AN: well, I am SUPER PUMPED for this chapter. It is a bit of a filler but I just love writing in Greta's point of view and just make it all about her and not really with the story line. So let's just get it in then!
Greta POV-
I couldn't fall asleep that night. I just couldn't stop thinking about the way he looked at me, and smiled at me. I was confused and flattered at the same time.
I had been on first dates before, but this...I didn't know if I can even call it a date. It wasn't awkward as it was with the dates Renee hooked me up with, but I didn't want to get my hopes up. I mean, how can a guy like James Moriarty even think twice about looking at me.
But he did.
And we're doing it all again tomorrow.
I pulled the quilted covers up to my shoulders, hearing the crickets chirp and the frogs croak from the man-made pond my father and I had worked on together, before I graduated High School. It took weeks for us to dig the pond, and when we did, we decided to have a water fight, my father and I. He accidentally hit my cat with water, and she went storming up a tree in fright, and she ended up staying in the tree for days. The only one who was able to get her down was my mother.
I smiled happily, and turned on my side, although I still showed no signs of sleep. I don't know how James did it, but he invaded every space in my mind. Not that I was complaining.
I mentally began to prepare what I was going to wear. Should be something cute, or casual? Does he like the easy-go girls, or the serious kind. What if I say something awkward, no wait...that's already happened and even then, he still wants to see me tomorrow. What if he just agreed so he didn't seem rude, and just hates me?
No. He called me a lovely young woman. That means something, right?
Probably only because he didn't want Maurice to fire me for being not enjoyable. She could do that right?
What if I do something wrong, like not offer to pay the bill, or whatever. Aren't women supposed to take turns paying for their dates? Is this even a date? Probably not. But what if it is, and I never offer? Should I do it anyways? But what if he thinks I'm trying to hint to the fact I have money? Because I really don't. What if he thinks that I'm already poor that's why he's paying, because I'm not poor either. What if he thinks I'm just free-loading him for free ice cream?
I turned over on my other side, lazily, to check the time on the alarm clock on the bed-side table. 12:34 pm. I sighed, and closed my eyes. I really needed sleep.
My eyelids grew heavy and I knew I wanted to sleep, but my mind just kept stressing about everything that was going to happen tomorrow, and mentally preparing for any situation which will most likely never happen in a million years, such as a Woolly Mammoth trampling a bench Jame's and I would be sitting at and ruining our first kiss.
I mean, why in the world would he kiss me?!
I sighed, and groggily climbed out of my covers, my feet touching the cold carpet, and tiptoeing to the kitchen, where my phone lied on the charger, with earbuds attached. I carefully picked it up, as my eyes adjusted to the change of dark scenery.
I opened up my music and clicked on shuffle, the sound of my 1,589 songs I've bought, drowning out my thoughts.
The earbuds buzzed with a little bit Elton John, Pink Floyd, FUN and even Ella Fitzgerald music in my ears.
It seemed like only minutes until I realized I hadn't gotten any sleep at all. The night got away from me without me even realizing it.
As the salmon-colored sun trickled into my bedroom, my eyes opened from my music-daydream.
I snapped up, my hair flying in front of my face with snarling rats nests. Sighing, I got up from my bed, realizing there was no way I was getting any more sleep. I got to my library and picked up To Kill A Mockingbird, the book I was reading at the bar that cliche-dream-like night.
Making my way over to the kitchen, I set down my book and opened one of the cupboards, and grabbed a clean mug and turned on my Kureig, I received from Maurice last year for working at the bookstore more than ten years.
I've had little, to none change in my daily routine, since the end of High School. When I graduated, I did with honors and was given a scholarship to law school. I ended up going, but I practically still lived with my parents, during my schooling. I dropped out once my parents had died, and that's when I got here, where I am right now.
Then the accident happened, and that was the only form of excitement I got from living in my childhood home. And even with that change, I was completely traumatized from it.
And for a couple years afterwards, I recovered physically, but never mentally. I struggled day to day to want to do anything. I was just staying...and it was so boring. Then came two days ago, my life was flipped upside down by one act of common kindness, and now I've laughed genuinely for the first time in five years.
I met this man for a reason, and I hardly believe that it's just for a day.
I lazily plopped onto the couch, my legs flying after setting my mug down full of hot liquid. I picked up the book I was reading and opened it to Chapter 11. Sighing in content, I began to shut the world out for a while, still in my footie TARDIS pajamas. I have a lovely collection of them, from Cookie Monster, to a blue dinosaur. And with that in mind, I began to wonder if I should just show up to work in my pajamas.
An hour went by, and the sun was all the way up. Knowing so, I got ready for work seeming there was about an hour before I had to leave. Fully energized (even with my zero hours of sleep that night), I put on red, plaid button up shirt and tucked a burgundy sweater over it. Pants were pants, and as long as I had some on, I didn't care whether or not I've worn the same pair a whole week in a row or just once a month. After all, I do own a washing machine, as well as a dryer.
I left last night's makeup on, and grabbed my small purse and landyard that kept the keys to my house and the Book Store. As I opened the door, the autumn air froze me to my spot, making me decide I needed a jacket. I turned around in my step, and grabbed Jame's overcoat he gave me, remembering how warm it had kept me. Part of it, that night, was the butterflies I got in my stomach when he outstretched his arm to give me the coat.
I slipped it on over my sweater, and started my dad's car with the push of a button, rushing to the garage at the same time. I heard a yip as I opened it.
"Crap!" I muttered, as Freddie waltzed up to me, pawing at my pants. "I know, I know, girl." I hushed as I gave her a scoop of cat food that was originally for my cat, Fore. She immediately began to lap the food up. "Bye, bye now. You be a good girl." I ordered her, as I cautiously opened the automatic garage door and rapidly opened the door to my car, and put it in forward drive, making sure I closed the garage before Freddie could escape. I didn't want her running the road.
While driving to work, multiple great songs came on the radio and multiple people were almost run over...
I've always had a problem with that. The whole music distraction thing. I procrastinate life saving decisions after the bass drop in a song I like. Which doesn't always turn out the best. Let's just say after four warnings and three tickets, you'd think I'd learn my lesson.
I rounded into the parking lot only a street away from the bookstore, and walked the rest of the way to work, putting in my headphones to listen to music as well. When I got to the door of the book store, I was delighted to see Maurice helping some early costumers.
The door bell jangled as I entered the yellow-lighten store. I set my keys and purse on my desk, Maurice was using as I just passed the young couple leave the store.
"Heyo, Boss!" I gave her a cheeky smile.
"Hello, Greta." She replied, drawn out and almost mockingly. "Someone seems a bit happy today, hm?"
"I just heard the best song ever, Maurice, you will not believe how good it is. Here." I began to unplug my headphones, when Maurice placed her hands on mine.
"You sure it's not about something else?"
"Okay, maybe a little something else as well..." I admitted, the upper corners of my mouth curling into a smirk. Maurice grinned, and began to dance in her spot.
"I got Greta on a da-ate. I got Greta on a da-ate." She began to chant loudly. I began to laugh.
"Okay, okay. It's not a date. I have literally no idea what it is, but let's be honest here, I don't mind if it goes either way." I said, softly, like there was hundreds of people who could be listening in.
"If what goes either way?"
A door bell jangled, and Maurice and I both gasped in excitement. When we saw that it was only Calvin who entered and spoke, we simultaneously groaned.
"Wow. Glad to know I'm welcome at my own job." He said sarcastically, walking forward towards us, and biting on his lip ring. The lip ring he's not supposed to have on.
"Funny. Last time I checked, you weren't." I sassed back, and smiled triumphantly when Calvin stuck his tongue out at me. Maurice chuckled and exited the desk area, scanning over the horizon of books.
"Calvin. I need you to get the blender out. The fruit should come any minute, it's almost 11:00. Greta, could you wait out back for the truck? I'll take care of the front desk." She ordered. I whipped my head towards her, my heart beating in my throat.
"Wait. It's already almost 11:00?"
"Oh..." Calvin trailed his words. "Is this about what you two were talking about when I walked in?" He leaned casually on the smoothie bar, a smirk evident on his face at the fact of me squirming with anticipation. I was about to jab at him for not keeping his head up his butt and getting in my business when Maurice interrupted.
"Greta has a date. All because of me." She flipped her gray, short hair over her shoulder, and began to sashay around. Calvin was silent for a moment, and began to laugh dramatically.
"What?" I defended myself, as Maurice stopped sashaying and I crossed my arms across my chest.
"I pity the poor soul who's forced to go on a date with you." Maurice went to go say something when I held her back.
"Well I don't see you going on any dates." I raised an eyebrow.
"That's only because-"
"Right. Right. I almost forgot. You're waiting for the woman who treat you like the man of her dreams. And by dreams, I meant nightmares."
That shut him up. I don't know how, my insult wasn't really all that good.
"Now, now." Maurice intervened, smiling at the fact that Calvin shut his mouth for once. I smiled and walked out to the back door where the fruit would be coming in. The cold air hit me once again, and Maurice handed me my jacket.
"Where'd you get this fancy piece of cloth?"
"Actually, James gave it to me. You know, the guy you kinda are setting me up with." I gave her a small smile as I put it on over my sweater. Maurice smirked and walked away. I chuckled, and continued to wait for Lawrence with all the fruits at the back of the entire shop. We were lucky to have a beautiful, busy street view, instead of the trees we did have at one point until the city told us to chop them down.
While I waited, I had the amazing ability to watch people scramble around and cars pollute the air. Needless to say, I'm still pissed about it. The only car I wanted to see was Lawrence's truck and he seemed to be running late.
I wasn't complaining though, the faster he came, the faster I'd have to wait for James to come to the Library, and that thought alone made the butterflies in my stomach tighten. As long as I had something to do, I'd be able to contain myself. Waiting alone could drive me to point of insanity.
I sighed in relief and wrapped the coat around me tighter as Lawrence's truck pulled into the back driveway. The car turned off, and his always-smiling gray peeked out of the truck.
"Why hello there, my Sunshine! How's the mornin' treating ya?" His perky speech made my day officially.
"Beautifully now that you're here!" I exclaimed. He walked out to the back of the truck.
"I've got a whole new harvest for ya, dear! Whole new fruits!" I followed him back, and saw papayas, star fruits, and kiwis.
"Why thank you!" I said genuinely. He gave me a second look.
"So..." Lawrence trailed giving me a cheeky grin. "I hear a special someone's got you smiling?"
"Would you get mad if I say yes?"
"No, of course not. I kind of figured she would tell you anyways." I chuckled. "But yes, it's true. But he's not really...special, I guess. I mean he's special, but not, you know...the special kind of special you're thinking of."
"Ah..." He nodded his head, in a thinking kind of way. "But you'd like him to be?" He gave me another smirk. I felt my cheeks grow hot.
"Well...let's just say if it happens, I wouldn't object." I returned the grin, and grabbed the cart that Lawrence was carrying. "Thank you for the fruit, Lawrence! Have a nice day!" I made my way towards the back door, as he entered his truck.
"You're welcome. Now, you have a lovely day as well. Hope everything happens in a way you wouldn't object."
I chuckled again, and shook my head. I heard the engine roar and I opened the door back to the shop.
"Oh! And Greta!" He called, peeking his head out of his driver-side window. I snapped my head back to his direction. "Tell him I want you home by ten!"
AN: Okay! SO, I just want to thank everyone who's reading this! It means so much to me, and you guys are the reason this is still going! THANK YOU! MUCH LOVE TO YOU ALL!
If you love this chapter as much as I love you guys,
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