maybe chaotic but he isn't evil, no matter what his record says.
• The Prank War in season 6 was just that, a PRANK WAR.
• No violence in this house, nope, not anymore.
• Defense all the way for this boy.
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