Max shifted until his thigh pressed against Sophie's. Because he could, he slung his arm over the back of the couch, resting the tips of his fingers on her opposite shoulder. Tingles trickled below his skin from the pads of his fingers, up his arm and straight to his heart. No more clandestine hook ups. No more hiding his attraction. Their friends knew they were together. In front of the entire party gathered at the farmhouse, she'd kissed him at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. Not a split-second peck on the lips. A full minute smooch that elicited whoops from their friends.
Despite the heat from the fire Finn was attending to across the room, Sophie snuggled closer, her arm hooking through the crook of Max's. "What's the name again?"
"Djibouti City." He tapped the screen of her phone, pointing to the spot on the map.
With only a few days left until he had to report for duty, Max was concentrating on the here and now, not the future. Sophie, on the other hand, had peppered him with questions. Curious about life in the Navy, his duties, his routines, his downtime. It had surprised her to learn that he wasn't due to spend much time on a ship in this rotation, instead stationed on land as protection duty for the Admiral. Tonight, she wanted to know about where he would be stationed for the next six months.
Two vertical lines formed between Sophie's eyebrows. "I thought you said it was near the Suez Canal."
Finn added a log to the glowing embers. "The port is a strategic location controlling the approach to the Suez."
She turned to Max. "It sounds dangerous."
He squeezed her shoulder. His stomach cramped at the concern in her expression, and he swallowed the impulse to lie to her, pretend the danger wasn't real. But he'd never hide the truth from her. Not now that everything was out in the open. Well, not everything. He hadn't worked up the courage to tell Sophie how deeply in love he was with her. But that wasn't lying. That was biding his time until he was sure speaking those words wouldn't drive her away.
Sophie had taken a giant leap, confessing their relationship first to Mary and then to the others. Max realized the effort that took. He had loved Bug for less than a year. But Sophie had loved Thomas for over a decade. Still wore his engagement ring on her hand. Still spent time with her almost in-laws. Max hadn't worked up the courage to ask what changed her mind, but he was confident that Sophie needed time to adjust to making room for him in her heart.
At least, he hoped she was.
Max dragged a thumb at the offending crinkles on Sophie's forehead. "Some of the locals aren't thrilled we are there. But things are kept civil. We provide jobs and help the local economy."
"The US has held Camp Lemonnier for twenty years." Finn stood, crossed the room and put his hand on the doorframe. "The base is basically a city of its own."
"Finn?" Emily's voice floated in from the kitchen.
"Coming." He jogged out of sight, leaving Max and Sophie alone in the cozy living room.
"Finn's right." Max tapped his knee against hers. "Besides, no one goes into the city without protection."
She dragged down his hand and thread their fingers together. "And you provide that protection?"
"I do."
"Who protects you?"
A bloom of heat spread across his chest. Sophie cared. He pressed a kiss against her temple. "We protect each other in the Navy. No one is alone."
Her gaze searched his. "The reason you stay."
Could she read his mind? "Yes. The Navy is the only place I fit in."
Sophie's short, straight hair drew like a curtain across her face as she tilted her head back to her phone. Max's pulse pounded in his ears. She robbed him not only of her beautiful face, but of access to her expression. He didn't know what to make of her silence. The Navy was who he was, and Sophie knew that. Surely, she couldn't be upset with him.
After what felt like a lifetime, Sophie whispered, "What if there was another place?"
Max exhaled. "I don't belong in Badger. My hometown belongs to the old me. The baseball player with major league hopes. And I can't stay here. Finn and Emily are amazing, but with little Lucy here, they need family time. Besides," he nudged her shoulder, "soon you'll be back in New York at some swanky restaurant. You wouldn't want me living on your couch."
Her head snapped up, glossy eyes finding his. "Why not?"
Max blinked, assessing Sophie's question. She couldn't mean what she was insinuating. Through a dry mouth, he asked, "You'd be okay with me staying with you?"
"I don't know Max. This is all new for me. I'm not sure what I'm saying." She shook her head. "I don't even know if I'm returning to New York. The city is expensive and jobs outside of dishwasher and vegetable scrubber are not easy to come by. The culinary world is very competitive and I don't know if I have it in me to start from the bottom again. Especially after creating this menu for Simon."
"When you wow the investors with your dishes, Simon will have no choice but to hire you as head chef at the winery."
Sophie's gaze fell. "Can you see me living in this small town?" He could. This was the only place he'd spent time with her. To him, she existed here. His memories of their time together in Bridgetown, at the lake house, would sustain him while he was away. Breathe life into him until he could hold her again. "I don't even drive. What would I do with myself? Am I supposed to spend my evenings knitting or whatever lonely women do around here?"
"Emily and Mary—"
"It's not my life. I'm a city girl." Her lips formed a thin line. "I'm not the sit at home alone type. I'm used to spending my nights surrounded by life, people. Like I did back in Washington. Etienne and I were two peas in a pod. I need excitement. Either there or in New York." Her grip on his hand tightened. "If I do go back home, I'll be forced to move in with my parents. You would not want to sleep on their couch."
Despite her objections, his lips curved. Sophie had made plans, contemplated the future. One with him in it. He was a consideration. A possibility. The organ in his chest threatened to burst. "I would if it meant being with you."
"You'd leave the Navy?"
The balloon of elation popped. While he'd give up almost anything to be with Sophie, without the Navy, he had nothing. Was nothing. What could he offer her? Be her driver? She didn't even have a car and had made it clear there was no need for one in New York.
In the kitchen, the fridge door beeped. Finn making Baby Lucy's bottles for the night. What had leaving the Navy done to his friend? Driven him into a depression that had threatened his marriage. Max couldn't risk that with Sophie. She wasn't his wife. They weren't expecting a child. She'd grow bored with him and then he'd have nothing.
Max glanced at the phone in Sophie's hand, the beige of the land stark against the blue of the Adrian sea. "I need a job. What would I do outside of the Navy?"
"Don't you have a plan?" Sophie's fingers slid from his. "Surely you don't intend to stay in the Navy forever?"
"My contract is up at the end of this tour. I was planning on signing on for another six years. I'll be thirty by then."
The words seemed to drive Sophie away as she shifted on the couch, her back straightening. "I'll be thirty-five."
A vice gripped Max's torso. Why had he mentioned his age? He couldn't understand why the gap in years between them bothered her. Five years was nothing.
"You'll be running your own restaurant by then." He scratched his chin. "Maybe you'll hire me to wash dishes."
The attempt at lightening the mood face planted on the floor. Sophie pushed off the couch and headed for the door. "Simon is expecting me early tomorrow. I should turn in."
Max shot up, catching Sophie's wrist. "Wait." She halted, and he wrapped his arm around her waist in a backward hug, his chest pressed against her back. He brushed some strands from her neck and placed a light kiss against her shoulder. Her fingers dug into his forearm and he repeated the kisses until she leaned against him. "We don't have to figure this out now. There's time."
Sophie's body stiffened. "There's not enough time."
He nuzzled her neck, whispering, "Come upstairs with me and I promise I'll make you forget about age and time."
Hand in hand, they ascended to the second floor. Lips against lips, they painted over the painful conversation from the evening. Skin against skin, they rose and fell in ecstasy until time was a lost concept and nothing existed except them. Arms in arms, they held each other as they drifted to sleep.
The next morning, even before he opened his eyes, Max knew he was, as usual, alone in his bed. His limbs lay like bricks, unable to move. If Sophie couldn't even stay with him for one night, what hope did he have of keeping her for a lifetime?
Hey all, DL here.
Anyone else forget that Max is only on leave for a short period? He's due back to the Navy soon. Too soon for Sophie.
Tell me, do you think
A) Sophie will break things off with Max before he leaves?
B) Sophie will give a long distance relationship a try?
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