Chapter 44
After an hour or so, everyone began to leave. Ciel and I said our thank you's and good-byes to every couple or guest that attended the ball before they exited out the doors.
Soon enough, the manor was back to its empty, quiet self.
Well, that was until the trio of servants were on the scene.
"Alright men!" Bard shouted.
Mey-Rin shot him a glare.
The elder blonde jumped back a bit out of cowardice. "And, er, women! The guests have left! So what do we have to do?!"
"Wait until Sebastian cleans up?" Finny asked, raising his hand.
I stifle a laugh when I notice how pissed Bardroy looked.
"No, Finny! We clean up ourselves! We're servants of the Phantomhives, are we not?!" He asked loudly.
"Well, yes, but-" The poor gardeners tiny voice was cut off by the booming one from the chef: "No buts! Now grab the trash can, get the cleanin' supplies! We're scrubbing until everythin' shines!"
"Yes, sir!" Finny and Mey-Rin saluted Bard quickly. They then ran off to start their own process of fixing up the ball room.
Ciel pursed his lips. "(Y/N)..."
"Yes?" I look at him with an amused grin.
"Will you please make sure those idiots do not create an even larger mess of the dancing hall?" He asked, almost pleading.
"Oh, so now you beg." I tease, tapping his nose. A small tint of pink dusts his cheeks at that.
Giggling, I walk off towards where the three troublemakers were.
"That's shoe polish, not floor cleaner!" I heard Bardroy shout at Mey-Rin.
The maid looked mortified. "Oh, Mister Sebastian will kill me, yes he will!"
"You all are like a loose cannon," I comment while walking over to the group. "Do you want some assistance?"
"Miss (Y/N)!" Finny looked over to me.
"We don't need no assistance!" Bard countered my offer.
But the looks from the other two behind him said otherwise.
"I think you do need some help." Ciel stated as he made his way to my side.
I nod in agreement.
The chef crossed his arms, knowing he was defeated. "Alright...I guess we do need a bit of guidance."
"Exactly! Now follow my directions!" I grin as my fist is thrust into the air.
The trio all saluted me while in a line.
Ciel snickers, "You sure know how to get these idiots under your thumb."
"It's a talent." I chuckle, clasping my hands together. "Now let's-" I was cut off by a loud pounding at my door.
"I'll get it." Sighing, my feet carry me towards the door way. The others eyes followed me as I walked out.
The door was banged on again and again, making me rather annoyed.
"One moment!" I shout, speeding up.
Soon enough, I reached my destination, fixing my hair a bit.
Then, I opened the door. At first with a large grin on my face. "Hello, welcome to the Phantomhive manor."
"(Y/N), how you've grown." A familiar voice spoke.
My eyes widen to saucers as I meet the gaze of the man in front of me. "Father..?"
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