3.0 I like Will
Danielle Henderson let out a squeal as Michael Myers barged into the bedroom on the screen of her tv, and Steve Harrington laughed, throwing a piece of popcorn at her. "I always forget how much of a wimp you are." The boy chuckled as Danielle covered her eyes with her hands.
"I'm sorry that someone murdering others freaks me out." Danielle groaned before her bedroom door opened, causing her to scream. "Go after Steve, Michael! I have so much more to live for!"
The girl heard a familiar giggle before removing her hands from in front of her eyes. Dustin Henderson stood in front of her with a smirk plastered on his face. "Dani, what the fuck was that?" Danielle grabbed the remote to her DVR player and paused it, a frown growing across her lips.
"What you got there, bud?" Steve question the boy, pointing to the ghost trap for his Ghostbusters costume, and Austin suddenly threw it behind his back. "Uh, it's nothing." Dustin smiled awkwardly.
"What's up, Dustin?" Danielle asked her brother in almost a monotone. "How was trick or treating?"
"Good." Dustin shuffled his feet around on the ground. "How was the party. Did you get drunk, Danielle?"
Danielle responded with "Nope," at the same time as Steve laughed and said "She got totally wasted." Steve's unwanted answer earned him a glare from Danielle.
"Nice." Dustin nodded. "Danielle, I- Uh- really need to show you something."
"Like right now."
"Can Steve-"
"Just you." Dustin shook his head.
"Alright." Steve chuckled as he moved to the window. "I can tell when I'm not wanted. I'll see you tomorrow, Dani." Danielle nodded as she watched him go out the window.
"Dustin, what was so important that you made me kick Steve out?" Danielle spoke as she stood up from her bed.
"Okay, so let me get this straight." Danielle Henderson sat on her brothers bed as he stared into his turtle tank at the slug like creature he had just captured. "You just found this thing in our trash, and even after our events last year, you decided it was a fantastic idea to bring it into our home." Danielle planted her face into her hands, shaking it back and forth. "You are an idiot." She mumbled against her hands.
"I think he's hungry." Dustin dumped all of his candy onto the area of his bed that Danielle was not on.
The Henderson boy grabbed a 3 Musketeers bar and opened it. "How do you know he'll want that." His sister questioned him, moving closer towards the turtle tank.
"It's nougat."
"Everyone likes nougat."
"I don't."
"Yeah, well, no one likes you, Danielle."
"Steve does."
"I love Steve and all, but you need to find some new friends." Dustin began breaking off a few small pieces of the candy bar as the two argued
and dropped them into the tank. It looked as if Dart wanted to go after the candy, but he didn't want to leave the wood he was hiding under. "Try turning off the lamp. Maybe it's too hot." Danielle suggested, and her brother nodded, turning off the red light shining into the tank.
The slug like creature immediately left the safety of the wood after the light was turned off, and starting chowing down on the nougat. Dustin smiled as he watched his new pet. "See, he likes nougat."
"Yeah, whatever." Danielle rolled her eyes.
The creature finished his candy and made his way over to Danielle, almost giving her a smile of some sort. "You know, he's kinda cute."
Dustin nodded, still smiling. He looked down at the 3 Musketeers wrapper. "We should call him D'Artagnan."
"Yeah." Dustin chuckled as he finished the rest of his candy bar. "Dart for short."
Danielle Henderson sat at the breakfast table, stirring her bowl of Cheerios with her spoon, when she was interrupted by her brother plopping down in the seat next to her. "I'm going to go to the library and get some books on reptiles."
"Don't you already have books checked out?" Danielle asked her brother as she stared down at her bowl of cereal.
"Who knows." Dustin shrugged. "And, I'm bringing Dart with me to school."
"Because maybe my friends will knows something."
"Did you two say something?" Their mother questioned them from inside the kitchen.
Both of the Henderson kids looked up at her. "No, Mom." They spoke in unison.
"Your friends are idiots." Danielle spoke quietly, so their mom wouldn't hear, shaking her head. "Except Will. I like Will."
"It's nonnegotiable." Dustin held his ghost trap, where he was keeping Dart, close to his chest.
"It's a stupid idea."
"No, it's not." Dustin smiled as he hopped off the chair. "Bye, Mom. I'll see you after school."
"Bye, Dusty-buns." Their mother smiled as she waved to her son.
Dustin exited the house, but popped his head back in the house to shout to his sister. "Danielle, Steve is here for some reason."
Danielle furrowed her eyebrows, standing up from the table. She made her way out side to see Steve standing outside his car, waving to her brother as he rode his bike away. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be picking up Nancy?" Steve opened the passenger side door.
"I thought I'd bring you to school." Steve smiled at his best friend.
The Henderson girl pursed her lips, not really understanding what was going on. "Okay, let me just grab my stuff." Danielle walked back into the house, grabbed her backpack. "Mom, my friend is going to drive me to school." She took an apple from the bowl in the center of the table and took a bite.
"Okay, have a nice day, sweetie."
Danielle smiled at her mom as she left the house. She entered Steve's car. "Why did you feel like driving me today?" Her feet moved to dashboard.
"Because you don't think I'm bullshit."
Her smile faded. "The shit Nancy said really got to you, huh?" Steve nodded in response as he turned on the car and started towards the high school. "I'm sorry. You don't deserve that shit from anyone." She began to roll down the window of Steve's car, her eyes turning to the neighborhood they were passing.
Steve shook his head as he glanced over at Danielle. "No, I'm glad I found out how she felt. I'm happy that I didn't have to keep being completely clueless about my girlfriend not being in love with me." He smiled as he watched her fingers trace the wind outside of the car.
"Well, I love you."
"I love you, too, Danielle." Danielle looked outside the window and watched all the trees as they flew by. "You're the best person I know."
Danielle felt her cheeks start to heat up. "Really?" She smiled.
"Yeah." Steve nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. "I really don't know what I would do without you."
"You'd probably die without me." Steve laughed at her response, which caused her attention to move back to him . "Jokes aside, you'd survive without me. Honestly, you'd probably thrive even more without me." Steve furrowed his eyebrows shaking his head.
He knew she was wrong. Steve came to Danielle about everything. She practically made his decisions for him. "No way. You've kept me from making some really terrible, and very dangerous, decisions. I'd be dead without you."
Danielle chuckled, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "I guess you're right about that." Steve's car pulled into the high school parking lot, and he turned the engine off, pulling the key out of the ignition. From the look on Steve's face, Danielle could tell that he was not very excited for the day ahead of him. "Hey, if you need me, just come to my class, and I'll fake my period to get out and talk to you."
Steve nodded, staring at his hands. "I don't wanna do this."
"I know." Danielle grabbed onto his hands, causing him to look her in the eyes. "But I know you can do it. You deserve way better than her, and it's time for you to show her that." The boy immediately looked back down.
"Yeah." Steve swallowed harshly as he grabbed his book bag and stepped out of his car. Danielle inhaled, grabbed her own bag and joining him as he walked to the school.
Steve Harrington inhaled sharply as he was passed the basketball at the end of a long game in gym class. Immediately, a shirtless Billy Hargrove was on top of him, trying to take the ball. "Harrington, right? We've met a couple times."
"You mean, every time you've been trying to fuck my best friend?" Steve spat as he tried to push past, but Billy was able to stop him.
"It's more than you can do." Billy smirked. "Heard you lost your girlfriend last night, and now you're gonna lose your best friend." The brunette scoffed before glancing up at Danielle on the bleachers.
"Can you just shut up and play the game?" Steve murmured before being pushed onto the ground by Billy, who grabbed the ball from him.
Billy rushed past Steve on the ground, and effortlessly threw the ball through the hoop. The blonde boy noticed Danielle, who had finished her runs for class, sitting on the bleachers, reading. The smile across Billy's lips widened as she looked up at him. He sent her a wave, which she immediately returned, smiling. She then noticed Steve laying on the ground, sending her a hurt look. Danielle looked between the two boys, and then shook her head, trying to forget about Billy Hargrove.
While he was watching Danielle, Steve hadn't even noticed Nancy enter the gym until she called for him. "Steve?" The brunette boy sighed as he looked over to see Nancy standing in the doorway. She nodded for him to follow her outside, and so he did.
Danielle rolled her eyes as she watched Steve leave the gym. Of course, the moment she called for him, he came to her. The gym teacher told the class that the period was almost over, so they would be done for the rest of class. Danielle closed her book, and stood up to make her way to the changing rooms, but was stopped by someone putting the arm out in front of her. She looked up to see Billy Hargrove.
"I need to go change."
"But you look hot in those shorts." Billy clicked his tongue as he scanned his eyes across Danielle's body.
The girl shook her head, trying to push past him again, but he would not let her. "And, you should go put on a shirt." Danielle tried desperately to look him in the eyes, as not to look as his bare chest. "And maybe shower."
Billy smirked as he leaned in closer towards Danielle to whisper into her ear. "How about I shower with you instead?"
"I'm okay just showering alone." Danielle shrugged as she tried to get past him, but he put his arm out in front of her. She frowned as she looked up at him. "What?"
"I heard that you are really good at chemistry. Is it true?"
"I guess so." Danielle furrowed her eyebrows.
"I'm not really getting it, so I was hoping that you could help me out by studying with me after school." Billy smirked, leaning against the wall next to him. The girl did not understand why Billy had his sight on her. There was nothing special about Danielle.
"I don't know, Billy, I-"
"Please, Dani?" Billy smiled as he looked down at her. "I could really use the help."
Danielle sighed. "Just studying?"
"Just studying." Billy nodded.
"Then yeah, I guess,"
"Perfect." Billy stated as he ran a hand through his hair. "Meet me by my car after school." He left her to go into the boys locker room.
Danielle rolled her eyes as she saw Steve walking towards her. "Hey, I saw you leaving with Nancy. What happened?"
"Things are done." Steve stated, almost emotionless.
"Steve, I'm so sorry." Danielle wrapped her arms around him, her head leaning against his chest.
Steve immediately pulled away. "Why did I see you with Billy?" His eyes had not left the door to the boy's locker room.
Danielle's eyes widened. "He-Uh- he isn't doing well in chemistry, so he wanted me to- um- study with him this afternoon." She stuttered out, afraid of how Steve would act.
"It's not just studying."
"He said it would be."
"I promise. No funny business."
Word count - 2147
Long chapter, y'all
But that's good!
I'm up to where I was originally, so now I can just start adding chapters yay!!!
I hope you all enjoy the story so far.
I can't wait to see where this goes!
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