I'm Weak
Fin's crushing Victoria to his body, I can see his fingers pressing into her soft flesh, holding her to him with force.
It's such and intimate brutal scene playing out before my eyes. I should look away, give them privacy but I'm unable to, the brutality makes me look on...it's a perversion I feel to be witnessing something so private made so public I can't look away. I want more of it and I'm disgusted with myself for that thought. The Northerner is holding me to his side, fingers firmly gripping me to him. I can hear his heavy breathing as he watches his past becomes his brothers Future.
I see the visible shiver that runs up and down her legs. The way she holds Fin's shoulders for support, eyes half closed as the pain turns to a blissful pleasure.
Teeth retracting back, his tongue licks her neck sealing his bond to her. Fin's jaw muscles twitch, stepping away from her, he studies Victoria in front of him.
He get's to see her truth, her rawness.....the nakedness of her soul. It's his turn to be rooted in place unable to move as the bond's force starts to act in ways that he could have never imagined.
For her part, she meets his gaze, her head held high with dignity. She stands there bare before him, before all the Warriors in a determined restraint.
She sheds no tears in front of all these males, she doesn't scream or kick or bite. She merely stands there assessing her situation. Her face is blank, void of any kind of emotion.
She's lost all her pack land, she's been claimed....her position of Alpha gone, forever to be his burdened mate. Yet she holds herself with such superiority, that you would think Fin just lost the fight.
Her silent mind must be opening up to him whispering inside him, she stands there not flinching not looking away but meeting his judgment head on like the Queen she is.
Chin raised not in defeat, not in humiliation but in absolute dignity of who she is.
Fin's head turns to his brother, eyes meeting, a look passes over him, a hidden judgment but I can tell the Northerner understands that look. His body bristles slightly underneath Fin's hard look.
"You should have brought your army Victoria?" His voice is firm but his eyes are coveting her flesh.
"Why! So innocent lives could be wasted, slaughtered over our differences?" She huffs this out. She still stands with her back straight, head held high in her own confidence.
She's been defeated but still, she reeks with the power she holds. Never once does her gaze drop below his head, she's unconcerned with his flesh.
Usually, when Alpha's fight there can only be one winner, one champion, there can only be One Alpha. The loser is killed, its body ripped to shreds by the winner. Fin was unable to do this to his mate, instead, he's claimed everything that is her's, the pack and her soul.
In a pack there is only one leader, there could be many generals, many advisors, many enforcers, many followers but only one supreme ruler, the leader of everything and Fin became that leader today over Victoria.
My heart goes out to her, she was never given the opportunity to train the way Fin was raised, a born leader forced to become a forced follower.
Fin grabs hold of Victoria spinning her around, so her back is pressed against him. He forces her to her knee's.....she complies, understands what's coming next by the clenching of her jaw and lowering of her head.
With the victor comes the spoils, Fin intends to take her the way the Northerner intended to take me in front of his pack.
His warriors start to howl, as I see her brace herself on hands and knee's, waiting.
The curtain of her hair shields her face from all the eyes that are on her.
"Fin," screaming it out as I run as fast as I can knocking into him standing over Victoria, I can't let this happen not in front of me, not like this. I show Fin my teeth, my pack's warriors start to puff themselves up, Fin's warriors start to slowly fall into a defensive position.
Low rumbling growls deep in the warrior's chests start to cause the air to hum and pulse with a lethal exhale of their intended aggression.
"Meela," the Northerner stands protectively in front of me on my right, angling his body over top Victoria's in a protective stance.
"Meela go inside the house." The Northerner tries to shove me away but I won't budge.
"Fin you need to calm down," trying to smooth my words over his body.
"Fin enough!" The Northerner bellows his command out, his warriors stepping back slightly with the force of it.
Fin's eyes take in our position over top his prize, trying to protect what he so wanted to take. Shaking his head, with a look of disbelief he looks to Victoria on the ground with her protectors over top of her.
"Get up Victoria, go get dressed." Fin's voice is stern but gentle at the same time.
Victoria needs no help getting off the ground she makes her way to Charlie's fighting form bending down she pulls his head on her lap, whispering unheard words into his ear. Rubbing the blood covered fur with her hands looking into Grey's eyes, "please make sure he goes back to my pack, he needs to be buried beside his mate and children, promise me."
Grey just nods his head in a silent promise. She walks with her back to us into the house passing the body of Stephanie without even a glance. She has not cracked or broken down in any kind of way, the armor surrounding her character still intact...Fin will not be able to break that.
I follow Victoria into the house then leading her into my room, her face remains blank, no emotion.
"Do you mind if I shower first, then get dressed?" It's said in a monotoned way.
Her eyes don't connect with mine, her focus is gone.
"Of course....no problem." Grabbing her some comfies laying them on the counter, backing away and closing the door behind me.
The Northerner enters the bedroom as I wait for Victoria to come out.
"That was very dangerous Meela, the way you threw yourself in front of Victoria like that. You can't do that again if it was anyone else...I don't even want to think what could have happened to you."
He closes the gap between us, engulfing me in his arms, the strength of him holding me against him, starts to create an aching need for him.
Hearing the door open, we both turn towards Victoria.
In the confines of this room, she lets her armor shed as Grey goes to her wrapping her into him. I feel this is a private matter between people with history. Something I shouldn't witness. I hear her pitiful cries, her strangled gasps as Grey just runs his fingers through her hair, trying to calm her broken soul.
He's gentle with her, whispering things to her only for her ears to hear as she falls apart in his arms.
My Northerner embracing his past while his Future looks on in jealousy....it's evil head starts to slither up my spine, hissing its insecurities in my ear, curling its tail around my heart. Striking its venom into my soul. Feeling my chest tightening with doubts, I back away and out of the room no longer able to take the scene in front of me. It's too difficult to watch my Future, taking care of his past.
I make my way into the kitchen, I need to eat...looking into the fridge my stomach suddenly sours at the thought of putting anything in it. Closing the door Fin's eyes lock on mine, I slightly jump from his closeness.
"Don't be scared, Meela." The way he says my name makes me back away from him, putting space between us.
"I could never hurt you." He means that there is no lie that I can detect.
"Where is she?"
"Upstairs with Grey," shrugging trying hard for him not to see how it's eating me up inside, the venom of jealousy coursing through my veins making me clamp my jaw tight with it's burning sting.
I see the frown on his face, the way his hand scratches his chin, I can taste the distinct taste of jealousy in the air swirling around him. Maybe the demon is crawling inside of him, hissing at his insecurities, causing a sting to his heart.
He regards me smiling, taking my hand into his I look at them clasped together, the soft sparks tingle the nerve endings on my fingers. I try to take my hand away but he won't let that happen.
"Come with me," leading me into the Northerner's office.
"Sit," pointing to the chair.
I do as I'm told, sitting on the cushion of the chair I wait and watch what he's doing.
"I still can't believe how alike the two of you look," blurting it out. He gives me a side smirk as he's rummaging in a high cabinet looking for something, pulling it out he sets the bottle down on the desk.
My eyes are glued to it, I'm unable to even hear the question he just asked me. I swear the inside of my mouth starts to salivate, I have to clasp my hands together in front of me to stop the tremors of anticipation from being visible.
He brings two shot glasses over from the small bar in the corner of the room.
He pours two one for him, one for me
He lifts it up, waiting for me to take mine, I hesitate knowing what this poison has done to me. Made me an addict craving it's hot burn, to the freedom it brings to my mind.
I wish I could say that I could say no, I really wish I could but I can't.... I will always want this. I pick up the shot with its brown liquid freedom, "to my pup." The Westerner Alpha sadly says.
I raise my glass higher, "to Charlie," throwing that freedom down my throat chasing away my insecurities with that one swallow. It spreads a deep warmness in the middle of my chest, tingling my toes, making me want more.
Fin pours us each another shoot, "why did you do it Fin, why kill Charlie."
"She killed my pup Meela I had to take something she loved away, I knew what they were, her and that mutt." He swallows another shot with fury in his eyes.
I take another swallow of the fire water, I actually let a little moan out of pure bliss. The bottle won't be enough already I want to take it away and hoard it to myself.
"I'll need Grey by my side when we go to Victoria's pack," he throws another shot down his throat.
"Why?" I let my gaze linger on his face taking his features in.
"I need him there for me or do you need him here with you?" It's questioned out, he understands what's happening with the progression of my heat, if we plan to have pups.
Swallowing a few more shots down, "you can have him, I don't need him, this time."
The fuzziness of my mind starts letting me eye the Northerner, no it's Fin...it's Fin I see in front of me. He's somehow gotten closer, an invasion of my space. The heat of him is disruptive to my shin, gentle tingles making my eyes close slightly with the effect he has on me. Fin leaning in, smelling my neck before pulling away, reluctantly.
"Why are they taking so long upstairs Meela, what are they doing up there? Come let's find out." He just can't take it any longer, that insecurity is too much for him.
Following Fin, as he makes his way to my room, opening the door he finds them sitting beside each other on the chairs, with the Northerner holding Victoria's hand as she wipes away the tears that refuse to stop.
It completely shocks Fin, he doesn't take another step in her direction but their eyes hold each other, easily.
The Northerner gets up, bringing me to him away from his brother's side. I sway slightly as the Northerner's face falls in a look of disapproval.
"Why?" he whispers in my ear.
Just the touch of his breath on my face makes me want to kiss him. So I turn my head and kiss his cheek, my fingers graze against the side of his face. I give a hard shiver of pleasure with the contact of our skin touching.
"I'm weak Grey," I think it's slurred slightly. Closing my eyes as the room sways back and forth, my stomach rolling over on itself.
I pull away from the Northerner making my way to the bathroom, vomiting the liquor I just consumed.
My body expelling itself of the poison.
Grey hands me a wet towel to wipe my face. He's just standing there staring at me, a look of hurt on his face. I can't stand it, so I look away without saying a word.
He pats my back and lifts my hair out of the way as I retch again and again. Closing my eyes as I lean my head back against the wall.
When I open my eyes again I'm tucked into bed, stretching, looking at the clock it's already ten in the morning. I throw the covers off, taking a shower and brushing my teeth twice, rushing down the stairs.
My head pounds and my stomach is still feeling funny as I take the scene that greets me. The Northerner is at the head of the table with Thomas on his left, Sophie beside him. Fin's at the other end of the table with Victoria to his right, she looks like nothing happened, she's her beautiful stunning self except when I give her a smile, her focus is not there.
Grabbing a drink of water, it takes all my willpower to keep it down.
"I saved you some breakfast it's in the microwave." Just those words roll my insides into near convulsions of misery.
Sitting next to the Northerner letting them resume their conversation. I feel Grey's hand on my thigh rubbing it, "are you ok?" Regarding me with worry.
"I'm fine." My eyes land on Sophie eating her plate of food which has me gagging slightly.
"Meela I'm going to be leaving to help Fin with getting his new pack in order."
"What...when?" I'm confused all of a sudden.
"I'm leaving today, unless you want me to stay? I'll stay if you want me to." The tenor of sound is deeper from his voice. A hand is rubbing up and down my leg, "no it's okay go, I'll be okay without you."
"When will you be back?" I question out.
"In a week," he can see I'm counting days in my head, which puts his return after the end of my heat.
Nodding my head looking at Victoria who's eyes seem to not to be-alive. I don't want to look at her anymore it's too hard to see. No one seems to talk anymore it's uncomfortable the heavy silence.
Getting up the Northerner leads me back to our room, when he shuts the door he turns on me.
"Are you mad I'm leaving?"
"No, why?"
"You just seem different." His hand pulls me into his chest. Inhaling savoring the smell of him.
Realizing in this moment that I'm going to miss him while he's gone. I'm going to miss my Northerner and it brings a smile to my face.
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